Hello Peachy , we have been following you for a while now & always enjoy your work . My husband is an artist , an oil painter who makes a living being an artist for about 40 years .


His brother was the late great writer Joe Sobran .

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You don’t need to give us new content, we’re busy reading your book! My wife loves it so far, we’re plotting how to get it to our less extremist friends/relations without burning bridges… congrats on the awesome launch!

Ps on the latest federalist podcast, mollie Hemingway and David Harsanyi were praising you as today’s pj orourke!

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Wow I’m so glad to hear this! Thanks Adrian! I didn’t hear that podcast - what a compliment. Will listen!

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I love PJ O'rourke, Peachy, because of his 'unique' observations.

You are equally 'unique' with yours.

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That's what I called her a month or two ago!

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Welcome back! Check out Arthur Kwon Lee and the genesis council. Happy to connect you, he has been on my podcast and Isaac’s carousel.

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As I told our mutual friend Mollie last week: "Peachy needs to do her book cover as an embroidered throw pillow!" I know I'd buy one!

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I read Domestic Extremist and it spoke to me so strongly as a young, just-married 20something who is trying for kids. I wanted to ask - have you ever written about what feels like an extensive propaganda machine dedicated to telling women that once they have kids, their life is over and horrible? I feel like every other blog/TV show about parenthood is dedicated to how babies ruin your life, mothers can never have any hobbies every again, everything you love will be destroyed, you have to wake up every 2 hours for 10+ years etc. Half of it comes from parents not disciplining their kids (is it really that hard to tell a 5 year old to go play outside while mom cleans/writes/whatever?) And the other half feels insidious. Or maybe it's because my generation is so whiny, haha! Any way, I would love to hear your thoughts.

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I love it ❣️😍❣️😍 DON'T PANIC! I'm 75, happily married, and tapped out of time and money. But I will definitely pursue this trail. I'm a relentless promoter like my favorite President DJT with a surprisingly large group of internet followers of poverty stricken gospel preacher's. Think Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Kenya, etc. Find me on Amazon, The Rain Parables by Mike Dittmer, or revmaddog1948@gmail.com or #maddogandqueenmary I'm the catalyst. God helps me to bring powerful people together, then I get out of the way. Like the Lord Jesus Christ and lost sinners. May grace explode in your life.

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If you’ve not read Peter Savodnik’s “Take” on Dodger’sPride Night it’s worth a read - to be disappointed. Disappointed, that is, until you dig-in to the comments and realize how many (tons!) of people feel the way that you and We feel, Peachy. The comments were >20: 1 in support of decency and taking Savodnik to task for rationalizing and making excuses. It was in The Free Press Substack this week and the comments gave me some hope.

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Will definitely buy a mug! Looking forward to it!

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Ah yes now that you're ever so famous, you've no time for us little people.....


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1. I want a mug

2. I am Amy Therese and therefore I think it is very significant that I share a name with one host AND can't wait for the podcast

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I most definitely need a mug.

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Don't do mugs. Do hats. They spread your word farther.

Danny Huckabee

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Why does his lyre have such a surly face? Dang.

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