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The November 2024 election was just the start of a massive shift now underway in the culture.
You can feel it, can’t you?
After years of normal, traditional American life under attack from every direction by horrors beyond comprehension and unintentionally hilarious bad ideas, the tide is turning. Years of low-level, largely digital warfare waged by isolated, fairly fringe “dissident extremists” —the online anonymous posters, the small groups of outraged parents, the based boomer grandmas posting on Facebook, the girls in sports tired of being humiliated—finally, at last, the whole country synchronized their voices and screamed “enough!”
Reinforcements at last had arrived to relieve the stalwart culture warriors in the online fox holes and secret group chats—enough to make a difference when it mattered. Nearly every single county in the country moved right!
And the glorious election was just the start. The great cultural rollback will only pick up steam now, and we are not going back.
But “woke” is not dead—it is simply knocked off its pedestal. Demoralized but not defeated. It can rise again if we are not careful. That is why we must memorialize what they did, commit each defacement and abomination to memory. We can never let them forget any of this. They are not allowed to escape blame.
Don’t let them gaslight you or deny they pushed these things and tried to force you to support them, too. They did their best to bottle and sell the worst, most degraded cultural memes ever produced. They branded their poison “virtue,” and “truth” and “freedom” and justice,” but it was all the same intolerable, deadening swill.
The obese post-op emperor never had any clothes. Now that everyone’s eyes are finally opened, let’s take a tour of the Museum of some of my favorite hideous artifacts from the era.
Let’s get started!
The Violence as Justice Exhibit
I got to watch the May 31, 2020 rape and pillage of Santa Monica (my hometown) live on TV. Four years later and downtown is still mostly a ghost town:
They were just in mourning for Mr. Floyd. They were just trying to steal bread to feed their kids. They were just looting and burning down Target in the name of “racial justice”—and new shit:
There were many victims of the lawlessness that gripped big cities and small town, including Kenosha, Wisconsin.
In 2020, a teenager named Kyle Rittenhouse was chased and attacked by multiple Antifa stooges snd pedophiles while he was protecting local businesses from getting torched. He shot and killed two of his attackers and wounded a third. His exoneration was a rare win in that dark time.
In 2023, a courageous former Marine protected a subway car full of New Yorkers from a violent drug addict who was threatening to kill them. When the perp became unconscious in Daniel Penny’s chokehold, while full of drugs, and died later in a hospital, New York scumbag DA Alvin Bragg had an innocent Good Samaritan arrested for murder. His trial wraps up next week.
Also in 2023, “human-rights” activists rampaged through New York, tearing down and defacing posters of kidnapped Jews in Israel in the name of Palestine:
Most of them were American college students. Co-ed terror cells blossomed on campuses across the country. The Zoomerwaffen SS took over UCLA and, when they weren’t calling for the death of Jews, they destroyed their own campus.
Ever thus to deadbeats, Lebowski.
The Rainbow Regime Exhibit
Almost too many wonderful examples here to choose from. But Rachel Levine gets her own wing, of course:
The United States Military developed a serious recruiting problem and couldn’t get enough men to enlist, but don’t worry, it had nothing to do with the Army turning into this:
The experts in charge also normalized young women doing all kind of cool new things to their bodies. This magazine cover is one for the ages:
But behind the rainbows and glitter, there was a dark reality. This is what “the science” was doing to young women to construct frankenweenies:
Then the NFL, last bastion of muscular masculinity, released an ad in 2021 for Pride Month called “Football is Gay,” created by the woketarded ad agency 72 and Sunny.
In case you didn’t get the message that men had to self-castrate themselves and apologize for being, you know, football players.
Just incredible, this artifact:
And who could forget our friend Sam, lover of fine women’s luggage:
The Grooming Exhibit
Industrial-scale kiddie grooming took off at public libraries around the country, thanks to a lesbian San Francisco marxist activist Michelle Tea, who started Drag Queen Story Hour.
Toddlers love terrifying men in disturbing clown makeup!
Mark yourself and your kids safe from Fluffy the Bearded Drag Queen:
Remember when beloved toddler cartoon Blue’s Clues debuted a very special Pride Parade episode hosted by a drag queen?
Here’s a screenshot of the female beaver sporting top surgery scars from her “gender affirmation surgery”:
Not to be outdone, Disney added a totally irrelevant lesbian character arc to its Buzz Lightyear origin story prequel. Disney, children’s entertainment expert, decided that little boys obsessed with swashbuckling macho space rangers would enjoy storylines about a black lesbian couple and their sperm donor child.
You know, for kids!
But grooming kids was important to their movement. They need to get the kids to drag shows and teach them to twerk.
No child was left behind when the drag strip show came to this small Texas town:
If kids couldn’t make it to a strip show, they could just check out some of the new and exciting books that were filling up their school libraries.
Like this one:
Very educational!
The Abolishing Whiteness Exhibit
It was not enough to canonize criminals as saints. Anything that commemorated “American excellence” (code for “kill Whitey”) had to be destroyed.
Abolishing whiteness was going to require making some changes. But where to begin?
Robin D’Angelo and her book “White Fragility” launched a thousand struggle sessions across racist corporate America.
