These people are still embedded in all the major institutions of American life, the public schools, the universities, the entertainment industry, HR departments of major corporations, the US government. These people are not permanently defeated, and they’re not going to go away. They’ve suffered one defeat, and they were shocked by that, but they are regrouping. This is a long war, and we have just won one battle. I like the optimism, but I’m afraid you’re overrating the scale of what just happened. Far from being almost over, this war is just getting started.

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Trump is a wartime president (or at least needs to be), his war is just at home, not abroad. a necessary frame to adopt until these rats have jumped ship.

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They are still working at X. Or at least they left algorithms behind. This week X flagged as "sensitive" my repost of a Scott Adams tweet where he offers to show you how to draw your own Dilbert cartoon. https://x.com/powellmajors/status/1862818107548479600

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I feel hope for our country like I haven’t in a good while. Gen X came out bigly for Trump and I’m so proud!

Demographics are on the side of conservatives so we should play a long game and focus on how we raise our kids.

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Great piece! We need to leave all of this in the museum. You’re absolutely right that a great battle has been won, but we must remain vigilant.

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Museum ja. Don't make it fireproof.

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Great List Peachy: outrage with dignity. have you ever met a Leftist who expressed any gratitude?

Seattle’s CHAZ - small-scale Marxism that Works!

Portland mayor Ted Wheeler rioting with BLM - but then they got to his Condo.

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great, will add to Part 2

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And honorary mention must also go to Tim Walz’ wife for opening up the windows during the Saint Floyd riots to “relish“ the smell of burning rubber from the “mostly peaceful protesters/arsonists“.

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Maybe the museum gift shop could sell "Minneapolis burning" scented candles, Kamala margarita mix, and transgender underwear.

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The battle has just begun and will continue for a long time if we are to restore our country.

There are a number of stores and products I used to use that, as they went woke and assaulted their customers visually and verbally, I never shopped at or bought again. That is a lifetime boycott for me. I don't care if the companies say they are sorry now. They don't deserve our trust because they are just being facile and can and will pivot again. Then there are the businesses that don't want MAGA people or anyone that didn't vote for Harris. This includes coffee shops, and small businesses. I am good with that, too. If they want to limit their customer base to less than half the population, great! That creates opportunity for others to build new businesses on top of their withering corpses.

The rest of the examples of perversion and grooming kids are people who need to be removed from society along with those who facilitate them.

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I pray that the tyranny of impaired infants is gone, at least for decades. I remember the messy "counterculture" of the late 60's, inconsiderate with a criminal, stupid vision. That fell flat. Maybe we will get a nice long reprieve from this latest round of bad behavior disguised as "virtue".

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Light is truly breaking forth into darkness. But may I add one word to the most important statement in the article?

“We may have won a great victory but the war of good vs evil is never really won—not until the last days of (unredeemed) men.”

We look for the day when the Righteous King judges the wicked and fully reigns over men and women whom he has redeemed.

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Well done, Peachy!

I like to name names so part of my consumer modification strategy includes divorce from Black Rifle Coffee (see Kyle Rittenhouse), Amazon (see Parler), Target, Starbucks, Netflix etc. (overall overt wokeness). The Irishman in me (no doubt descendant of slaves) will hold onto these grudges until the Lord returns.

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Tess Holiday has a real nice backpack on her upper arm.

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Like a breaking fever ….. I hope.

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Good lord, that was a sick, sick post.

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We’ve won a reprieve not a final victory. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Speak the truth in love and have courage. The Lord is with us.

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No rest for the weary. Yes, we've won some astounding victories the past year or so but the demons we face will never give up, as they have nothing else better to do than destroy all Western Christian/Judeo societies. The same said types of individuals are trying to start a nuclear exchange with the preeminent world nuclear power, Russia, as they think they can win. I think that's problematic: what "winning" would look like is hard to envision.

So, as you say, we must not ever forget who these people and institution were that did these vile things to hundreds of millions of humans, punish them, then banish them from society. That will take much effort and hard work, but the alternative of them remaining in control of anything just means we'll have to fight the same ones again.

Danny Huckabee

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In 2016, the first time Trump won (and Hillary didn't), some genius at the DNC had the brilliant idea to mail to EVERY FEMALE in AMERICA, not just Dems (or so I figured), unsolicited Vogue and Cosmopolitan magazines with really ugly you-go-girl covers. The one I particularly remember had emblazoned on it a large photo of a repellent, half-naked, obese, and grossly tattooed Lena Dunham. Did anyone else here have this happen to them too?

YES ---- it's simply amazing that "the fever broke," just as we all fantasized it would but almost gave up expecting. It's like a dream come true! Still can't quite believe it. Which is probably a good thing --- that way, with the insanity fresh in our minds we will "stay vigilant," as Peachy warned.

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Great summary of what we've been through in the past few years. I thank God for the reprieve we've been granted. Thanks!

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Buckle up because We the People want American justice and this is hopefully not the same old GOP of previous generations. Will we see the coming Covid trials blow off the top of the massive corruption and crimes against the people? We shall see.


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