Have you seen the women posting the "fighter stance" videos? AOC seems to be in a 50 dollar a night hooker hotel. Who is directing this masterpiece of cringe and writing their scripts? Great post btw!
Is it even possible to choose a favorite?! Is there a single attractive female Dem? It’s like their brand is ugly-inside-and-out. The entire party is based on fringe issues, kink, lies and anti-reality stances. How can any normal people stay in this party?
No, there are no attractive liberal women. Even the ones with ‘conventional’ beauty on the outside become wholly unattractive when they open their mouths or you see the satanic eyes.
My personal fav is Rosa DeLauro. Never seen it before (I'm from the Left Coast). Confirms the advice I would give my four sons on assessing emotional stability when dating women: more than two rings on either hand or > four rings total both hands = steer clear. This could be adjusted up/down considering regional differences, and an Oura ring maybe should be 0.5 vs. a full demerit.
Good grief, do these people have a shred of self awareness? I guess not, since they are just monsters wearing human suits. They are straight out of one Steven Kings novels.
The mindset of modern Democrats is that of a spoiled-rotten, not too bright, eight-year-old. It's no wonder they act like that. Personally, I hope they follow the Federalists, the Whigs, the Know-Nothings, etc. into oblivion.
Peachy's post is the best I've read. It is very succinct and honest about the loser demos. They are their own worst enemies, and I love that. Keep it up and they will vote themselves out all on their own.
This is Peachy's best post ever. So accurate. So surgical. Got all the low-lights just right. Didn't get them all. Former DNC head Wasserman-Schulz is usually good for a rip or two, but kept her head low this time. The crazy Dem senators also stayed out of the spotlight: Murphy, Schiff, Bernie, Booker. Schumer must be a stronger leader than Jeffries (who may not last a year as Leader)
The Dems are just still bewildered and upset because, mirable dictu, their strategy of openly hating the American people did not win the day for Kamalala Dingdong. Surely only an issue of messaging which they're clearly addressing. Only a matter of time before we come 'round.
You just know Mayor Pete will pledge to fight racist tampons. All the boys' tampons in Tim's state are white. Coincidence? Let's also not forget that Mayor Pete used his in the military but Tim ran away.
Of course there never was actual Joy. Rather campaigning on another outrageous inversion of reality and again claiming virtue which was exactly absent.
Joy is a relational and self-transcending responsive emotion and contempt its reactive opposite. Atop the recoil of fear Kamala’s contempt seemed the perpetual fault of her reactive triggering
Like Trump dodged assassination America dodged a bullet train to communist enslavement.
It is the grace of God, the very presence and power of it that renders our “enemies” in surreal caricature BY THEIR REFUSAL OF IT.
pray for our enemies because we have none! The darkness fears, the light, not the other way around! It’s the blessing of true water going to melt the wicked witch of the west and collapse the hoard of flying monkeys.
We didn't "dodge a bullet train to communist enslavement." The Dems were/are firing blanks.
Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto never actually said, "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass." But it's true nevertheless. And it's equally true that no effort at "enslavement" will ever succeed in America, not in a country where there are several times more guns than people and all the would-be enslavers have packed themselves into cities, leaving 95% or the country to the rest of us. (How long would any of the cities survive if we shut off the power, the water, and the food? A week?)
The greatest danger to America is from within. At long last, I think, sensible Americans have caught on that the Dems, as clownish as they are, are the present instantiation of that danger.
Interesting. And I hope you are predictively on target. My Calling it communism was shorthand for one layer or mask of this global cultivated chaos that resembles those nested Russian dolls. Our comments seem parallel to me hopefully the cleanup can move into rebuilding and we won’t have to find out whether it would take a week, or three days, or….
We’re in tears as I read this to my spouse ~ what a great laugh as we’ve enjoyed every perfect depiction of these pitiful shells of former powerful people 🙄😂🤣
There does seem to be a younger generation rising though: AOC, Daniel "I'm worth a quarter billion dollars and HATE THE MILLIONAIRES" Goldman, and Adam Schiff. Also Fetterman who is seemingly now being groomed to run for President as a "centrist" (who votes 100% left), based on Bill Maher's endorsement. Other than Fetterman, none of these people has done anything except stand in front of cameras and complain about everything, but at least they have a game plan apparently - get on TV and stay on TV.
Have you seen the women posting the "fighter stance" videos? AOC seems to be in a 50 dollar a night hooker hotel. Who is directing this masterpiece of cringe and writing their scripts? Great post btw!
The "Self-Owning" continues with that ridiculous video. Its like an SNL spoof. They probably wished they had thought of it
That would require a brain.
I added a few sound effects to those bouncing fighters…
50 an hour
that white woman at the end of the video is especially cringey
This might be your best post, Peachy, and I read every one of them. So true! Thanks
The kufiya is no better than a Klan hood. Those who don it in Congress should be deported.
Is it even possible to choose a favorite?! Is there a single attractive female Dem? It’s like their brand is ugly-inside-and-out. The entire party is based on fringe issues, kink, lies and anti-reality stances. How can any normal people stay in this party?
