Many are saying now that this will finally wake American Jews from their delusional political stupor. I’m not sure anything can do that. A disproportionate number of my long time personal friends are Jewish, and although they may be tut tutting about the “Zoomerwaffen” on campuses, they make no connection with the trajectory of leftism over the last 50 years and would never dream of not voting Democrat.
William F. Buckley, Jr. famously answered “stubbornness” when asked why Jews supported the then only mildly toxic Left. I’ve pondered the question for decades and asked my Jewish friends. They mumble something about the Jewish religion emphasizing compassion and equity. Never mind that not one of them has ever been religious. Never mind that “liberalism” never alleviated poverty, but institutionalized it, and hasn’t delivered jack squat since the Civil Rights Act (which many in their party firmly opposed.) Many of their immigrant parents were actual communists (despite the pogroms.) Many still seem to think Republicans wear plaid trousers and blackball them at country clubs, as if it’s still the 1950s, when in reality only Sheldon Whitehouse would do that today.
As is true with so many blacks, “liberalism” is baked into their cultural identity. For most non-Orthodox Jews it seems to be mostly what’s left of what it means to be “Jewish.” Never mind that liberalism is dead and decomposed in their wretched party. They’ve been fooled. They’ve fooled themselves. And as Mark Twain said, it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled. They’ll still pull the lever for this stuff, convinced they’re voting for liberalism and ignoring the fascism that has replaced it. It’s a true wonder. A very sad one.
Jews invented, promoted, & continue to promote liberalism mainly as a survival strategy. It's much easier to survive as a distinct ethno-sectarian minority population in a multicultural society that is made up of myriad "huddled masses," rather than a society with a clear majority that is strong & proud of its identity. The majority they fear the most is a white Christian majority, owing to the history of WWII and the Holocaust.
Why would Jews fear Blacks when blacks have zero political power and Jews have ALL the political power. Do not believe any Jewish person of means when they claim to be afraid of something. It’s always a grift, they’re the ones that control our government, media, and universities. If you didn’t think you live under a Zionist Occupied Government you were disabused of that notion by the passing of our new Blasphemy Law against criticizing Jewish power.
Anecdotally, I have recently had to pick my jaw up off the floor when discovering some very close black friends (not extremist types by any means) seem to be on the anti-Jew train. I dug around a bit and got sent some links that indicate it's the Kanye West thing, along with some other Hollywood types who felt something. But, seriously, people have a bad experience with a few Hollywood execs and are ready to bin an entire ethnicity? I find this truly bizarre considering it is the very thing no one wants to have done to them.
Nice unqualified assertion. Let's look at the historical record. Jews have consistently and actively supported various pro-black and anti-white movements - cf. the founding members & staffers of the NAACP; MLK's speechwriter; the pro-crime DAs put in place by George Soros' Open Society Foundation, itself inspired by the pro-tolerance and anti-majoritarian philosophy of another Jew, Karl Popper. Or regarding Muslims - why have Jewish groups like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, or individual Jews like Barabara Spectre, relentlessly promoted the invasion of European societies by Muslim migrants? Overall your assertion falls flat.
The fact of the matter is that, historically speaking, at least, and with a few marginal exceptions, Jews have correctly identified that Negroes and Mohammedans are too stupid, poor, & disorganized to constitute a real threat. What they really, fundamentally fear is the possibility of a truly counter-judaic White majority, owing to their own history.
This is an excellent article - by a liberal Jew, might I add - as to why and how Jews created modern liberalism, "tolerance," and multiculturalism as a way of making American society more amenable to their existence:
If so, that’s a grossly outdated fear. It isn’t Christians hating Jews these days, it’s atheistic, nihilistic leftists. And of course Muslims. In any case the many Jewish friends and acquaintances of mine believe in liberal values and are largely well-intentioned, if (in my view) lazy and uncritical in evaluating whether “liberal” policies actually accomplish any of the goals they purport to support.
We’ve ALL just watched Jewish power be deployed, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to deny JEWISH POWER when BOTH PARTIES have come together to pass a modern BLASPHEMY LAW against anyone who dares question our Jewish political overlords. The idea that we have a Zionist Occupied Government has just been demonstrated that Israel is ultimate decision maker in our society. The people who determine the exemption. Don’t be confused by these campus protests, these Leftists are just the FLAG. The AIPAC Jews are the MATATDOR. Gore the matador, not flag. Don’t be distracted by the idiot college kids, they’re rabble. They do not pose a threat to traditional American values, not when compared to power of the Shumer-McConnell Jewish allied political Axis.
If you bring up the holocaust you’re just playing into their hands. Don’t let them use it as a leverage point. It’s a weapon they use to silence all criticism.
I expect many secular Jews saw the left as providing a bit more cover than the old (as they saw it) WASP elite? Same in Eastern Europe where Communists were seen as more friendly than the Christians. You’d think that the ideologies of the time would have taught us that the religious folk need to stick together.
Because my racial genetic makeup is immaterial to what I usually write about, except for this case when it felt appropriate given the context. Would you prefer if I wore a yellow armband to make me easier to spot?
On delusional political stupor. This kind of cognitive dissonance is part and parcel of being a lefty 'intellectual'. As an instance:..... I have an old friend who is off the scale Left. She is off the scale moral relativist, 'deconstructivist', minority 'human rights'-ist, LGBTXYZ-ist, '3rd-Wave feminist.....and yet...and yet she is gob-smacked and outraged by the transgenderitis that has suddenly swept across the Western world....she cannot see that it is her own chickens coming home to roost.
