Part 1: The DEI Boomerang Comes for the Jews
These crazy Zoomer kids are bringing back all the old trends: baggy jeans, the band Sublime, and casual, no-big-deal, fanatical anti-semitism. When I was in college, the only people who still hated Jews were Arabs and skinheads. In 2024, hating Jews is even cooler than having retarded pronouns!
“Never again” was the promise Jews made to themselves after the Holocaust and it held for almost 80 years, but it looks like we are in fact about to do it again. It’s starting, ironically, on the same elite college campuses that were the birthplaces of the “inclusion” movement of recent years. Our finest universities have spent the last 30-odd years “abolishing hate,” establishing “safe spaces,” and forcing tolerance down students’ throats until they gagged on it.
But also we have to acknowledge that demands from Jewish students for special protections against hate speech, harassment, violence, and bigotry, while totally justified, tend to stick in the craw of other identity groups who have been the target of widespread vilification and hate on campus for years, right here in the United States.
The Zoomerwaffen are here and they are coming for the Jews—the same way their college came for the straight white males.

Yes, some of the Zoomerwaffen even look like Nazis, apparently. These wild-eyed Ivy League coeds have taken a break from rizzing each other up and accidentally overdosing on fentanyl so they can goof around in keffiyahs, call for the slaughter of a persecuted religious minority, and ululate in their Lululemons as they are arrested for insurrection. (Insurrection is good now, Grandpa!).
I had to laugh when I saw Ilhan Omar’s unfortunate daughter arrested at Columbia for leading some anti-semitic protest. Bit on the nose, even for the Omar family, isn’t it? Ilhan’s little nepo meeskite got kicked out of her dorm and suspended from school, which means she can expect a job offer from MSNBC any minute now.
Since October 7th, Jews have been under attack everywhere and literally Hamas has replaced BLM as the coolest club in America for progressive, “love is love,” white kids.
Welcome to the Swiftie-to-Jihadi pipeline!
These college Hamas cells have even adopted the Iranian Mullah’s quaint old chestnut “Death to Israel” as the hot new buzzword on campus. When they call for “divestment” of Israeli investments, they really mean “die.” One Hamas student stabbed a Jewish student from Yale in the eye during the protest at Columbia this weekend!
The Ivory Tower is burning tonight, and the fire is spreading. As I write, new “Gaza Solidarity Camps” are sprouting up at Berkeley and NYU and more to come. Faculty are walking out in solidarity with the pro-Palestinian kids, forming protective circles around the crazy kids.
It’s like George Floyd Groundhog Day: same cast, same kids, same crazy people, and a new script. They just traded Kente cloth for keffiyehs.
Of course, this eruption of bigotry did not start on October 7th. This fire was lit by well-meaning liberals long ago—including, sorry, lots of Jewish progressive liberals, who cheered the new rules. The Tree of Decolonization must be watered by the blood of pale-skinned Americans.
Trigger warning: I’m talking about the perennial evergreen villain of academia—straight white men—but they’re not alone. It’s not just permitted but encouraged to openly discriminate against racial, religious, gender, and political minorities at these schools. You can say basically anything you want about:
White (non-Jewish) men
People who incorrectly think there are just two genders
Biological girls on sports teams who protest playing against men
Christian conservatives
Pro-life Catholics
Trump supporters on campus
It’s been totally kosher to violently attack, threaten, endanger, harass, discriminate against these kids wherever they are, but most acutely at Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Penn, and Stanford. Conservatives who dare to step foot on the sacred ground of elite institutions are screamed at, humiliated, buildings are torched (like when Ann Coulter dared to speak at Berkeley), and shouted down—even by DEI administrators whose entire fake job is about enforcing tolerance and inclusion!
At Stanford in 2023, the former chair of the law school’s DEI Department, Tirien Steinbach, led the protest against conservative Judge Kyle Duncan. Her highly trained young radicals screamed for his wife to be raped. At Stanford LAW school!
The equity, inclusion, and diversity folx released the Kraken into the water on campus years ago, and it has spawned a virus that will not go away any time soon.
Part 2: Progressive Liberal Jews Get a Wakeup Call—And It’s Coming from Inside Their House
Some people got mad at me for the above tweet. But I meant every word. Liberal Jews ARE finally waking up, at least the smart ones. I know secular Jews in L.A. who are Trump-hating feminists who are now completely radicalized post-Oct. 7th.
Good. But where were you when everyone was hating on white peepo?
Historically, Jewish Americans have overwhelming supported Democrats and far-leftwing policies, over other European-American demographics. “In 2016, only 37% of white voters favored Clinton, but of those, Jews did so by 71% to 23%. Four years later, Joe Biden beat Trump 51% to 49%. Only 41% of white voters picked Biden, but among Jewish voters, almost all of whom are white, Biden received 77% of their votes.
Since the early 1900s, no group of white Americans has been more liberal and more Democratic than American Jews.”
