Sep 24, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Satanic rituals for retards. LOL

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You are right, it’s so out in the open that normies think it’s a joke/ demon chic. Satan is quite clever but the fires of hell await these beasts and the Immaculata has already crushed his head⚔️

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

I just want to throw up right now. Zip your wallets and guard your children. No joke, these folks are evil. Thank you for exposing it Peachy.

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Forgive me, Elizabeth, but when I read your comment and saw "No joke" my mind went into a Joe Biden voice. Sorry!

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Super essay and wonderful exposure of the hypocrisy and pretentious NYC woke elites who never actually served in the military like 4 of my brothers and me, but are only to happy to foment neocon warmongering in the Ukraine. They’re cowards and traitors.

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We’re going to get a bigger exorcism when Jesus Christ returns. This will be dealt with permanently.

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Fact check: true

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😱 the artwork

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Trump is “Neo” in our “Matrix.” He has awakened us to the evil that surrounds us. The Clinton’s et al are just future dust in hell. Truly feel sorry for the good people left in Ukraine, yet sadly the hatred and intolerance in that part of the world dates back centuries and no matter what happens now, the battles will be fought forever.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Great article that feeds us this despicable gruel in a more palatable way. For an even deeper dive, check out the Epstein series on the Martyr Made podcast (he looks at Marina Abromovic in detail): https://martyrmade.substack.com/p/epstein-the-full-series-pts-1-3#details

WARNING: very graphic content. Listening to it got me to rethink my original rejection of the Pizza gate conspiracy and let's just say, I don't discount anything anymore.

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These people are pedophiles and worse. Why do they continually get the limelight they crave more than food? I can't think of one thing any of them has contributed to the betterment of mankind. However, one thing they can do for the betterment of all is turn themselves in for the justice they so richly deserve.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

I love that part of The Book of Genesis where God says to Satan "She shall crush your head..." Speaking of The Immaculata of course. Try to live in The Immaculate Heart of Mary and The Sacred Heart of Jesus, and you will be loved, protected and delivered from evil. We know how this ends.

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You literally cannot make this shit up.

No Austin Powers movie plot comes anywhere close to creating somebody like these bizarre, creepy super villains. The sad part is that they always skate.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Peachy - We in Ukraine are in a tough spot. We need help, even if it comes from the most unsavory characters. The Russians are not only unsavory, they are killing us.

I hope to high heaven that we never enter the twin cesspools of NATO and the EU. But for the time being we have to hold our noses and pretend we want to. Most encouraging news of the week was the EU saying it would take ten years. Time enough for our war to end, and them to collapse.

NB: Did you notice that my review of your book is at the top of the Amazon list? I love it.

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I appreciate the kind words and your review! My take is that there is no "defeating" Russia, and that peace negotiations are the only way out to avoid further mass death and nuclear war. A single dead man is a dead father, a dead son. Enough.

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You are welcome. We don't want to defeat them. We just want them to go home. We have been under their thumb before and don't want to do it again.

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important and good article

i am a sucker for pizzagate "conspiracy theories"

i can't help it

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I had originally scoffed at it, but man, there's a heck of a lot of evidence of a big cabal of leaders who "love" children in the worst way possible.

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And they sure hate “The Sound of Freedom”. Especially the legacy media.

They blest and bray about 300 year-old, normative slavery while ignoring the Evil of today.

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The satanism and pedophilia happened at Little St. James Island and John Podesta’s house, not Comet Pizza. Ergo, the conspiracy theory has been totally debunked and only a crazy person would investigate it any further.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Try googling "comet pizza instagram photos"




Just look at the images

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Beautifully done PK. If Andrew Breitbart saw politics as downstream from culture, we are now in era of culture being downstream from looting. This is a perfect expression of the culture of the looting class - from LA to NYC to Davos to Ukraine. Almost makes one root for Russia. Almost...

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I’m way past that line. I’m definitely rooting for Russia. I’m beginning to wonder if they weren’t the good guys all along.

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Thank you, Peachy! I'm amazed that you replied but I think I shouldn't be. You're not someone above us ordinary Americans! Erika

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Thank you, Aaron, Another point I wish I had made re: Peachy's article is that it's horrifying that these ghouls somehow have the need to include children in their obscenity and sacrilege. Parents, I don't think there has ever been a greater need to protect our children. Be vigilant! Erika

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