I've never understood (say since at least the 1980s) why so many American Jews vote Dem and pour tons of money into "progressive causes". Jewish Americans on average are higher income, low crime, they are hurt by affirmative action, hurt by high taxes, etc... What about the Dem platform of "wokeness, open borders, big gov't, high taxes" appeals to them? I would think they would be too smart to believe the left wing propaganda & stereotypes about conservatives. But maybe not. For similar reasons, I've always wondered why more Asian Americans don't vote more conservative.
I'm not Jewish but my wife and inlaws are, and the best guess/answer I can give is that Jews (but really the Ashkenazim) have a deep, abiding, atavistic, paranoid yet understandable loathing and terror of the goyim.
Arabs and blacks (esp in America) mostly don't exist in their worlds, and if they do they're non-threatening professionals, and if they're more louche anti-Semites (on TV and in the news) they mostly think they'll either never encounter them or be able to outsmart them.
But, even while all mostly being successful and well-off American professionals, they still go on about that mythical golf course that wouldn't allow Jews to join or that mythical 1950s professor who was denied a job for being Jewish.
And then you add how much Republicans/conservatives code as Christian gentiles, and their bad memories of people like Pat Buchanan and the National Review set (along w their memories of Red and/or Roosevelt ancestors) and they can't help themselves, for them voting Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
Secular American Jews define themselves in opposition to things like faith, flag and family, which will always reek of bigotry to them, and this is not changing anytime soon.
Interesting. As you say, denying people from country clubs and neighborhoods is ancient history. Nobody under 80 would even remember this. Every country in the world has done bad things in the past and goes though an evolution to get better. Sounds like they DO have stereotypes of conservatives. There are a TON of conservatives that just want smaller gov't, balanced budgets, personal responsibility, a merit based country, lower taxes, strong borders, less foreign wars, etc...
I grew up in a liberal Dem family, went to a liberal university, and I was brainwashed into stereotypes of conservatives. I remember viscerally hating conservatives in college and my early 20's. Then I got out on my own, started businesses, read lots of books, and got to know a lot of people on the right and found out all that was mostly total BS. I found conservatives far more rational and clear minded.
> As you say, denying people from country clubs and neighborhoods is ancient history.
BTW, treating something that happened 50 years ago as "ancient history" is a distinctly American trait. I'm not even convinced it's a good one since it tends to make Americans dismiss history.
Well, it is understandable considering they don't have the happiest history in their European wanderings. takes a lot to forget 1000 yrs of persecution!
If you've ever been to a Seder, what you read again and again is the theme of caring for others: the sick, the orphaned, and the poor. You also read that you must care for the stranger "because I was a stranger." This is what God commands.
That's why Jews have voted Democratic for so long. It was FDR and LBJ who gave us the safety nets we all cherish -- Social Security, unemployment, Medicare, and so on, good things all: the things that God commanded.
Through the years, however, they have been perverted and abused. Now we have chaos.
In the attempt to "diversify" our workplaces, to bring strangers into our spheres, to help those who need perhaps only a boost, we have hired for jobs people whose qualifications are dicey and whose world-visions are sometimes pernicious. Why so many Muslims in media (for example) when their numbers do not warrant that sort of representation?
And now because chaos is contagious, the privileged among our young have joined forces with Islamists, Marxists, and BLM alums and are rampaging across college campuses in the same way undereducated, resentful, out-of-control elements rampaged through our cities.
Time to give up understanding them. I think even formerly lefty Jews are now realizing it.
“Care for others” should require actual results from the policies you support. Liberalism has delivered no such thing since the Civil Rights Acts. As far as I’m concerned, there is moral accountability for that, and if you support policies that don’t serve the people you pretend to care about, or make things worse, you’re not caring for others. You’re lazy and self indulgent with your pretensions of caring.
Because Jews do whatever gets them power. Whoever is in power will be supported by (and parasitized by) the American and Global Jewry. Look at the pattern throughout history. Look at the New Deal.
Also our genes seem to be compatible. We may have to consider creating next gen warriors.
At HBS, I told all not to donate because they didn't need the money and sent it to the other side of the river which hated American then and many decades before as Buckley famously highlighted.
They tried to fuck me out of graduating. Not a smart thing to do to someone who qualified for Northwestern 6yr BS/MD as a HS Jr and turned it down bc he wanted to do (and did do hostile takeovers). I made those assholes cave faster than Trump. Cause I had the ultimate whole card. Cunts had covered up a murder by an over his head black affirmative action case (I was acquainted with). I believe the university is responsible for him losing it and killing his wife by putting him in the future masters of the universe environment where he was destined to fail because he didn't belong there. I was bored there and pissed off because only 4 of 20 profs were world class so mostly embarassed or humiliated the 16. I don't think this endeared me to them either.
I grew up surrounded by concentration camps survivors so Nazis tried to march there. We stopped that. A movie was made about it that you probably know. My friends dad lost at SCOTUS cause he was the city atty and over his head.
I like gefilte fish as well. Engaged in elaborate schemes at Thanksgiving with youngest cousin to get more than my share of addictive Grandma's strudel. As an adult I learned it might really be rugellah.
