So one more instance of the "It's not happening, and it's good that it's happening!" phenomenon, this time with anti-white racism in college admissions. Of course, such anti-white discrimination was suggested by another tweet by none other than Ibram Kendi, who tweeted that large numbers of white kids were falsely claiming to be nonwhite on their college applications. People responded with the obvious question: doesn't this undercut the claim (frequently made by folks like Kendi) that the education system is systemically racist in favor of white people? Kendi, appalled that he might have inadvertently stumbled into something as scary as the Truth, responded to these questions by deleting the tweet. ("Hey, if I just pretend like I never saw this, it will make it not true, right?") https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10150967/Ibram-X-Kendi-deletes-tweet-white-college-applicants-LIE-black.html

Anyway, thanks for saying the quiet part out loud and getting more folks talking about this!

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A funny plot point of an early Sopranos season is that Meadow is upset she can't plausibly pretend to be black on her college admissions. That was some time ago

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I think claiming a race other than white on the application is an excellent idea. If colleges want to rig the game against whites, two can play at that game.

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The law of merited impossibility (as named by Rod Dreher.) "It's not happening, but it's good when it does, you bigot!"

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Our “elite” universities are fully demoralized. Smart employers will hire Asian and white graduates of lower tier schools. Patients will seek those doctors who are under a certain age. https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/howtogetintoharvard

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The great Victor Davis Hanson reports that high tech CEOs have told him that before bringing on an employee from even a top-tier cattle brand like Stanford, the applicant has to take a test. I.e., the $250,00 degree is meaningless.

Leftism never creates, always impoverishes and destroys, and will eventually Redrum.

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Ivy League degrees no longer mean what they used to mean, and the society will gradually come to realize it. Likewise, film industry Oscar awards no longer mean anything, Nobel prizes are not what they used to be, etc. The Left destroys everything it touches.

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Exactly... Also, foreign universities can often be cheaper and much better - I know there are some Russian universities that actively recruit foreign students e.g. I know an Asian who went to medical school in Russia... Let me drop this link to cause some heads to explode: https://education-in-russia.com/

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One has to wonder how many of these parents btching and moaning now were all aboard the 0bama choo-choo train back in 2008 and again in 2012? This crap went into hyperdrive once "The Lightbringer" was put into office. Well, for those who supported Zero, you got EXACTLY what you voted for. Too bad your kids have to pay the price for your stupidity.

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No, it started in the late 1990s because Republicans wanted to make Bush president by winning Latinos. But at least you got to enjoy all the slaughtering of innocent Muslims he did along with shipping millions of jobs to China…so totes worth it!

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He had the Latinos long before that (in Texas). The reality is, liberal AND middle of the road white women have sealed the fate of their white children--especially sons. Reap. Sow.

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That my friend is the real problem. LIBERAL , LEFTIST , WHITE WOMEN.

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Peachy, This is hilarious.

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Thank you!

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As a White Hispanic, I love this article...(I commented elsewhere on here) but I watched with my own eyes, how my claiming Hispanic (more recently) on job apps got me way different opportunities than when I just claimed "white".

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"White Hispanic" George Zimmerman, is that you? 😉

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Peachy... IF you really want to BREAK THE INTERNET and cause some heads to EXPLODE, tweet out one of these links:

- https://education-in-russia.com/

- https://education-in-russia.com/why-russia/10-reasons-why-to-study-in-russia

- https://education-in-russia.com/why-russia/reviews#


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This admission season - my daughter had a 1,500 SAT, 4.6 GPA, National Merit Commended scholar (but thanks to Woke Loudoun county, was not notified until after all admission deadlines in late January)

stand-out Athlete (swimming - but not good enough to be recruited) and works 16 hours per week to save for college as a life-guard.

Wants to be an aerospace engineer.

Rejected from MIT, Georgia Tech, UVA, and waitlisted at Virginia Tech. Only 1 acceptance - Tx A&M

And we would have gotten In-state Tuition at A&M with the Nat Merit Commended, but because Loudoun delayed notifying them, we now get nothing.

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White women, both left, center left, and center right, have voted and supported all these policies which have destroyed the white family and their kids' lives. It's reality.

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Two years (or less) at NOVA community college, earn the Associate degree, then, via NOVA's Guaranteed Admissions agreement with Tech, she is guaranteed a spot at Tech.


Use the system for your benefit. With all the money you'll save, you can even take her to Blacksburg every Saturday for football games.

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I knew about the NM Commended county-wide malfeasance in Fairfax county (my in-laws live there) but didn't know that it was also happening in Loudon county. But I am not surprised. It's a national movement to destroy learning and knowledge -- and with it any value put on learning and knowledge. How long can a civilization based entirely on lies survive?

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I had the benefit of an excellent education at a time when the affirmative action locomotive was just starting to chug out of the station, when liberal university faculty and administration were predominantly, if not exclusively, old school liberals, not Maoists hellbent on eradicating Western Civilization (even as they disproportionately benefit from all the advances of Western Civilization).

