I too am a fan of WB Yeats. Your story is lovely. Made me cry. Elderly people who we view as one-dimensional, cartoonish figures, can still feel the same as they did when they were in their prime. Thank you for reminding me of that fact.

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My aunt (really my first cousin once removed) is 98. She works every other week at a small private school she has worked at since she was in her 30s. She's in the alumni office, and she's the only person who knows every alum. She also makes $2000 pies for charity. https://www.tennessean.com/story/entertainment/dining/2019/10/08/93-year-old-woman-who-made-2-000-pie-webb-school/2310240001/

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Peachy, as one who spent much of his life until relatively recently writing fiction and screenplays, and luckily making something of a living at it, I can tell you it isn’t always the fun you envision. The grass, as they say, is always greener. So don’t entirely give up your job writing witty political commentary. You do it too well and the times need it, perhaps more than yet another novel about une femme solitaire.

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Thank you Roger! I'm a longtime reader of yours, appreciate that. Well, perhaps I may have to find time for both. Thanks for reading.

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I thoroughly enjoyed your story. I am happy Madeline Made her own culmination, seeing what she needed to see before the end that was planed for her. May we all do so at our own time. Also be careful what you vote for.

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Lovely. The burning “what if” of choices not made…….

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Good story, but please stay active on UnHerd, your work here is too important. Think of the children, as Nancy would say.

Lots of other writers - only one Peachy Keenan.

Any previous stories, elsewhere?

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Wow… moving, poignant, and very well told. Any short story that reveals so much of a long story is quite the achievement. Congratulations, Peachy.

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Holy shit! I knew I'd get more than bacon and eggs for my six bucks.

So well done. Thank you!

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Wow. I hope you are able to write more literature like this around your busy life. What a deeply touching story and as another reader mentioned, truly a cautionary tale. If only young people understood just how quickly youth passes perhaps they would make wiser choices. Great job.

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Looking forward to reading it! I recall a great line, not sure from where. I may be paraphrasing somewhat, but this is the line I recall "he had nostalgia for a life he never led" . I find that rather haunting.

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Wow. Well done PK

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So you wrote a dystopian romance. I wasn't aware that there were other kinds

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Loved it. Thank you 🙏

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Thank you for reminding me I need the Lord! Well written!

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So sad!!! Very awesome story ma'am!

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Nicely done, & I say that as a published author (& I still have copies of the Wormwood Review I received as payment to prove it!)! ;-)

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THAT WAS A-MA-ZING! You are such a talent!

Please get that novel(s) out! I can't wait to read!

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