Raise your hand if you had to Do The Work:
In 2020, the National Museum of African American History & Culture published this delightful chart on the evils of “white culture.” Beware! you might read this and think things like individual responsibility, being on time, and hard work are actually pretty good—but you’d be wrong! If you think that, you are a giant racist confirmed.
This stuff is just pure comedy gold. It will be chiseled in marble and framed between Ionic columns inside the museum, maybe near a sculpture of Zeus.
Abolishing whiteness was not just an academic exercise. It also manifested as actually abolishing it in publicby tearing down literally hundreds of statues of prominent men of European descent:
Once whiteness was taken care of, they moved on to another plank of the bad old days: Beauty.
The New Beauty Standards Exhibit
The old standards had to go. New, more inclusive ones were adopted across the fashion, beauty, and marketing industries.
This was “bad,” remember:
Instead, you had to pretend to admire and be attracted to the New Beauty. To call it out as “ugly” or “unhealthy” would get you thrown into the camps.
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition used to offer a Platonic ideal of feminine beauty: —and appeal to the healthy, perfectly normal male gaze.
But suddenly, they started puting men with fake breasts and tuck-friendly suits on the cover:
The body positivity movement took care of the biological females. Obesity became the New Hot. Are you getting turned on yet, anon? You better be! You are required to maintain an erection no matter what or who we put on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition!
Marketers were not going to be left behind (no pun intended):
The Trusting the Science Exhibit
Remember covid? Back when a lot of people trusted the heck out of the science? Lol. LMAO even.
Like when they made us do this to kids:
And this:
They didn’t let anyone visit their dying parents. Dying alone was Good For You. Trust them!
And for extra safety, the health experts recommended using glory holes for sex. Of course, make sure you wipe them down before and after!
I always feel safer visiting a glory hole dungeon, don’t you?
The Longhouse Exhibit: Feminism as Fascism
The worst, most unappealing female archetype rose to dominate pop culture: the suffocating, insufferable girl boss. She was obsessed with “tearing down stereotypes” and “slaying the patriarchy” while loudly declaring herself liberated.
There was no more perfect avatar of this archetype than actress Rachel Zegler, star of Disney’s Snow White live action movie.
Rachel also gets her own wing of the museum. I’m actually grateful for her service; she destroyed woke feminism for an entire generation.
Here is Rachel bragging that her version of Snow White “is not gonna be saved the Prince. She’s not gonna be dreaming of true love. She’s dreaming of becoming the leader she knows she can be.”
Ah, yes, little girls love girl boss fantasies, just like little boys crave lesbian love stories!
Here’s Rachel calling Prince Charming “a stalker:”
A large number of these women chose careers in disinformation. Like becoming a cop without having to touch a gun, or a dirty perp.
They declared jihad on disinformation, but actually they became the rabid commissars enforcing the “new truth” on the rest of us.
How could anyone forget crooning Minister of Truth Nina Janckowicz:
The chief enforcer of the new “disinformation” speech rules was disinformation expert Dr. Joan Donovan.
The museum is raising money to build a life-size sculpture of Dr. Joan:
The Climate Gooner Exhibit
Nothing says “save the planet” more than splashing paint on great works of art and gluing your soft hands that have never known a real days work to the walls.
Look at these morons:
Blocking traffic and preventing hard working taxpayers from getting to work was another favorite tactic of the unemployed climate loser:
The Marketing Madness Exhibit
Terrified of being left behind, the largest brands and companies in the country raced towards the cliffs of insanity and hurled themselves into the abyss.
Bud Light put a trans influencer on a can of beer to promote March Madness:
Luxury fashion brand Balenciaga launched a holiday campaign featuring little children holding terrifying teddy bears strapped into leather bondage gear:

And just under the wire, days after the November 2024 election, Jaguar dropped an instantly viral brand teaser to promote their rebranding as a super luxury electric-only car company.
Their teaser video is like a Greatest Hits video of the worst excesses of the last 10 years. They were so high on their own supply that they didn’t notice the culture pass them by going 100 MPH.
This will be playing on giant screens in the lobby of the Museum:
And then, just like that, the fever broke.
You are no longer required to pay homage to these false gods. You are no longer required to put your pronouns in your bio, or pretend men in dresses are just as attractive as women, or be ashamed of your skin color or class or of being American.
Masculinity is back on the menu. Beauty is legal again.
We are not ever going back to whatever the hell this was:
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
But stay vigilant!
We may have won a great victory but the war of good vs evil is never really won—not until the last days of men.
What museum exhibits did I miss?Add your favorites in the comments below!
Thanks for reading, and happy Thanksgiving! I love my readers!
These people are still embedded in all the major institutions of American life, the public schools, the universities, the entertainment industry, HR departments of major corporations, the US government. These people are not permanently defeated, and they’re not going to go away. They’ve suffered one defeat, and they were shocked by that, but they are regrouping. This is a long war, and we have just won one battle. I like the optimism, but I’m afraid you’re overrating the scale of what just happened. Far from being almost over, this war is just getting started.
I feel hope for our country like I haven’t in a good while. Gen X came out bigly for Trump and I’m so proud!
Demographics are on the side of conservatives so we should play a long game and focus on how we raise our kids.