All stellar, but the Word does say Let no unwholesome talk come from your mouth. And, we will be accountable for every word spoken. HOWEVER, I was an unpaid subscriber, but I appreciate women who are Fierce & Feminine and upgraded to paid. :)
Vices such as unwholesome language while proven metrics of above average intelligence, as well nicely provide one with something for which they can conveniently atone
Amen!! It is utterly sickening to see so many Catholic charities with their hands stuck in government money bags, and so many useful idiot (mostly highly educated) Catholic supporters of such programs. This warped "compassion" is a parody of Christian charity, IMO. (I will defer to Fulton Sheen who remarked that if there was a patron saint of "social justice" it would be Judas. Also, he said something to the effect that sometimes those who champion such "social justice" do so because they are lacking in individual justice. I 100% agree.)
FWIW, I think it's actually not a bad mantra. Some people actually need to hear this, I think 😜
I get it Peachy. I'm a fallen away Catholic from way back. I have always believed in God and our Savior but lately I have needed to take part in the Eucharist. I still have my issues with those running the church but not with the many teachings of the church.
I have the same issues with my beloved US and worst of all I'm having a lot of trouble with forgiveness. We have a loving God and a wonderful nation and an astonishing number of idiots who want to deny God and destroy America
So I'm going to be spending a lot of time in confession or reconciliation as it is now called and doing penance. I may fail my Lord and Savior but I will keep trying and keep fighting for this great nation given us by God.
Peachy - Thank you for not just the words, but the attitude.
Do you know why it is that Catholic Charities gets so much mention re the illegal border crossers? Compassion is one thing, but the border belongs to Caesar. Is it all really about money?
If we don’t get our hackles up, a small group of determined people, funded by the likes of Soros, will continue to punch way above their weight, and get their perverted, Marxist, way with our border, our kids, our energy, our babies, our money, and our freedom. F*m and anyone who puts up with them.
It is disgusting and utterly corrupt but then again, so is the Vatican. Individual Catholics are ashamed and suffering because of these so-called charities
I actually sent your Catholic Women's Conference speech to my Catholic brother and sister-in-law (I'm Protestant myself), and they loved it and still quote some of your lines to each other, per my brother when we chatted last week. I'm almost done with your "Domestic Extremist" book myself, so it's been a very Peachy few weeks for our family clan. Please know that your words and humor and righteous anger get to more folks than you know, and I'm grateful for you holding the line!
This simple reality is always ignored by the compassionate, non-xenophobic open birders morons. And the fact that “here” soon won’t be here any more anyway. But of course that’s the goal of the globalists/Regressives/uniparty toadies/ culturally suicidal useful idiots.
Sing it, sister. We are in a war, and war is gritty. We can’t all be standing by clutching our pearls while the self-mutilating West abuses itself into oblivion. I too feel like I’m the only one with my dukes up. And it reliably makes me feel alone and like an idiot.
Peachy on FIRE - I love it! One observation I've had: The narrative from the left and their sycophants in the media that "Illegals aren't causing crime" is disappearing faster than a pack of smokes at an AA meeting. This issue is now getting traction with the huddled masses - and the mouth-breather in the White House OWNS it. Full Stop. Keep up the good fight!
1. David, the Man After God’s Own Heart: 21Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
22I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
That resonates with me…gets my juices flowing….until I arrive at Mt.5:44-48.
2. A new study has shown that living with your head in a dark orifice leads to acute cerebral oxygen deficiency which in turn causes the sufferer to turn Blue. Spread the word to raise awareness!
Don't ever lose Hope, Faith, or Courage. Use whatever language you need to.
There was a time, and not too long ago, when the Armed Forces were filled with men who were rough; who used rough language, and lead rough lives. These men may not have been acceptably polite by today's standards, but they got the job done. They believed in this country, they won wars and saved lives. Can we say the same for our warriors, today?
I'm a devout, traditional Catholic, and I believe that it's impotant to not take any BS. God will judge me, but no person can.
Keep the Faith, Peachy. Your Courage will come with Faith. And never surrender! Let them Go F*** Themselves!
All stellar, but the Word does say Let no unwholesome talk come from your mouth. And, we will be accountable for every word spoken. HOWEVER, I was an unpaid subscriber, but I appreciate women who are Fierce & Feminine and upgraded to paid. :)
Yes I debated doing this one! I think some people will be mad, but maybe thats what we need. thank you jennie!