Of course, as the hirsute John Podhoretz famously said after October 7th: “Jews are not white!”
When I reminded everyone of this, he took a break from munching watermelon rinds to call me a Nazi:
Poor John, calling me a Nazi. How adorable. My views on The Jewish Question have always been clear—I am a longtime Zionist who believes in the absolute existence of a Jewish ethnostate homeland, and that it should be kept ethnically Jewish, and that it has a right to defend its borders, and utterly crush Hamas and their enablers and defenders, worldwide.
In fact, I wish we Americans were permitted to follow Israel’s lead! I would love to be permitted the same basic, common-sense principles: a cohesive national identity, a strict immigration process, and an air-tight border.
Imagine….wanting America preserved for Americans. How dare you want America to be for Americans—especially the ones who have been here for more than five minutes, and whose ancestors, mine among them, broke their backs, bodies, and souls building the country.
If there was any white privilege back then, my relatives never got a taste of it.
It must be wonderful to have powerful institutions and powerful people come to your rescue when you are under attack, vilified, persecuted, and shunned in places you thought were safe.
I want that for Jewish kids. For Jews everywhere, in fact. The Jews are perhaps the world’s most persecuted people in history, after all. 80 years ago, millions were exterminated in an orgy of racial and ethnic violence in Eastern Europe.
I just wish it also applied to other demographics that are on the pre-genocide track.
Today, Israelis are clinging to their homeland in the teeth of constant threat on all sides by vicious Islamic terror gangs who seek to cleanse the land “from the river to the Sea.”
You know what’s just as genocidal as “from the River to the Sea”? Saying things like “abolish whiteness.” “Whiteness is evil.” “Dismantle white supremacy.” “America is an evil country.” This is genocidal language that lays the groundwork for dehumanizing innnocent people because of their ethnic origins. It’s highly dangerous, yet it was the key mainstream message our culture was sending, in all directions, since 2020.
And now this hydra of hate is turning on a group that thought they were protected under the minority protections given to other identity groups.
No more.
Spoiler Alert: Opening my Genomic Kimono!
And now, some personal news that may put everything I wrote above in a new context. I am a Catholic convert, but what I’ve never revealed publicly is that I am also a mischling, as they say. According to 23 and Me, I am more than half Ashkenazi Jew. The reason I’ve never written about this is that I was never a religious Jew, and frankly, as a pseudonymous writer it was not necessary to reveal my actual DNA makeup.
For some of my readers, this will not be a surprise; I drop enough Yiddishisms, Woody Allen references, and Borscht belt humor in my writing that I'm sure my longtime readers have already figured this out.
My 100% Ashkenazi mother had zero religious affiliation but a strong cultural Jewish affinity, so we had A Very Secular Christmas and a casual California-style Hanukkah. She likes to make noodle kugel and homemade matzo balls. My husband teases me that I am the only person he’s ever met, Jewish or not, who loves Gefilte fish.
Aside from my Jewish ancestry, the rest is a mix of Anglo, Scottish, and Irish. I am a fine decanted Ellis Island blend from the shires of the West and the shtetls of the East!
To my fellow dissident right wing anons who are also mischlings (which is—spoiler alert—99% of them), shalom!
Bill Ackman’s Big Wake Up Call
Last year, the (former) presidents of Harvard, Penn, and MIT were unable to condemn the Hamas college sleeper cells on their campuses and their rabid anti-semitism at a congressional hearing.
In response, billionaire investor and Harvard donor Bill Ackman realized that in the wake of October 7th, American Jews no longer enjoyed the special perks of being an oppressed religious and ethnic minority. After World War 2, that special protection made perfect sense. Jews needed it, like they needed a homeland, to protect them from very real threats and dangers.
Bill posted a remarkable manifesto decrying DEI on X where he said “Harvard must once again become a meritocratic institution which does not discriminate for or against faculty or students based on their skin color, and where diversity is understood in its broadest form so that students can learn in an environment which welcomes diverse viewpoints from faculty and students from truly diverse backgrounds and experiences.” Yes, it took a bigoted pincer move from Jew-hating Harvard faculty and students to shake him from his stupor, but to his credit, he came clean and renounced his formerly liberal leanings.
Suddenly, after October 7th, even the most elite Jews realized they were no longer a protected class. They were out in the open, with nowhere to hide. The leftwing Zoomers had rebranded them overnight into colonizers. Genociders. Occupiers.
But the worst insult of all: to their enemies, Jews were now (horrors) white people. And thus could be subjected to the same harsh woke rules. Progressive Jews had been able to mostly exempt themselves from all the post-Floyd struggle sessions at work where white people were forced to “confront their privilege.” After 2020, a lot of religious Jewish leaders even jumped on the “anti-racist” bandwagon.