In Dallas, I put a Nazi with swastika neck tattoo in prison for third strike.
Weirdly he had a bag with underwear from a gay store on the Cesar Springs gay strip. I don't think it was much use in prison as he was likely bored to gape without one of Musk's machines (the old fashioned way)
As far as I am concerned Lefty Jews can continue Darwining themselves. See Telegram for non sectarian amusement
Oh, almost forgot. immediately after Draw Mohammad in DFW terrorist attack, I flushed out a terrorist who sent me terrorist threats and communicated with 2 shooters right before the attack wishing them well. Minutes later the NYT great (and thus exceedingly rare) reporter Callimachi told me that was Junaid Hussein, ISIS #1 hacker. Yawn. Our boys killed him 6 months later.
O Tolerance for Nazis and Muslims.
Ban Islam
by COTUS Amendment in USA
Bush Jr Betrayed America after 9-11 on Islam
Zoomerwaffen !!!
A Spitfire* like you is an appropriate weapon against them
If you don't have a dog you must get a Beagle named Snoopy
The Jews were driven from Russia to Poland and then Germany and then were annihilated by the Germans in a period of three years. After the war no country in Europe wanted them and they were kept in DP camps FOR YEARS and were not allowed out until some country could take them which was their own: Israel, in 1948. Zionism is about the survival of a people, God's Chosen people. Screw anyone who dares to criticize Israel.
This is NOT true of blacks. Their community has a finely tuned sense of danger, and an excellent word-of-mouth communication network. Think of the Great Migration.
I'm 64. I went to college like so much of my generation did. Started out in Political Science (what a joke), shifted to History (a slower developing joke) and finally settled in Archeology which I loved but like everything else in college has just become more anti white, anti American propaganda. Took me ten years to finish my degree because as the 80s wore on college became more and more useless. I then taught high school on and off for 13 years while raising three strawberry blond sons. The strangest part of growing older thru the last 40 years has been watching Catholics, Jews and Republicans embrace all this self hatred. That somehow if you hated the cultures that built western civilization, the first and only civilization that embraced love, justice and talent as the best foundation for a successful culture, then somehow you were acceptable. Instead of being proud of what we've built and living by the Word of God, we have worked to systematically destroy western civilization, especially the US. I was brought up Catholic and Catholics, like Jews have embraced the wild eyed, self destructive, self immolating philosophy of liberalism. It's like some kind of moronic popularity contest where if we hate ourselves enough then all the most unsuccessful, violent, backward cultures on the planet will finally like us. So. I for one, reject popularity. I want a safe, strong, God fearing America for my family and the rest of the world can either learn by example and or themselves to pieces.
As a kind of second job - possibly my alternative to being a WalMart greeter in old age - I started teaching in schools about 6 years ago. At one point I decided after the Covid lockdown to check out the Catholic schools so I interviewed with one and they actually offered me a job I did not take, mainly for geographical reasons.
The interview was funny. I kept expecting someone to ask me if I was married or gay but no one did. I think they were somewhat excited because I had studied philosophy in a Catholic graduate school. (At one point I told them I wasn't Catholic so I would not know how to answer doctrinal questions. And they said that's fine, we often don't either, and we just say "Ask Father Murphy when he comes on Thursday.")
They were proud to tell me a big part of their teaching was on Catholic social justice. I think they assumed that that would be a selling point to me, someone who was a Protestant or secular, possibly gay, definitely single, person. They didn't realize I wasn't exactly the stereotype they thought I was.
I’m finally discovering like minded people. Now all of us frogs need to jump out of the boiling water and build, build, build. Build coalitions, build stronger communities, stronger services for each other, stronger bastions of freedom and for God’s sake stronger spines.
Shia or Sunni? Because the Shia have never attacked us, and should be our natural allies against the extremist Sunni sects, yet it’s the Sunni we support against the Shia.
And then of course there’s the fact that 9/11 was a direct result of our support for Israel. We don’t fight terrorism, we use it, and occasionally our pet bites us.
Zoomerwaffen? Copyright that. What a bunch of self righteous jerks. If it wasn't so disturbing it would be funny. (Think the nazis in The Blues Brothers.) Imagine, "Im driving to the Gaza encampment in my Prius..I can't possible fit those signs." Keep up the good work. I hope you know how meaningful it is. If you are celebrating Passover, Have a happy one.
Yea they’re self righteous jerks but they’re just dumb college students. They’re annoying but they’re not the ones pulling the strings of power. The people in charge of everything work at AIPAC
On one hand I feel so sorry for these kids. Their only meaning in life is discontent, and their causes not noble. I sometimes wish swift Karma on them, but I am Christian so... that's probably not the best hope to indulge. On the other hand though, they could all use a little dose of reality, the little twerps.
I do not understand, however, the blind spots in people though. If you're a secular Jew how did you not see the trends before Oct.7th?
I wonder the same thing in my home state of Minnesota. It's like the crazy progressive city people are willfully blind to human nature. They brought in all these refugees from Somalia and gave them all the things, and they cannot understand how they are getting taken advantage of left and right and played for fools. (Look up day care scandal, ISIS recruiting hotbed, & leaders of NGOs taking "cash to feed kids" but buy houses with cash) I think it's the Scandanavian in a lot of them... they just cannot fathom the utter lack of good will others possess, or the willingness to deceive. But, hey, they vote Democrat and the Twin Cities somewhat recently built a nice big voting center right in that refugee/immigrant community (which also boasts hundreds of active tuberculosis cases), so it's all good!