Now reading the alumni mags of said institutions, it’s cringe world. Everything is filtered through the racialist prism. What’s featured and what’s avoided in the articles is likewise positioned to virtue signal the wise benevolence of the institutions, institutions with billions of dollars in their endowments, (even the prep school) and a lot of financially ubermensched alumni, most of whom are not from disadvantaged backgrounds, and whose kids still get admitted.

The reality is that it’s all about money and inclusion, not for the students, but for the institution. You think the PhDs at Stanford, Harvard, Berkeley and similar institutions don’t see what’s going on? You think the smartest people in academia don’t realize that they are dumbing down the best universities on the planet for a garbage racialist agenda with no possible happy ending? Sure they’ll pledge allegiance to that DEI, because otherwise they get cancelled: no job, no research grants, no hiring somewhere else. They are hostages of their own bullshit. Sure, there are some true believers, mostly in the social sciences, mostly the bottom of the barrel intellectually to begin with. But the institutions are dancing to a tune called by the governments and the global grifters of race. These people don’t care about Guatemalan campesinos or ghetto kids. They care about looking like they do so they can cash in, even as they erode their brands and put themselves out of business. You think the Harvard faculty wants to ride on an airplane designed, built, and flown by “C” students? Gimme a break. No this is just cynical crap to signal obeisance to the NWO, because they see that as their gravy train.

This won’t end well. DEI pseudo justice allowed to play out to its logical zero sum conclusion, it ends in societal collapse. We become South Africa or Venezuela. And that’s what some people at the top want: A small oligarchy, immune from the rule of law, presiding over a bunch of ill educated serfs. It’s a regressive philosophy, neo-feudalism for the digital age. In the meantime, other economic and educational avenues will assert themselves, and people will find a way to move around the incumbent institutions. If they aren’t allowed to go that, then we’re going to have a revolution. And the winners won’t be the oligarchs and intellectuals. Hopefully this outcome can be avoided.

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People need to stop thinking of community college as "less than". For all those whining about the cost of "higher" education you are so arrogant in your thinking that you absolutely overlook one of the best bargains. You learn the same crap and can get most of your requirements out of the way at a fraction of the cost of a university, and have a more flexible schedule. All you elitists that think you have to go away to college to have "the experience" just want to have 4 years of nonstop drinking and sex on someone else's dime. GROW UP!!! The real experience of college should be to teach you how to be an adult, not a spoiled entitled brat. Sorry for all those that worked your asses off in HS and had to settle for "safety schools", real life is hard and the work place is not all rainbows and unicorns either!! I went to community college while working full-time and had no school debt the day I graduated. I then went on to work in the medical field with only an associates degree for over 30 years with a six figure salary.

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What we call college needs to be abolished entirely.

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Our community college does provide the same credentials for many general ed courses, true. But the students in attendance don't do any work, can't read, can't add fractions, and can't write a sentence. Several of the professors are equally incompetent; most of the rest have been replaced by canned PowerPoint slides and Pearson or Cengage multiple choice questions. So you teach yourself from garbage how to get a high enough scores to pretend you learned the garbage.

Since CC here is now free, it's more just partying and whoring, too.

The big advantage is you didn't go into debt while you learned nothing. Not quite how the world was when you were young.

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It's why bridges collapse, and society is collapsing...soon.

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The reality is a STEM degree is much more valuable than most liberal arts degrees. And good luck graduating from Cal or pretty much any state flagship with an engineering degree because - -

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Everyone should check the box.

I identify as hispanic, whether I actually am or not.

Let them prove you're not what you SAY you are.

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They won't prove it, nor even try.

But then you're stuck with people who hate you who will spend all of their time making sure you are there for flagellation and torture. So really, is that winning?

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this is going to be a disaster down the road. we will have presumably educated <certain minorities> who simply don't have the intellect to function like the graduates of, say, 1990. the marketplace will adjust. some parents will send their talented kids off to other countries elite schools, patients will avoid all minority doctors, just to be safer, companies will hire a few black chem engineers to balance their books and then import Indians, Chinese, etc. to fill where they need talent. I've followed racial/national differences in IQ for 40 years. aside from mRNA jab side effects, it is the most banned scientific topic you can find. name a country or city led by a black that functions normally. IQ distribution overlaps of course--a lot in fact. but you can only push it so far and we are systematically reaching into the not-so-smart part of the distribution. (fwiw, I've worked in aptitude testing, corporate recruiting and business strategy areas.)

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I saw this coming years ago, and I have been planning accordingly. I lived abroad and taught at a foreign university for several years, and after the experience, I realized that American university educations have become terribly overvalued in the minds of Americans. Even elite schools are now profoundly lacking in seriousness; in fact, elite schools are probably much less serious about education than the average American community college. Don't believe me? Why do you think that American graduate schools pay Chinese and Indian students to fill their graduate programs? (Most people don't realize that in many schools, especially elite schools both public and private, doctoral students are only admitted with paid fellowships, research assistant positions, or teaching assistant positions to pay for their studies and to personally support them.)