No, there are no attractive liberal women. Even the ones with ‘conventional’ beauty on the outside become wholly unattractive when they open their mouths or you see the satanic eyes.
True that!! They’re a crazy lot.
Many women look attractive until they open their mouths. And I am a woman.
My personal fav is Rosa DeLauro. Never seen it before (I'm from the Left Coast). Confirms the advice I would give my four sons on assessing emotional stability when dating women: more than two rings on either hand or > four rings total both hands = steer clear. This could be adjusted up/down considering regional differences, and an Oura ring maybe should be 0.5 vs. a full demerit.
I have to agree. She’s what I assume feathered dinosaurs looked like.
Stop everything, Peachy’s here!
CT guy here - every time I see her, I think,
“Rocky, what you need is a MANAGER!”
B.L. Thank you for the laugh. I needed it.
Unfair! She is in a league of her own. Might as well be a trans playing in a women's league.
No "Sarah" McBride?
Is Omar forgotten. Her pic could be close to the top of losers. So bad even her brother may have divorced her.
The Stanky Ranky Rizzler! By far the most cringe.
Cruella Deville x Hosebeast= Rosa DeLauro.
Good grief, do these people have a shred of self awareness? I guess not, since they are just monsters wearing human suits. They are straight out of one Steven Kings novels.
The mindset of modern Democrats is that of a spoiled-rotten, not too bright, eight-year-old. It's no wonder they act like that. Personally, I hope they follow the Federalists, the Whigs, the Know-Nothings, etc. into oblivion.
Peachy's post is the best I've read. It is very succinct and honest about the loser demos. They are their own worst enemies, and I love that. Keep it up and they will vote themselves out all on their own.
This is Peachy's best post ever. So accurate. So surgical. Got all the low-lights just right. Didn't get them all. Former DNC head Wasserman-Schulz is usually good for a rip or two, but kept her head low this time. The crazy Dem senators also stayed out of the spotlight: Murphy, Schiff, Bernie, Booker. Schumer must be a stronger leader than Jeffries (who may not last a year as Leader)
The Dems are just still bewildered and upset because, mirable dictu, their strategy of openly hating the American people did not win the day for Kamalala Dingdong. Surely only an issue of messaging which they're clearly addressing. Only a matter of time before we come 'round.
Mayor Pete 2028!!
Should be a great convention - Mayor Pete vs. Gov. Tim (Is that a "woman" in the photo with him smiling?)
You just know Mayor Pete will pledge to fight racist tampons. All the boys' tampons in Tim's state are white. Coincidence? Let's also not forget that Mayor Pete used his in the military but Tim ran away.
Of course there never was actual Joy. Rather campaigning on another outrageous inversion of reality and again claiming virtue which was exactly absent.
Joy is a relational and self-transcending responsive emotion and contempt its reactive opposite. Atop the recoil of fear Kamala’s contempt seemed the perpetual fault of her reactive triggering
Like Trump dodged assassination America dodged a bullet train to communist enslavement.
It is the grace of God, the very presence and power of it that renders our “enemies” in surreal caricature BY THEIR REFUSAL OF IT.
pray for our enemies because we have none! The darkness fears, the light, not the other way around! It’s the blessing of true water going to melt the wicked witch of the west and collapse the hoard of flying monkeys.
We didn't "dodge a bullet train to communist enslavement." The Dems were/are firing blanks.
Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto never actually said, "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass." But it's true nevertheless. And it's equally true that no effort at "enslavement" will ever succeed in America, not in a country where there are several times more guns than people and all the would-be enslavers have packed themselves into cities, leaving 95% or the country to the rest of us. (How long would any of the cities survive if we shut off the power, the water, and the food? A week?)
The greatest danger to America is from within. At long last, I think, sensible Americans have caught on that the Dems, as clownish as they are, are the present instantiation of that danger.
Interesting. And I hope you are predictively on target. My Calling it communism was shorthand for one layer or mask of this global cultivated chaos that resembles those nested Russian dolls. Our comments seem parallel to me hopefully the cleanup can move into rebuilding and we won’t have to find out whether it would take a week, or three days, or….
How could anyone surpass Fauxcahontas clapping at the thought of 5 more years of Ukraine war? Such depravity belongs more to demon than to man.
Ah, but you forget Maxine.
They certainly are inept. But the House is approximately tied. They may be back in power in 2 years. Gird your loins for battle.
We’re in tears as I read this to my spouse ~ what a great laugh as we’ve enjoyed every perfect depiction of these pitiful shells of former powerful people 🙄😂🤣
Thanks for making our day!
Amazing!! Thank you!
There does seem to be a younger generation rising though: AOC, Daniel "I'm worth a quarter billion dollars and HATE THE MILLIONAIRES" Goldman, and Adam Schiff. Also Fetterman who is seemingly now being groomed to run for President as a "centrist" (who votes 100% left), based on Bill Maher's endorsement. Other than Fetterman, none of these people has done anything except stand in front of cameras and complain about everything, but at least they have a game plan apparently - get on TV and stay on TV.