Jeremy Carl includes the receipts in his new book, The Unprotected Class (out this week!):
“In the wake of George Floyd’s death, sixty-one Los Angeles–area rabbis and cantors, mostly representing wealthy Jewish communities that generally segregate themselves at great expense from the minority underclass, published an open letter declaring, ‘We are a country that is rooted in institutional racism.’
Of course, many leftwing Christian and Catholic institutions followed suit. In 2020, people clung to whatever shield they could find to protect them from the “abolish whiteness” squads rampaging through the country.
A Final Solution We Can All Support
This month I heard reports of tsuris and schpilkas all over L.A. as rich private school kids got denied from their parent’s Ivy League alma maters, thanks to the DEI regime they welcomed with open arms in 2020. Elite Jews are finally feeling the sting of “anti-white racism.”
This betrayal is, at least for many of the Jews I know, the hardest to bear—the reversal of privilege inside networks that Jews themselves made.
John Podhoretz attempted to claw back his special favored nation status when he tweeted: “Jews aren’t white” because he understood that the racism and bigotry that non-Jewish whites face in 2024 America is much worse, and much more destructive, than even the Hamas mobs camped out on Columbia’s campus.
It’s one thing to get yelled at on the street; it’s another thing to have your children taught to hate themselves for the color of their skin, to be forced to apologize to brown classmates in Kindergarten, and be denied college admission, jobs, and promotions that can no longer allow white men to advance up the ladder.
Even a guy like Podhoretz understood that if even white men can lose the privileges they earned building, defending, and dying for their country, Jews are next.
The solution, however, is to stop trying to claw back the special victim status Jews once enjoyed. Let it go; it’s over.
The way forward is for every group that enjoys a special “equity and diversity” protection racket carve out to reject that carve out. To reject special privileges based on race or ethnicity or religion. Meritocracy, personality, and general charisma should be the only standards for admission to college and advancement in a career.
When the Great Replacement comes, it will not exercise the care and diligence the Nazis used to separate Jews from Gentiles; there will be no arm bands for Christian conservatives, no yellow stars for Jews. We’re all going down together!
That’s why it’s time for smart liberal Jews to reject their stubborn prejudice against right wingers and Christians. You hate Trump? LOL okay, enjoy Hamas!
Your only hope is to join us so we can defeat the hate mobs together. It’s time to shake hands and work together to utterly crush the real enemies of humanity and America—before it’s too late. Liberals will no longer protect you.
Come with us if you want to live!
Thanks for reading! Happy Passover to all who celebrate! If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe!
Many are saying now that this will finally wake American Jews from their delusional political stupor. I’m not sure anything can do that. A disproportionate number of my long time personal friends are Jewish, and although they may be tut tutting about the “Zoomerwaffen” on campuses, they make no connection with the trajectory of leftism over the last 50 years and would never dream of not voting Democrat.
William F. Buckley, Jr. famously answered “stubbornness” when asked why Jews supported the then only mildly toxic Left. I’ve pondered the question for decades and asked my Jewish friends. They mumble something about the Jewish religion emphasizing compassion and equity. Never mind that not one of them has ever been religious. Never mind that “liberalism” never alleviated poverty, but institutionalized it, and hasn’t delivered jack squat since the Civil Rights Act (which many in their party firmly opposed.) Many of their immigrant parents were actual communists (despite the pogroms.) Many still seem to think Republicans wear plaid trousers and blackball them at country clubs, as if it’s still the 1950s, when in reality only Sheldon Whitehouse would do that today.
As is true with so many blacks, “liberalism” is baked into their cultural identity. For most non-Orthodox Jews it seems to be mostly what’s left of what it means to be “Jewish.” Never mind that liberalism is dead and decomposed in their wretched party. They’ve been fooled. They’ve fooled themselves. And as Mark Twain said, it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled. They’ll still pull the lever for this stuff, convinced they’re voting for liberalism and ignoring the fascism that has replaced it. It’s a true wonder. A very sad one.
I'm 64. I went to college like so much of my generation did. Started out in Political Science (what a joke), shifted to History (a slower developing joke) and finally settled in Archeology which I loved but like everything else in college has just become more anti white, anti American propaganda. Took me ten years to finish my degree because as the 80s wore on college became more and more useless. I then taught high school on and off for 13 years while raising three strawberry blond sons. The strangest part of growing older thru the last 40 years has been watching Catholics, Jews and Republicans embrace all this self hatred. That somehow if you hated the cultures that built western civilization, the first and only civilization that embraced love, justice and talent as the best foundation for a successful culture, then somehow you were acceptable. Instead of being proud of what we've built and living by the Word of God, we have worked to systematically destroy western civilization, especially the US. I was brought up Catholic and Catholics, like Jews have embraced the wild eyed, self destructive, self immolating philosophy of liberalism. It's like some kind of moronic popularity contest where if we hate ourselves enough then all the most unsuccessful, violent, backward cultures on the planet will finally like us. So. I for one, reject popularity. I want a safe, strong, God fearing America for my family and the rest of the world can either learn by example and or themselves to pieces.