Vices such as unwholesome language while proven metrics of above average intelligence, as well nicely provide one with something for which they can conveniently atone
I'll just "like" since there's not a "hell yeah!" option.
Amen!! It is utterly sickening to see so many Catholic charities with their hands stuck in government money bags, and so many useful idiot (mostly highly educated) Catholic supporters of such programs. This warped "compassion" is a parody of Christian charity, IMO. (I will defer to Fulton Sheen who remarked that if there was a patron saint of "social justice" it would be Judas. Also, he said something to the effect that sometimes those who champion such "social justice" do so because they are lacking in individual justice. I 100% agree.)
FWIW, I think it's actually not a bad mantra. Some people actually need to hear this, I think 😜
I get it Peachy. I'm a fallen away Catholic from way back. I have always believed in God and our Savior but lately I have needed to take part in the Eucharist. I still have my issues with those running the church but not with the many teachings of the church.
I have the same issues with my beloved US and worst of all I'm having a lot of trouble with forgiveness. We have a loving God and a wonderful nation and an astonishing number of idiots who want to deny God and destroy America
So I'm going to be spending a lot of time in confession or reconciliation as it is now called and doing penance. I may fail my Lord and Savior but I will keep trying and keep fighting for this great nation given us by God.
God bless you and hang in there.
A good app worth checking out: Laudate.
All the best on your faith journey. God Bless.
Peachy - Thank you for not just the words, but the attitude.
Do you know why it is that Catholic Charities gets so much mention re the illegal border crossers? Compassion is one thing, but the border belongs to Caesar. Is it all really about money?
If we don’t get our hackles up, a small group of determined people, funded by the likes of Soros, will continue to punch way above their weight, and get their perverted, Marxist, way with our border, our kids, our energy, our babies, our money, and our freedom. F*m and anyone who puts up with them.
It is disgusting and utterly corrupt but then again, so is the Vatican. Individual Catholics are ashamed and suffering because of these so-called charities
I actually sent your Catholic Women's Conference speech to my Catholic brother and sister-in-law (I'm Protestant myself), and they loved it and still quote some of your lines to each other, per my brother when we chatted last week. I'm almost done with your "Domestic Extremist" book myself, so it's been a very Peachy few weeks for our family clan. Please know that your words and humor and righteous anger get to more folks than you know, and I'm grateful for you holding the line!
“ Not everyone alive can live here. ”
This simple reality is always ignored by the compassionate, non-xenophobic open birders morons. And the fact that “here” soon won’t be here any more anyway. But of course that’s the goal of the globalists/Regressives/uniparty toadies/ culturally suicidal useful idiots.
Peachy, you are fantastic at getting to the cruxes of all situations. On top of that? You make me laugh.😉
Sing it, sister. We are in a war, and war is gritty. We can’t all be standing by clutching our pearls while the self-mutilating West abuses itself into oblivion. I too feel like I’m the only one with my dukes up. And it reliably makes me feel alone and like an idiot.
Peachy on FIRE - I love it! One observation I've had: The narrative from the left and their sycophants in the media that "Illegals aren't causing crime" is disappearing faster than a pack of smokes at an AA meeting. This issue is now getting traction with the huddled masses - and the mouth-breather in the White House OWNS it. Full Stop. Keep up the good fight!
LOL! I just spit out my coffee! Thanks!
""Illegals aren't causing crime" is disappearing faster than a pack of smokes at an AA meeting"
Just how much bullshit can any one down to earth decent human being be expected to take…
Rock On Peachy!
Peachy, love your neighbor is from Leviticus. Just sayin.
1. David, the Man After God’s Own Heart: 21Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
22I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
That resonates with me…gets my juices flowing….until I arrive at Mt.5:44-48.
2. A new study has shown that living with your head in a dark orifice leads to acute cerebral oxygen deficiency which in turn causes the sufferer to turn Blue. Spread the word to raise awareness!
LOL! Brilliant!
Yep. I'm with ya on that one.
Don't ever lose Hope, Faith, or Courage. Use whatever language you need to.
There was a time, and not too long ago, when the Armed Forces were filled with men who were rough; who used rough language, and lead rough lives. These men may not have been acceptably polite by today's standards, but they got the job done. They believed in this country, they won wars and saved lives. Can we say the same for our warriors, today?
I'm a devout, traditional Catholic, and I believe that it's impotant to not take any BS. God will judge me, but no person can.
Keep the Faith, Peachy. Your Courage will come with Faith. And never surrender! Let them Go F*** Themselves!