Took Minnesota from a “High Trust” society into a scary, dangerous place: “Low Trust” society filled with many large, unwanted entire Somalian rabid woman-hating, unassimilated foreigner muslim population centers in one generation.
Zero efforts to respect their host nation. Zero respect towards every other religious group per their muslim “hate-faith”.
I’m a 1%er! non-mischling dissident and I’m with you. Thanks for (as ever) putting it so clearly, Peachy. You’re going to get blowback on this one, I think. I know you welcome it when it offers opportunities to take a stand and ask hard, overdue questions; I’m looking forward to the ruckus and to my chances to amplify the points.
P.S. Ululating in LuLulemoms is a “Keeper”. You need to copyright that one, Peachy.
When I see these entitled dipshits protesting on behalf of the animals that mercilessly murdered 1,200 innocent civilians on October 7, I can't help but to think of one of the best quotes of all times:
"Everybody has a plan until they’re punched in the mouth" - Mike Tyson - 1987. Coddling and entitlement have a downside...their day will come.
Funny. I was adopted through Catholic Charities in the late 60s. So until about two years ago (and via 23&Me), I had no idea that I was part Ashkenazi Jew (though I'm mostly English, Scottish, and Irish).
I know that Mr. Aristotle defines humans as "rational animals", but may I offer an emendation: Man is an irrational animal who, with tremendous effort and a device-free childhood, just might evolve into a rational animal.
The Catholic church burnings that began in Canada are just around the corner here I'm sure because what starts with the Jews always includes us. I have a chadson at a state university and I hope the school stays off this crazy train. 2024 is fire so far.
And that may have been true 60 years ago. But most self-styled liberals, Jewish or not, have studiously ignored the evolution of the Left and their party away from liberal values to the various permutations of Marxist/nihilist-derived radicalism, and now outright psychosis, just as they’ve studiously ignored that their putatively “progressive “ attestations have produced no progress since the Civil Rights Act, and have actually produced regression. Regression to the default position of humanity: rule by an unaccountable elite, and now regression to tribalism and anarchy., blood feuds and witch burning.
In the Maoist revolution I believe they sent literate people, including anyone wearing eyeglasses, to work in the countryside. I have a friend who said she had one relative join the CCP and become a low level party official just to see if he could get his relatives back to their hometown, a larger Cantonese port city. But to no avail; he didn't have the clout to overcome the CCP equity police.
Great post. And probably one that required much courage. Which I know you have in plentitude. I've never understood my Jewish family and friends, plus those I see in the public sphere, who thought they could stir up racial animus against white gentiles, and not have it redound to them. At least 95% of the Jews living in the U.S. are Ashkenazi, which de facto means white. And why they all think that having open boarders and giving their worst enemies in the world, Muslims, in to the country en masse, was a good idea. The Koran very specifically tells its adherents that they are to kill Jews (and also gays and lesbians, btw) where ever they find them.
So, welcome to the club. I would also tell the students and staff not to abandon these schools but to hold fast and fight, if necessary. And never give up. There is no substitute for courage, or victory. There is no alternative but destruction.
Your thoughts are right on target. When revolutions have no one left to turn on, they turn on themselves. As a nation we have spent the last 60 years in a state of self destruction like a slower burning French Revolution. Now it is gaining velocity in repeated spasms of self destruction. When it comes for you it is too late.
Yay Peachy! Let the Red Pilling continue to clarify the Mishegoss: worldwide, the survival of Judaism - and other human rights - depend on the existence of American gun owners.
I bet you know this already, but on the off chance you don’t, hope it brings you some joy. I had this entire album memorized when I was a kid, can still recite the whole moose joke (poor Mr Berkowitz). Anyway, before the movies, Woody Allen was the best stand up ever:
Decades ago I was founder and president of the Woody Allen fan club at Harvard. These days that position would get me mob attacked on the daily, for a variety of reasons…
Many are saying now that this will finally wake American Jews from their delusional political stupor. I’m not sure anything can do that. A disproportionate number of my long time personal friends are Jewish, and although they may be tut tutting about the “Zoomerwaffen” on campuses, they make no connection with the trajectory of leftism over the last 50 years and would never dream of not voting Democrat.
William F. Buckley, Jr. famously answered “stubbornness” when asked why Jews supported the then only mildly toxic Left. I’ve pondered the question for decades and asked my Jewish friends. They mumble something about the Jewish religion emphasizing compassion and equity. Never mind that not one of them has ever been religious. Never mind that “liberalism” never alleviated poverty, but institutionalized it, and hasn’t delivered jack squat since the Civil Rights Act (which many in their party firmly opposed.) Many of their immigrant parents were actual communists (despite the pogroms.) Many still seem to think Republicans wear plaid trousers and blackball them at country clubs, as if it’s still the 1950s, when in reality only Sheldon Whitehouse would do that today.
As is true with so many blacks, “liberalism” is baked into their cultural identity. For most non-Orthodox Jews it seems to be mostly what’s left of what it means to be “Jewish.” Never mind that liberalism is dead and decomposed in their wretched party. They’ve been fooled. They’ve fooled themselves. And as Mark Twain said, it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled. They’ll still pull the lever for this stuff, convinced they’re voting for liberalism and ignoring the fascism that has replaced it. It’s a true wonder. A very sad one.
