LFG! I nominate Arthur Kwon Lee: https://arthurkwonlee.substack.com/p/the-triumph-of-christian-beauty

Happy hunting to find a conservative billionaire with stones. Citadel's Ken Griffin wasted $300 million donating to his alma mater Harvard, where he was immediately disrespected.

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This is amazing! Do you ever sleep? 😉. This looks like the art side of what Prager U is doing...another perspective that promotes truth, beauty and love. God bless you. Let the millions of us know how we can support you!

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How would you prevent it from ending up turning into a socialist fellowship? Carnegie, Ford, etc. were conservatives but their endowments have morphed to support liberal agendas. I'm not trying to be negative but I don't see anything in your proposal that would prevent the fellowship from being commandeered in the future.

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Sunset the funds. All must be distributed in a decade. When the balance is zero, that's that.

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This was gonna be my worry, too. Would it be too far, pace St Genesius, to explicitly say the winning artist has to be openly anti-materialist (if asking for devout Christians is considered a bridge too far)?

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There are a few ways this can be done. First being to focus on the traditional skills. For the most part, traditional skills and a measure of beauty are echewed in liberal art. Liberal artists get these grants with shock and awe conceptual ideology, not the sweat of their brow to create beautiful content. Staying apolitical is important, I think. We can surely stay true to the cultural message by choosing from artwork that embraces the values we hold. The key to that is a very careful selection of judges. The judging committtee holds all the power. There is no need to limit the artists who are submitting if you can trust your judging committee. The first years will be heavy with left leaning work but that will balance out as conservative artists win. The more restrictions you put in place, the less you will attract quality artists.

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There is more power to the message that a conservative artist was chosen from a pool of all artists than being chosen from a specific pool. The McArthur foundation allows conservative artists to apply, they just don't have a chance of winning. That is the message that is important. To choose a conservative out of a pool of leftist ideologists is a much bigger message. The power resides in the judges not the entrants.

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I agree.

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Great idea. So many new startups. Just need to figure out how we can find the new money.

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A very fine idea. Get set up as a 501(c)(3) organization (should be easy) and I'm in/

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You are right!! A mass revival of square dancing with the original principals of fast, delightful music and easy steps would join communities together and form positive bonds that no man can break.

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Wonderful idea. There will be smiles among thousands of artists!

The NSA approach is important for true creativity. Reinvigorating the culture will come from thoughtful selection of the recipients, and in turn selection of panel participation. I trust you will influence this process as well.

Perhaps there is a better name for the three levels of grants. I am certain you have not yet directed your creative talents to improve on bronze, silver gold. Perhaps a reference to icons of culture or specific cultural milestones might work.

If you have a role in leading this foundation, either as director or on the BoD, I am in for 5k. Let's get this party started!

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Of course- tier level names are placeholders! We will have something much better

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let the populace choose what to consume...and to support artists as they wish

a pissing contest about "grants" is not going to change anything...great natural talent will always rise to the top

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This is such a good idea. I would love to be part of this in any way. I'm not a "creative" but I have about 25 documentaries inside me to combat the horrific BS we have to suffer through on netflix, HBO, PBS, and everywhere else that discusses our history and frames important topic that inform policy. Someone needs to tell the other side of recent history in a way that is funny and engaging. Half the story is untold.

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You must incorporate in the founding documents the pursuit of truth, beauty, and conservative virtues. Rush always said something like, "Unless specifically and intentionally conservative all organizations will, given time, move to the left." Hence the just, peaceful, and verdant society of the MacArthur foundation is a communist hellscape. I can probably contribute when you publish the 501c3 info.

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I'm down! I have a pitch brewing already 😄

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I think this is an excellent and very timely idea. Personally I’m weary of all the sexually and politically oriented ‘cultural’ contributions to the arts originating from the Left.

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This is an amazing idea Peachy! Almost as amazing as inserting Hunter Biden onto your gas company board! Great way to get the loafers - myself included - off the sidelines and into the arena!

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It’s great! I just feel like you need to limit to one win per lifetime or Greta Gerwig is gonna keep taking all our money ; )

Ps trying my best to spread the word about Domestic Extremist to my people this morning. More on it to come…


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Peachy, you need to speak with these people:


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I’m reminded of the Helen Keller quote, “the world is moved along not by the giant shoves of its heroes, but by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.”

Thank you for your pushes against the godlessness in our culture and in turn, us, since we are the ones who created it either intentionally or by default. We walked away from the gates, gave up our places of influence and are suffering the consequences.

But I truly believe as each honest worker is awakened and engaged, we will excavate our foundations and see our God-fearing, freedom-loving nation restored. Thanks again for your diligence, I appreciate you!!

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