I resolved that I wouldn't even try to send my children to an American university. My wife and I have been putting them into programs to learn other languages so that they might go to one of the actually sound undergraduate technical programs at one of the many, many excellent schools outside of the Anglosphere and especially the United States.

The world has many fine and serious schools, the University of Tokyo and the University of Kyoto in Japan, Tsinghua University, Peking University, the University of Science and Technology of China, and Fudan University in China, the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay or any of the other IIT campuses in India, Sharif University of Technology in Iran, Moscow State University or any of the specialized technical universities in Russia, ETH Zurich in Switzerland, the University of Paris the other specialized universities and institutes in France, and UNAM in Mexico in addition to many other unnamed schools and institutes around the world. They are all low key institutions where people keep their noses to the grindstone and work diligently to master their difficult fields, not the four-year long vacations and pretentious journeys of self-discovery of the typical American program. There are no diversity administrators or identity studies programs, and even in oppressive states, there is probably less indoctrination than in America. (I was teaching in China until 2013, and I know for a fact that while there was some small, required Marxism curriculum, the intrusion into academic life was minimal and ended at the door of the classroom; the campus atmosphere was far less politically oppressive than the atmosphere at say, UCLA. From the Iranian graduate students that I have known, I'm guessing that the same is true in Iran and that while its technical universities officially submit to the Islamic state and support it, they probably are functionally non-ideological and non-political.)

Most American universities are already nearly intellectually dead, and I think that in another thirty years, they'll be well into an obvious decline in prestige and clout. Look at the graduate programs in elite American universities, and you will find that the programs are full of people from the aforementioned, foreign universities who come to study under faculty who in many cases followed the same route or more shockingly, were just outright bought from faculties in foreign countries. (In the nineties, after the collapse of the USSR, I remember the wave of Russian mathematicians who were lured to America with lucrative positions; in one year, around four Russian Fields medalists came to the United States.) Can the model of staffing of American universities survive their conversion into centers of indoctrination that leave no department, not even the STEM fields, unpoliticized and undisciplined? When will foreign faculty decide that they've had enough and just return to their home countries taking their expertise and their prestige with them? When will foreign students decide that American universities are simply too lacking in seriousness and academic freedom in even the hard sciences to be attractive places for graduate study? The moment could be just around the corner.

If American universities were worth a damn, wouldn't the top spots, the paid fellowships and assistantships, go to its undergraduate students? Do you want your child to be well educated and have a chance of being a successful engineer or inventor or an academic in a STEM field? Prepare them to leave America.

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The big name American universities are mostly about prestige. It looks good on an application....for now. Eventually businesses will start to realize those degrees are worthless and look elsewhere.

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Explain to me this paradox. If you're swimming in the women's races, DNA doesn't matter. But in the admissions process, it's the most important factor. No, ignore those Y chromosomes but, oh my, look at the colorful DNA on that application!

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The lesson is that if you want to hire kids out of college that had to overcome educational prejudice, obstacles and barriers, hire Asians and whites.

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Never forget that US Federal Govt. policy is what is driving this. Title IV and countless other regulations require all academic institutions receiving Federal monies (which is nearly all of them) must bow down to the Equity gods. Hillsdale College, Grove City College, Patrick Henry College, and Thomas Aquinas College are the only 4 colleges in the entire USA which are fully independent--they reject ALL public monies, and for this reason, all have meritocratic admissions, meritocratic hiring practices, and a complete lack of DEI officers on campus. Support those colleges to the greatest extent you are able, and encourage all the bright ambitious teenagers you know to apply there!

As with so many other elements working to collapse Western Society, the US Federal Government is right in the middle of it!

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+1 and to add, Hillsdale has many fantastic courses online, for FREE: US History, World History, Literature, Economics, etc. Highly recommended for kids and adults as a great antidote to wokeness.

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A Hillsdale College graduate initiated RussiaGate—Priestep.

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How does this refute what the OP said about Hillsdale again? Because one guy who graduated from Hillsdale 32 years ago, joined the FBI and marinated in their corrupt culture for 25 years, then became an anti-Trumper. Is that your argument?

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They graduate Deep Staters that get their jollies slaughtering innocent Muslims.

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Today, Joe Biden would never have been accepted to law school.

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On a related subject, think of a white guy, grad school in English in the 90's, published dissertation (Delaware UP), got no college jobs and one lousy interview. They always sent me a card in return mail responding to my app. asking me what color I was. But it was OK because this information would not be used to my disadvantage in hiring.

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Funny thing is that as they do away with standards in favor of racial metrics, then racism will only increase. For instance, I refuse to take my daughter to a doctor under a certain age unless the doctor is white or Asian. Is this openly discriminatory? Yes. Does this outweigh my daughter's well-being? To ask the question is to answer it (though some AWFLs would gladly sacrifice their children on the altar of DIE). Good going, hustlers!

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