Jews invented, promoted, & continue to promote liberalism mainly as a survival strategy. It's much easier to survive as a distinct ethno-sectarian minority population in a multicultural society that is made up of myriad "huddled masses," rather than a society with a clear majority that is strong & proud of its identity. The majority they fear the most is a white Christian majority, owing to the history of WWII and the Holocaust.
Nice theory, but in reality Jews fear blacks and muslims most, because that's where the rabid anti-semitism and threats come from.
Why would Jews fear Blacks when blacks have zero political power and Jews have ALL the political power. Do not believe any Jewish person of means when they claim to be afraid of something. It’s always a grift, they’re the ones that control our government, media, and universities. If you didn’t think you live under a Zionist Occupied Government you were disabused of that notion by the passing of our new Blasphemy Law against criticizing Jewish power.
Anecdotally, I have recently had to pick my jaw up off the floor when discovering some very close black friends (not extremist types by any means) seem to be on the anti-Jew train. I dug around a bit and got sent some links that indicate it's the Kanye West thing, along with some other Hollywood types who felt something. But, seriously, people have a bad experience with a few Hollywood execs and are ready to bin an entire ethnicity? I find this truly bizarre considering it is the very thing no one wants to have done to them.
the history of blacks hating jews is very long and pervasive
And for good reason, Jews utterly fucked them over in the music industry.
From the point of view of Blacks, Jews are uber-Whites.
No people are "ready to bin an entire ethnicity," because Jews literally promote all the bad things in society.
Woke gender theory? Jews.
Horrible mainstream media? Jews.
Usury of all types that keeps both individuals and government in debt? Jews.
Endless war that is not in the interest of ordinary people? Jews like neo-cons and AIPAC.
Starting to get it yet?
Nice unqualified assertion. Let's look at the historical record. Jews have consistently and actively supported various pro-black and anti-white movements - cf. the founding members & staffers of the NAACP; MLK's speechwriter; the pro-crime DAs put in place by George Soros' Open Society Foundation, itself inspired by the pro-tolerance and anti-majoritarian philosophy of another Jew, Karl Popper. Or regarding Muslims - why have Jewish groups like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, or individual Jews like Barabara Spectre, relentlessly promoted the invasion of European societies by Muslim migrants? Overall your assertion falls flat.
The fact of the matter is that, historically speaking, at least, and with a few marginal exceptions, Jews have correctly identified that Negroes and Mohammedans are too stupid, poor, & disorganized to constitute a real threat. What they really, fundamentally fear is the possibility of a truly counter-judaic White majority, owing to their own history.
This is an excellent article - by a liberal Jew, might I add - as to why and how Jews created modern liberalism, "tolerance," and multiculturalism as a way of making American society more amenable to their existence:
If so, that’s a grossly outdated fear. It isn’t Christians hating Jews these days, it’s atheistic, nihilistic leftists. And of course Muslims. In any case the many Jewish friends and acquaintances of mine believe in liberal values and are largely well-intentioned, if (in my view) lazy and uncritical in evaluating whether “liberal” policies actually accomplish any of the goals they purport to support.
Yeah, and a certain class of blacks. Those indoctrinated by the Farrakhan//Wright/Jackson/Sharpton school of race pimps and hate merchants.
We’ve ALL just watched Jewish power be deployed, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to deny JEWISH POWER when BOTH PARTIES have come together to pass a modern BLASPHEMY LAW against anyone who dares question our Jewish political overlords. The idea that we have a Zionist Occupied Government has just been demonstrated that Israel is ultimate decision maker in our society. The people who determine the exemption. Don’t be confused by these campus protests, these Leftists are just the FLAG. The AIPAC Jews are the MATATDOR. Gore the matador, not flag. Don’t be distracted by the idiot college kids, they’re rabble. They do not pose a threat to traditional American values, not when compared to power of the Shumer-McConnell Jewish allied political Axis.
Sure, Jamal. You’ve got a real handle on reality. Now, how about a learned dissertation on the lizard people?
If you bring up the holocaust you’re just playing into their hands. Don’t let them use it as a leverage point. It’s a weapon they use to silence all criticism.
I expect many secular Jews saw the left as providing a bit more cover than the old (as they saw it) WASP elite? Same in Eastern Europe where Communists were seen as more friendly than the Christians. You’d think that the ideologies of the time would have taught us that the religious folk need to stick together.
Jews created a golem and then lost control of it once it came for them. Tale as old as time.
Why did it take so long for Peachy to admit she is one? Odd.
Because my racial genetic makeup is immaterial to what I usually write about, except for this case when it felt appropriate given the context. Would you prefer if I wore a yellow armband to make me easier to spot?
One "admits" it? ...I think you missed the point...
On delusional political stupor. This kind of cognitive dissonance is part and parcel of being a lefty 'intellectual'. As an instance:..... I have an old friend who is off the scale Left. She is off the scale moral relativist, 'deconstructivist', minority 'human rights'-ist, LGBTXYZ-ist, '3rd-Wave feminist.....and yet...and yet she is gob-smacked and outraged by the transgenderitis that has suddenly swept across the Western world....she cannot see that it is her own chickens coming home to roost.
