Brilliant recasting. E Jean and our justice system are grotesque. Perhaps the only thing we have is karma. E Jean is a twice divorced spinster with no kids and lots of hungry cats to feed...

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I'll wait for the party day when we read she was found dead at home with her face eaten off by her cats.

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My favorite line from the witty article:

"I don’t have to tell you she’s (the lawyer's) a lesbian. She looks like she fell off the shelf at the Elena Kagan store. "

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

She also looks like Cynthia Nixon's wife: http://tinyurl.com/2ejnjp65

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Yes! Speaking of Miranda ...Thats who she reminded me of, TY!

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

You are a talented writer P and this was a delight to read. Your humor takes the edge off of this diabolic trial result. A nut-job awarded 80 million dollars with the help of an evil biased lawyer and a corrupt legal venue for claiming she was raped but doesn’t know when.

The judge (Kaplan) holds the most responsibility for this political persecution. Without him this never could have risen through the courts. His intentional errors will be revealed in the appeal. Of course, there are appellate judges with the same evil ethics. Where do any of us go to find unbiased justice in a country?

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Wait til he gives dnc moneylaunderer autistic Bankman - Fried probation in March.

He will never escape consequences.

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

My heart aches for President Trump and his family. Jackie Kennedy, after her sweet husband was assassinated said, "There is no Camelot." How President Trump continues to love this country, that has greatly turned their vicious and sadistic attacks against him and family is incomprehensible.

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Fully agree re President Trump.

But President Kennedy was never "sweet." He was a perverse and lecherous man who cheated on his wife at every opportunity.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

he was also a drug addict. that said...she cheated on him too.

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I didn't know about her cheating. I'd read that theirs was no "love story" but rather JFK's father encouraged hin to find a Frenchwoman for a wife in order to secure the French vote in Massachusetts. Any truth to that?

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not sure about that. she was picked by the kennedy clan i do know that. i was in 10th grade when jfk got murdered. remember it like it was yesterday. they try to make jackie out as a writer, editor and such but all she was was a socialite party girl who came from a rich family. she did less than michelle obama...if that's even possible.

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Melania has an arrangement also.

He’s no innocent.

They lead separate lives too.

Now, he’s stuck paying “fake wife #4” more than melania’s revised pre nup.

You won’t see much of her, I assure you.

2 important considerations:

1. He’s a germaphobic and his lame lawyers never asked him in open court or in Deposition. He had therapy in 2015 to be able to shake strangers’ hands.

2. Trump brought melania’s parents to the states, gave them an apt at trump tower, and one at Mar a lago. He continues to underwrite her dad, as much as Reid Hoffman underwrites Carroll the fabricating feline.

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almost all marriages 'are arranged'....usually by the wife. marriage is nothing but a way for women to slide on down the road of life.

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Oh gee.....we do want to get married usually because of that strong maternal instinct...you know...to keep the world going. Having children and stuff. It ain't easy.

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In the elevator even. While the SS held the door shut.

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Smh. Does not surprise me at all.

I wonder if you read Mimi Alford's book?

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No...don't think so.

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As I recall from about 10 or so years ago when the story came out, she was a virginal college girl who came to work in Mrs. Kennedy's public relations office and was corrupted by JFK.

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Judge Lewis Kaplan's also the well-respected man who presided over (a big part of) the Steven Donziger crucifixion for having the impertinence to sue Chevron for destroying huge parts of Ecuador and winning billions for the tens of thousands who suffered toxic poisoning there.

The case was won in Ecuador and Chevron came back to NYC to wage lawfare against Donziger, where they proceeded to lie their way to placing Donziger under house arrest for "contempt of court" for 3 years (the longest such sentence ever granted - 6 months is the max by statute).

When the Justice Dept refused to prosecute Donziger on trumped up charges in the Ecuador case (Chevron paid a corrupt judge in Ecuador large amounts of money to suddenly remember Donziger had ghost written his opinion in the Ecuador case - an accusation the judge himself later denied, and which was tossed out by the ICC and the US Justice Dept - thought not by Kaplan who insisted that despite a career of lying and weaseling, the judge was being truthful in this instance despite his own recantation), Kaplan appointed a private law firm that represents Chevron to prosecute Donziger. They can do that if they want. If you're an enemy they can do anything.

Donziger was found in contempt (by another Chevron pal "the honorable" Loretta Preska) when he refused to turn over his entire digital archive including his phone and all computers (with all of his privileged communications with his tens of thousands of clients in Ecuador and every other case he was working on) to Chevron's blood beast attorneys.

This is who rules over us. There are no rules, there is no low moral bar beyond which they will not descend. They are all friends with each other and have endless amounts of cash, lawyers and media sycophants on hand to hurl accusations and lawfare at anyone they set their sights on.

The moral rot in our society is so deep and wide I'm afraid Sodom and Gomorrah have nothing on us...

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

Brilliantly written and creative as hell!

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You’re right, we’ve no army or plan. Are we going to die on this battlefield or are we going to individually and collectively humble ourselves before God and seek His counsel? I submit, this is a supernatural war of kingdoms, a kingdom of light vs. a kingdom of darkness; one that leads to life and one that leads to death. God help us and have mercy.

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Not so fast.

There are many critical thinking lawyers.

Fat fancy will be “Nifonged” and so will jack Smith.

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

Brilliant and sad. One hopes if Mr Trump returns as POTUS, that he goes full Banana Republic on America’s enemies. However he won’t. He is the ever disappointing Aiden in the SITC reboot from hell.

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

No time and date, no crime. It is all fraud.

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

Thank you for the good read on a dreery Sat. morning. The Hill reported a few days ago that Kellyanne Conway’s not-soon-enough to be ex-husband gave Carroll encouragement and introduced her to her attorney.

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He also got a face and neck revision and a laparotomy.

I wonder if Kaplan paid for that as a gratuity for the referral ?

Definitely “Stanford Blatch” Carrie’s bff.

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Need an edit feature ...*dreary*

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There is an edit feature. Click on the three dots at the far right of the line beginning "Liked Reply Share."

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

Deadly accurate, Peachy. The anti-Trump crowd is fanatically devoted to their cause and they have a limitless supply of funding.

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I'm not fooled. Robbie Kaplan and Reid Hoffman are the same guy. It's as obvious as Superman and Clark Kent.

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Both of these women look like FREAKS! Neither could get a man to look twice at them, even in their youth, which is Long Gone. Lesbians?!? It is Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature.... and the paybacks can be HELL! It is always amazing how HATRED and GREED together will MOTIVATE women to take on MASSIVE EVIL DEEDS! just to imagine what all that HATE is doing to their brains and insides is disgusting. The future is not pretty... that $$$$ received through such evil means, will take them both down. Stand by and Learn. They need prayers.

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Actually Elizabeth Jean was cute in her youth and a college beauty queen.

It’s her antidepressants 💊 that caused her permanent brain damage.

NYC is ground zero for more than 911.

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I agree. Her long term need for anti-depressants tells the story of the dysfunction of her brain. Why would a smart college "beauty queen" be depressed? Her mental issues go back a very long time, and having "friends" who keep pushing her toward this personality disorder, just keeps her in that old rut, now and in future.

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

So why can’t Trump go to a Republican state, get a conservative judge to rule in his favour and get her to pay him 83 million in damages?

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

25 years ago. no police report. zip! and women can't understand why men are walking away from relationships.

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Jan 27Liked by Peachy Keenan

When I see the pink checkmark with the Subscribed notation, I liken it to proof of an effective vaccination against the Left. That's a vaccination I'm on board with.

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