This is the best caption ever: “Moisturized, in her lane, thriving.”

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Until I saw this one: “Still from Sugar in our Wounds: Penetrating the underground railroad.”

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Haha, thank you Gary! Great to hear feedback on my captions, they are so fun to write. Thank you for your subscription!

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It's all about the tongue.

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So much to love here. Thank you, Peachy. You should check out NYC's required sexual harassment training. It begins with unemployed off-Broadway actors explaining all the genders and how society assigns genders at birth. The first quiz question is (and don't get it wrong!) what a person who is assigned female by society at birth and still today identifies as a female as an adult is. The answer of course is "cisgender." The most deplorable gender. I've been forced to take it 2x now in 7 months and it's something I won't soon forget (i've tried).

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Oh my goodness, how can i see this quiz! It sounds hilarious! Please DM me on twitter with instructions -- this is too good to keep to yourself!

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Using the term cisgender is a form of hate speech. The word implies not being gay is a divergent personality. Guess what; We're not gay! We went from acceptance to mandatory submission to the lgbtq movement. We will not comply.

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Excellent guide. Rules 2-4, spot on advice, with camera off.

If I may ask, and I couldn't tell if it was a throwaway comment or not, but please tell me 20 years in you don't still believe the 19 arab and paki box cutters official govt narrative that supposedly flunked out of turbo prop school but managed to overtake ex-Marine pilots and hit the tightest of targets with pinpoint accuracy while flying commercial jet airliners?

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Wow, what a collection of "rather forget" historical not-so relevant social memorabilia to the current dystopian Idiocracy managed primarily by institutionalized academia/media. More excellent content/literary acumen by "Peachy".

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Yo Peachy. Want more subscriptions. Suggest an alternative pay alternative to CC/DC. Too much online fraud happening.

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This is very funny (and infuriating), but not necessarily true. I work in one of these big famous lefty tech companies. No mandatory DEI session. There is mandatory "avoiding bias" training, mostly for managers.

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I remember my younger self taking note that McDonalds always loudly celebrated Black History Month. They'd paste BHM stuff all over their drive-thrus. At one point they even pushed something called 365Black or Black365.

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No form of the word Moist and MaxineWaters shall ever again appear near one another at a distance less than 200 yards. Let it be written, let it be done.

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#KnowYourHistory There were no “before times” for you since a 1915 weeklong celebration by Carter Woodson was the origin for the 1960’s Black History Month. As to DEI, ask any CPA and they will tell you that a major risk factor for today’s corporations is talent retention and customer loss which is partly driven by not having individuals who look like them - not wokeness. Lastly, companies view employee time as an asset - therefore, it is usually at the request of customers and employees that DEI events happen (if at all), not ill advised HR managers. #KnowYourHistory

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Nahhh... I mean, your take is sensible, but that's not how it shakes out when half the board members and the majority of the higher ups self identify as a protected class. They see and treat the corporations as their own personal fiefdoms. Think Bud Light. At some point, consumers push back. Wait until these big corps end up selling out, they'll be completely restructured and re organized. The conscientious consumer is rising, and we've had enough of this woke nonsense. The power of the purse.

Even public education is another example, homeschooling nationally doubled and more across the board, while alternative rather worthless schools like all these charter schools with limited resources, incompetent management, and insane rules, are still deemed preferable than public schools hijacked by radical teachers unions. a 15% drop in enrollment and counting. They still can't bring themselves to realize it's their radicalism why the people are leaving. Because so far, the corporations they've commandeered are still supportive of their institutions. Things are changing though, one vote, one dollar spent, at a time. Well they steal the vote, so that does not really count anymore. And they counterfeit the money, but they can't counterfeit enough to counter the cumulative influence of entire countries of people whom reject this woke movement.

The historical take is for the most part; pretty much irrelevant. We simply do not care, because we all live in the here and now. The DEI woke supporters are stuck in the past, and we should move along and leave them there to their own devices. .

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Great article. Except for paraplegic people. But they can't type or text, so we don't have to worry about them right now. And..... That's why we subscribe to Wild Hild, executive director of The Consumers Research Group. As well as AFA American Family Association. Million Moms. RPI Ron Paul Institute. Infowars. And others. We enjoy a somewhat more sensible take without the woke aspect. Don't worry, consumers are pushing back and a great many of the corporations are learning, and feeling the pinch of their woke downturn, which literally half of the people in this country, and an even greater portion of persons around the world; do not embrace nor support their idea of equality or specific cultural values.

Whenever we call into Comcast, we always make a point of complaining about the new tv guide format. Because we simply can not relate to; the black experience, the latino celebration, the lgbtq sections, all of that. Well, we're not black. We're not latino. And guess what; we're not gay. Alas, we are complaining to phillipino call center people, whom actually do not have xfinity comcast services in that entire country. When we tell them about the woke movement coming for them, they do get quite nervous.

Try out this slogan; There can be no real or true equality, as long as some people are more equal than others.

Additionally; There is no such thing as the 'right to never be offended.' Forward them this video. Learn the differences between; rights, and privileges, something the woke movement has clearly confused.


It's time to stop being polite. There is real racism in this country, and it's directed squarely at white people. Equal opportunity is a total failure. There is nothing wrong with some voluntary segregation and at this point, we would prefer as much. Caucasians, on a global scale, occupy less than 14% of the total human populace, some speculate as low as 12%, and falling fast. Aside from some native aboriginal and select jungle tribes, the Irish Scottish and American Indian are among the three least populace racial groups on the planet. Each one individually far less than 1% of total human populace. Asians and blacks are the two most populace groups on the planet, by leaps and bounds, no question, an absolute fact.

Only in America could people be this clueless about the world... For the corporate sycophants still bending over for voluntary daily colonoscopies from their corporate masters; They are the problem. All of this is their fault for not having the ounce of courage to go out on their own, staying there and playing along., greedy. As if their paydays which exceed every single year, what many others earn in a lifetime, was simply not enough. Their complacence has ruined it for everyone else. Some things are more important than money. So vote with your wallet, this is the most important vote any one of us can ever make. If a corporation is all woke, stop buying their wares. Argue against their government subsidies. Taxation is theft. Pay less taxes and these corporations will have less influence. Central planning never works.

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