I've never understood (say since at least the 1980s) why so many American Jews vote Dem and pour tons of money into "progressive causes". Jewish Americans on average are higher income, low crime, they are hurt by affirmative action, hurt by high taxes, etc... What about the Dem platform of "wokeness, open borders, big gov't, high taxes" appeals to them? I would think they would be too smart to believe the left wing propaganda & stereotypes about conservatives. But maybe not. For similar reasons, I've always wondered why more Asian Americans don't vote more conservative.
I'm not Jewish but my wife and inlaws are, and the best guess/answer I can give is that Jews (but really the Ashkenazim) have a deep, abiding, atavistic, paranoid yet understandable loathing and terror of the goyim.
Arabs and blacks (esp in America) mostly don't exist in their worlds, and if they do they're non-threatening professionals, and if they're more louche anti-Semites (on TV and in the news) they mostly think they'll either never encounter them or be able to outsmart them.
But, even while all mostly being successful and well-off American professionals, they still go on about that mythical golf course that wouldn't allow Jews to join or that mythical 1950s professor who was denied a job for being Jewish.
And then you add how much Republicans/conservatives code as Christian gentiles, and their bad memories of people like Pat Buchanan and the National Review set (along w their memories of Red and/or Roosevelt ancestors) and they can't help themselves, for them voting Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
Secular American Jews define themselves in opposition to things like faith, flag and family, which will always reek of bigotry to them, and this is not changing anytime soon.
Interesting. As you say, denying people from country clubs and neighborhoods is ancient history. Nobody under 80 would even remember this. Every country in the world has done bad things in the past and goes though an evolution to get better. Sounds like they DO have stereotypes of conservatives. There are a TON of conservatives that just want smaller gov't, balanced budgets, personal responsibility, a merit based country, lower taxes, strong borders, less foreign wars, etc...
I grew up in a liberal Dem family, went to a liberal university, and I was brainwashed into stereotypes of conservatives. I remember viscerally hating conservatives in college and my early 20's. Then I got out on my own, started businesses, read lots of books, and got to know a lot of people on the right and found out all that was mostly total BS. I found conservatives far more rational and clear minded.
> As you say, denying people from country clubs and neighborhoods is ancient history.
BTW, treating something that happened 50 years ago as "ancient history" is a distinctly American trait. I'm not even convinced it's a good one since it tends to make Americans dismiss history.
It also helps us evolve from being stuck in ancient destructive patterns.
This is the answer. Jews think that all Europeans are Secret Nazis just waiting to pounce.
Well, it is understandable considering they don't have the happiest history in their European wanderings. takes a lot to forget 1000 yrs of persecution!
How does your wife react when you say things like this?
she is much more anti-semitic than i'll ever be! ;))
If you've ever been to a Seder, what you read again and again is the theme of caring for others: the sick, the orphaned, and the poor. You also read that you must care for the stranger "because I was a stranger." This is what God commands.
That's why Jews have voted Democratic for so long. It was FDR and LBJ who gave us the safety nets we all cherish -- Social Security, unemployment, Medicare, and so on, good things all: the things that God commanded.
Through the years, however, they have been perverted and abused. Now we have chaos.
In the attempt to "diversify" our workplaces, to bring strangers into our spheres, to help those who need perhaps only a boost, we have hired for jobs people whose qualifications are dicey and whose world-visions are sometimes pernicious. Why so many Muslims in media (for example) when their numbers do not warrant that sort of representation?
And now because chaos is contagious, the privileged among our young have joined forces with Islamists, Marxists, and BLM alums and are rampaging across college campuses in the same way undereducated, resentful, out-of-control elements rampaged through our cities.
Time to give up understanding them. I think even formerly lefty Jews are now realizing it.
“Care for others” should require actual results from the policies you support. Liberalism has delivered no such thing since the Civil Rights Acts. As far as I’m concerned, there is moral accountability for that, and if you support policies that don’t serve the people you pretend to care about, or make things worse, you’re not caring for others. You’re lazy and self indulgent with your pretensions of caring.
The civil rights acts are why we’re in the pickle we’re in. They were the worst thing to happen in America in the 20th century
Because Jews do whatever gets them power. Whoever is in power will be supported by (and parasitized by) the American and Global Jewry. Look at the pattern throughout history. Look at the New Deal.
Also our genes seem to be compatible. We may have to consider creating next gen warriors.
At HBS, I told all not to donate because they didn't need the money and sent it to the other side of the river which hated American then and many decades before as Buckley famously highlighted.
They tried to fuck me out of graduating. Not a smart thing to do to someone who qualified for Northwestern 6yr BS/MD as a HS Jr and turned it down bc he wanted to do (and did do hostile takeovers). I made those assholes cave faster than Trump. Cause I had the ultimate whole card. Cunts had covered up a murder by an over his head black affirmative action case (I was acquainted with). I believe the university is responsible for him losing it and killing his wife by putting him in the future masters of the universe environment where he was destined to fail because he didn't belong there. I was bored there and pissed off because only 4 of 20 profs were world class so mostly embarassed or humiliated the 16. I don't think this endeared me to them either.
I grew up surrounded by concentration camps survivors so Nazis tried to march there. We stopped that. A movie was made about it that you probably know. My friends dad lost at SCOTUS cause he was the city atty and over his head.
I like gefilte fish as well. Engaged in elaborate schemes at Thanksgiving with youngest cousin to get more than my share of addictive Grandma's strudel. As an adult I learned it might really be rugellah.
