May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023

I grew up in NY, and unfortunately had to return when I was going broke in the 80s. Even then I had heard stories of people getting pushed off subway platforms, so I sought temp jobs to stay afloat in the suburbs to which I could drive rather than take a chance on Manhattan. I was there a full year before I even ventured back on the subway, but at least I lived to tell about it.

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Bravo Peachy! This article made me LOL! "Neiman Marxist AOC"...that right there made me upgrade to paid subscriber!

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"Neiman Marxist" describes that airhead perfectly.

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War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; and Equity is Sharing the Subway Car with the Criminally Insane.

Great essay!

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Handful of quarters knotted into an athletic sock? Situational awareness and EDC?

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May 9, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Nieman Marxist. Pure gold.

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Peachy, do you know anyone personally who is or became psychotic? Asked a little differently: do you have any direct experience with someone who developed this kind of severe mental illness?

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I do. They fired a gun at me also. What is your point?

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Then you, Libertarian, actually know something about schizophrenia. But you didn’t write the article, Peachy did. Judgments are indeed, as Daniel D wrote below, black and white. But the world itself is neither black nor white, it just is the way it is. Having said that, it is also true that there is nothing and no one on God’s green earth we can’t judge, and quickly. If we actually know something about the object of our judgment that can get in the way a bit. The other stuff is easy. The less we know about something or someone the easier and faster it is to know exactly who the villain is, who the victim is, and what should be done about it. People judge because they don’t want to think. Thinking takes time, work and attention. Most people aren’t interested enough to actually do any of it. Judgment stops thinking in its tracks.

Here is an example: “The schizophrenic who fired a gun at you was wrong to do so, and in so doing they endangered your life.” Pretty black and white. Shooting at people is dangerous and wrong. Hard to argue with that.

Let’s continue. The well established doctrine of self defense entitles you to shoot back. In fact, you have a duty to shoot back, since the psychotic person is likely to endanger you again. The mere existence of a demonstrably violent person puts you and others at risk. What to do about it? It’s simple! You need to kill the crazy bastard, or someone does. Was it your father? Your son? Your brother? Your childhood friend? No matter. Life is black and white, if you have the guts to see it so.

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Dude. I just fuckin ran.

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You never saw the person again?

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May 9, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Really. WTF was his point. The world is black and white, unless you choose to see it otherwise.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Read your Federalist article too, Peachy. Both of your articles about this story were the usual insightful, brave and pointed truth of the matter. No one I read is able to concisely say it as it is. The truth hurts. Everyone knows that and more people used to write about it. Charles Krauthammer was great for that. That’s how we knew that all was not lost - people were voicing the direness of the situation. I don’t see many (any?) doing it any more. But you are. My sincere Thanks.

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It pisses me off when I see good people crucified for trying to help others as the case with this Marine protecting civilians. Four of my brothers and I are US military veteran also and nearly half my neighborhood was too. We wouldn’t serve again for this shit Coward In Chief and the Socialist Democratic Party and RINOs of the GOP. Let the Wokesters defend these sorry asses: our enemies won’t even need to fire a gun. I remember taking the subway in North Philly for HS and left late one evening after soccer; was cornered by thugs with knives and Afro picks out. Just in time the subway car doors opened and I want sprawling in to the surprise of the passengers. Cities like Chicago, Philly, Detroit are already dead and the corpse is decaying.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Deaths such as that of Jordan Neely are sometimes referred to as "successful tragedies".

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Brilliant! Could have been written by John Cleese or PJ O'Rourke!

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Make Asylums Great Again

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May 8, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Amazingly good post - made me subscribe!

How is it you can be so sane and have so much common sense, when our leaders ( the mayor, the governor, the president ), with all of their advisors and resources, can be so dumb, ignorant and out of touch?

Their first responsibility is to provide a safe environment, where hard working people can prosper, or at least try to.

You just put them all to shame.

Now, I’ll go to my library’s website.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

I see you made RCP’s PM update.

I probably should not ride the subway, if some one threatened a women, a child, or a vulnerable stranger, I could get in big trouble; in a “Neely” situation, you really don’t know what will happen, and isn’t that the point of keeping people like him off the street.

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"Neiman Marxist"...sublime!

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"Neiman Marxist" is gold.

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The world has sharp edges. From what I can tell based on progressive ideas...we ARE supposed the feel the sharp edges of criminal psychopaths terrorizing our streets but we MUST BE PROTECTED FROM the sharp edges of entrance exams and other performance proxies that serve as a predictor for future success. Makes sense.

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There is light at the end of the tunnel, but is it an onrushing train or a woke mob?

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May 8, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Wow! You are a Crusader. I feel as strongly about the egregious drug pricing. This goes on my modest blog-perhaps you'll honor me sometime. Don't need subscriptions-just help to spread awareness (40 words when 4 will do) Thx.

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