Apr 28, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Peachy never disappoints. No matter what she writes, I am always laughing!

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Haha, thank you Nancy!

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Peachy, only a "Haha?"

Ha is text for a polite smile of derision at a DemocRat's fake joke, e.g., Jon Stewart's snark.

HaHa is text for a polite chuckle of condescension at a Democrat's fake joke or Jon Stewart's snark.

HaHaHa is text for a conservative's heartfelt laugh, which never happens with a Jon Stewart joke, which is an oxymoron.

HaHaHaHaHaHa is for "It's so damn funny that even Jon Stewart and some DemocRats may get it."

HaHa's are imaginatively preferable to LOL's and ROLF's because they're onomatopoieac and they are not cliches.

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05-03-23: Her sense of humor is inexhaustible. A tough thing to pull off considering the material (oft-dismal news) she's working with.

1991-2023 NOTHING HAS CHANGED --- THE ROBOTS ON COMMAND ATTACK! The bell went off in thousands of heads the MINUTE that Abby Grossberg emerged from her Cyanide-laced WoCave: "That's exactly the SAME PERSON who in 2018 falsely accused Justice Kavanagh during his confirmation hearings!" And you all are correct. She's a clone of Christine Blasey Ford --- who in turn was a clone of Anita Hill, who in 1991 who falsely accused Justice Thomas during his confirmation hearings.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Tucker leaving Fox, no matter how it happened, is fantastic news. Now Fox can join the trash heap with all the other networks that suck. And Tucker will rise to new heights. I’m picturing the kraken from Clash of the Titans...

In case you missed it, TC interviewing JP Sears last year is a must watch. It is men like these that give me hope: https://rumble.com/v1b9a19-tucker-carlson-interviews-comedian-jp-sears-june-28-2022.html

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

A GREAT interview indeed. Yes, both great and compellingly brave men. I consider JP to be a 21st century Will Rogers....Emailed him that and told him to stay OFF small planes....As for Peachy, heard the name, have seen it around some conserv sites, and only just read her column here today....Okaaaaay, we may have the love-child of Erma Bombeck and G.K. Chesterton in her...Looong may she write...

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High praise, thank you!

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Hey, I calls 'em as I sees 'em! ;)

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That is high praise!

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I quip that she was separated at birth from the indominable Florence King (okay, the chronological math is ridiculous --- if true, Peachy would be 93 years old , but in my usual gauche manner, I'm paying a compliment, please forgive).

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Peachy is the new early-2000s Mark Steyn, who was the new late-1800s Mark Twain, except with a bit more twinkle in the eye and on the page. Self-deprecating humor is like abstinence: works every time it’s tried.

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Unless it was cynically used by Jon Stewart Leibowitz (The Daily Show), whose "s-d" was a sham designed to lessen the sting of his barbaric wit.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Peachy, Loved this personal and humorous insight into Tucker’s humanness and encouragement to you. Just pre-ordered your book!

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Thank you so much, I really appreciate the support so much.

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Thank you Liberty Belle!

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

You go girl!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Wishing you the best whether you self dox or remain in anonymity. Blessings to you.

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Thanks for this, Peachy. I, too, can write reasonably well, sprinkled with witty cultural references (at 72 years old, I have collected a lot of them). However, my wife and I are raising our 6-year-old granddaughter and I work 1 1/4 jobs, so, no time, really.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Keep up the good work and take no prisoners.

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you are a great man! Doing the work that matters. Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it.

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Thanks for the reply, Peachy! You have convinced me to subscribe. I reckon I can afford it. I'll just sacrifice a couple of Shipley donuts, which I probably should avoid anyway. And I'll buy the book as well. I might even read it.

Don't spend it all in one place.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

You had me at “Baby Peachy.” 😁

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Womyn’s voices I love it! Looking forward to Tucker helping plug your book, I will definitely watch that! Who knows maybe he’ll become the new king 👑 of Twitter!

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

A Peachy Keenan unveiling? “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus”.

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Very good ! I am a fan I am glad you stuck it out during the "thin" times. Jacqueline

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May 3, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Peachy, your columns are just the best. I’m so glad I preordered your book the hour, the very hour I tell you, it first became available to do so. I await its arrival with bated breath. You are smart, pointed, and wicked funny. So happy I subscribed—hope it helps you buy those drapes to hide from woke neighbors!

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You're too kind! Thank you so much!!

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The fact is, they know they can’t silence Tucker. They were just trying to silence you 😮

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So true. But they failed lol!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Awesome as always.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Pre ordering now, Your unique insight and humor are much needed these days!

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Nice Job! Look forward to seeing your next column. I like this one as it is more appropriate to share with my teens. Mid to Late teens, but also think that sometimes you need to approach things directly. Look forward to the book. Let me know if you think appropriate for 15 yr. old. I have nine kids so super important to curate our library appropriately. I would guess that you are solidly Gen X.

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Solid gen x, yes! I think it's pretty wholesome, I may have used just a few off-color words, but the themes may be a bit mature. For example, I doubt my teens will read it yet. I'll save them copies for when they're of age.

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