In Dallas, I put a Nazi with swastika neck tattoo in prison for third strike.
Weirdly he had a bag with underwear from a gay store on the Cesar Springs gay strip. I don't think it was much use in prison as he was likely bored to gape without one of Musk's machines (the old fashioned way)
As far as I am concerned Lefty Jews can continue Darwining themselves. See Telegram for non sectarian amusement
t me/DarwinKarma
Oh, almost forgot. immediately after Draw Mohammad in DFW terrorist attack, I flushed out a terrorist who sent me terrorist threats and communicated with 2 shooters right before the attack wishing them well. Minutes later the NYT great (and thus exceedingly rare) reporter Callimachi told me that was Junaid Hussein, ISIS #1 hacker. Yawn. Our boys killed him 6 months later.
O Tolerance for Nazis and Muslims.
Ban Islam
by COTUS Amendment in USA
Bush Jr Betrayed America after 9-11 on Islam
Zoomerwaffen !!!
A Spitfire* like you is an appropriate weapon against them
If you don't have a dog you must get a Beagle named Snoopy
Must Watch or Never Talk to Me Again
*(I wonder if you will have to look that up)
Well Done
We will engage much more I am sure.
The Jews were driven from Russia to Poland and then Germany and then were annihilated by the Germans in a period of three years. After the war no country in Europe wanted them and they were kept in DP camps FOR YEARS and were not allowed out until some country could take them which was their own: Israel, in 1948. Zionism is about the survival of a people, God's Chosen people. Screw anyone who dares to criticize Israel.
This is NOT true of blacks. Their community has a finely tuned sense of danger, and an excellent word-of-mouth communication network. Think of the Great Migration.
So, the NY jews should now move where there is racial tolerance? The old Confederacy is more tolerant than the old Union.
It was Grant's General Order 11 that commanded all jews be removed from his area of operation.
I'm 64. I went to college like so much of my generation did. Started out in Political Science (what a joke), shifted to History (a slower developing joke) and finally settled in Archeology which I loved but like everything else in college has just become more anti white, anti American propaganda. Took me ten years to finish my degree because as the 80s wore on college became more and more useless. I then taught high school on and off for 13 years while raising three strawberry blond sons. The strangest part of growing older thru the last 40 years has been watching Catholics, Jews and Republicans embrace all this self hatred. That somehow if you hated the cultures that built western civilization, the first and only civilization that embraced love, justice and talent as the best foundation for a successful culture, then somehow you were acceptable. Instead of being proud of what we've built and living by the Word of God, we have worked to systematically destroy western civilization, especially the US. I was brought up Catholic and Catholics, like Jews have embraced the wild eyed, self destructive, self immolating philosophy of liberalism. It's like some kind of moronic popularity contest where if we hate ourselves enough then all the most unsuccessful, violent, backward cultures on the planet will finally like us. So. I for one, reject popularity. I want a safe, strong, God fearing America for my family and the rest of the world can either learn by example and or themselves to pieces.
As a kind of second job - possibly my alternative to being a WalMart greeter in old age - I started teaching in schools about 6 years ago. At one point I decided after the Covid lockdown to check out the Catholic schools so I interviewed with one and they actually offered me a job I did not take, mainly for geographical reasons.
The interview was funny. I kept expecting someone to ask me if I was married or gay but no one did. I think they were somewhat excited because I had studied philosophy in a Catholic graduate school. (At one point I told them I wasn't Catholic so I would not know how to answer doctrinal questions. And they said that's fine, we often don't either, and we just say "Ask Father Murphy when he comes on Thursday.")
They were proud to tell me a big part of their teaching was on Catholic social justice. I think they assumed that that would be a selling point to me, someone who was a Protestant or secular, possibly gay, definitely single, person. They didn't realize I wasn't exactly the stereotype they thought I was.
I’m finally discovering like minded people. Now all of us frogs need to jump out of the boiling water and build, build, build. Build coalitions, build stronger communities, stronger services for each other, stronger bastions of freedom and for God’s sake stronger spines.
These college students are not the matador, they are the flag. The matador is our Zionist Occupied Government. Gore the matatdor, not the flag.
Yeah I'm sure their plans include funding missiles Iran fires at Israel, or stop it with the idiocy.
Jews don’t care about you. Stop caring about Jews.
Muslims did terrorism in my country, but the Jews haven't.
Shia or Sunni? Because the Shia have never attacked us, and should be our natural allies against the extremist Sunni sects, yet it’s the Sunni we support against the Shia.
And then of course there’s the fact that 9/11 was a direct result of our support for Israel. We don’t fight terrorism, we use it, and occasionally our pet bites us.
Zoomerwaffen? Copyright that. What a bunch of self righteous jerks. If it wasn't so disturbing it would be funny. (Think the nazis in The Blues Brothers.) Imagine, "Im driving to the Gaza encampment in my Prius..I can't possible fit those signs." Keep up the good work. I hope you know how meaningful it is. If you are celebrating Passover, Have a happy one.
Indeed, indeed, indeed.
Yea they’re self righteous jerks but they’re just dumb college students. They’re annoying but they’re not the ones pulling the strings of power. The people in charge of everything work at AIPAC
Every bad idea that is currently being imposed on us started with "dumb college students".
Every bad idea that is currently being imposed on us started with Jews
I suspect this was a tough one to write Mrs P. But it was well written and from the heart. Well done yet again!
On one hand I feel so sorry for these kids. Their only meaning in life is discontent, and their causes not noble. I sometimes wish swift Karma on them, but I am Christian so... that's probably not the best hope to indulge. On the other hand though, they could all use a little dose of reality, the little twerps.
I do not understand, however, the blind spots in people though. If you're a secular Jew how did you not see the trends before Oct.7th?
I wonder the same thing in my home state of Minnesota. It's like the crazy progressive city people are willfully blind to human nature. They brought in all these refugees from Somalia and gave them all the things, and they cannot understand how they are getting taken advantage of left and right and played for fools. (Look up day care scandal, ISIS recruiting hotbed, & leaders of NGOs taking "cash to feed kids" but buy houses with cash) I think it's the Scandanavian in a lot of them... they just cannot fathom the utter lack of good will others possess, or the willingness to deceive. But, hey, they vote Democrat and the Twin Cities somewhat recently built a nice big voting center right in that refugee/immigrant community (which also boasts hundreds of active tuberculosis cases), so it's all good!
Took Minnesota from a “High Trust” society into a scary, dangerous place: “Low Trust” society filled with many large, unwanted entire Somalian rabid woman-hating, unassimilated foreigner muslim population centers in one generation.
Zero efforts to respect their host nation. Zero respect towards every other religious group per their muslim “hate-faith”.
I’m a 1%er! non-mischling dissident and I’m with you. Thanks for (as ever) putting it so clearly, Peachy. You’re going to get blowback on this one, I think. I know you welcome it when it offers opportunities to take a stand and ask hard, overdue questions; I’m looking forward to the ruckus and to my chances to amplify the points.
P.S. Ululating in LuLulemoms is a “Keeper”. You need to copyright that one, Peachy.
When I see these entitled dipshits protesting on behalf of the animals that mercilessly murdered 1,200 innocent civilians on October 7, I can't help but to think of one of the best quotes of all times:
"Everybody has a plan until they’re punched in the mouth" - Mike Tyson - 1987. Coddling and entitlement have a downside...their day will come.
Funny. I was adopted through Catholic Charities in the late 60s. So until about two years ago (and via 23&Me), I had no idea that I was part Ashkenazi Jew (though I'm mostly English, Scottish, and Irish).
I know that Mr. Aristotle defines humans as "rational animals", but may I offer an emendation: Man is an irrational animal who, with tremendous effort and a device-free childhood, just might evolve into a rational animal.
Never quit, Peachy, we're with you.
The Catholic church burnings that began in Canada are just around the corner here I'm sure because what starts with the Jews always includes us. I have a chadson at a state university and I hope the school stays off this crazy train. 2024 is fire so far.
I am so glad to have subscribed to your brilliant newsletter. This is perfect-thank you!
And that may have been true 60 years ago. But most self-styled liberals, Jewish or not, have studiously ignored the evolution of the Left and their party away from liberal values to the various permutations of Marxist/nihilist-derived radicalism, and now outright psychosis, just as they’ve studiously ignored that their putatively “progressive “ attestations have produced no progress since the Civil Rights Act, and have actually produced regression. Regression to the default position of humanity: rule by an unaccountable elite, and now regression to tribalism and anarchy., blood feuds and witch burning.
In the Maoist revolution I believe they sent literate people, including anyone wearing eyeglasses, to work in the countryside. I have a friend who said she had one relative join the CCP and become a low level party official just to see if he could get his relatives back to their hometown, a larger Cantonese port city. But to no avail; he didn't have the clout to overcome the CCP equity police.
Why would Jews think they could escape this?
they thought the story of the Golem was fiction!
Great post. And probably one that required much courage. Which I know you have in plentitude. I've never understood my Jewish family and friends, plus those I see in the public sphere, who thought they could stir up racial animus against white gentiles, and not have it redound to them. At least 95% of the Jews living in the U.S. are Ashkenazi, which de facto means white. And why they all think that having open boarders and giving their worst enemies in the world, Muslims, in to the country en masse, was a good idea. The Koran very specifically tells its adherents that they are to kill Jews (and also gays and lesbians, btw) where ever they find them.
So, welcome to the club. I would also tell the students and staff not to abandon these schools but to hold fast and fight, if necessary. And never give up. There is no substitute for courage, or victory. There is no alternative but destruction.
Danny Huckabee
Your thoughts are right on target. When revolutions have no one left to turn on, they turn on themselves. As a nation we have spent the last 60 years in a state of self destruction like a slower burning French Revolution. Now it is gaining velocity in repeated spasms of self destruction. When it comes for you it is too late.
Yay Peachy! Let the Red Pilling continue to clarify the Mishegoss: worldwide, the survival of Judaism - and other human rights - depend on the existence of American gun owners.
Jesus Christ, care about your own country for once. Israel is not our friend. You dual citizen types are a 5th column
I bet you know this already, but on the off chance you don’t, hope it brings you some joy. I had this entire album memorized when I was a kid, can still recite the whole moose joke (poor Mr Berkowitz). Anyway, before the movies, Woody Allen was the best stand up ever:
Decades ago I was founder and president of the Woody Allen fan club at Harvard. These days that position would get me mob attacked on the daily, for a variety of reasons…
Of course I know the album and the moose joke! The best.
This made my day. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks Adrian, the Woody Allen album was great.