Wishing you the best on your book tour. Wouldn't it would be something if Tucker launched his Twitter show with an interview of you and discussing your book?

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Next book? I just wrote a Substack about the book I can't find. How to teach my soon to be six year old what used to be called comportment. How to act like a lady. I want to prepare her to be

(1) a competent human being, i.e., workplace functional, as well as

(2) a satisfied and satisfying wife and mother.

How do my wife and I gently guide her into womanhood? Get her to be polite. Not be too clingy. Have the poise to talk easily with adults.

We have a lot of time. OTOH, my previous wife did not consider it a priority or take the time. A major reason for the divorce was that those two daughters did not learn to treat their father - or any man - with respect. Their lives were a disaster. Past tense - one just died of a "cause unknown."

I just gave a speech - posted on my Substack - repeating Schneider and Fein's wisdom from "The Rules." What I'm looking for would be the fifteen year prequel.

Will you write that book?


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So sorry. Please check out my substack I Can't Imagine, as I too lost my daughter.

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I like where you’re going here, a lot, but I respectfully break it to ya, The Rules is close, but utterly lacking virtue and full of manipulative games. Your 6 year old will inspire me to get my act together on what I teach so someone can pass her a dog eared copy of the book I’m writing by the time she’s 18 and ready to date! Peachy obviously inspires too.

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Just read your long post on culture capture. I agree with just about everything you say.

What I don't see you address is the duality of womanhood. Animal/Intellectual. Individual/society oriented. Dependent but self-sufficient. A wife has to give herself more fully to her mate than does a man. We need you to be the mother of our children; you need us for support of all kinds as those children grow up.

Let's use The Rules as a point of departure. Wikipedia has a complete list of the original 35. I don't agree with all of them, but the gist seems correct. Perhaps we can have an exchange on which ones you like, which you feel are outdated, and which you think are manipulative.


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Thanks for reading. That was actually just one exploration that I discarded from the book. There are many other essays but it was all still just process towards what I am now doing and not ready to publish. I still understand your consideration of the Rules as a point of departure but it goes way deeper than that as you seem to understand.

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'Scuse me for being so antediluvian, but I consider a girl's keeping her eye on the prize, and her legs together until the moment is right to be a virtue. No era is perfect, but the marriages of the Greatest and Silent Generations worked better than anything since.

It is not manipulation to expect the guy to take the initiative and the lady to choose which guy's signals she wants to answer. That's how it works in most human societies in history, and in fact, most animal species.

You are writing a book? You must have posted some of your thoughts on your Substack. I'll take a look and perhaps offer discreet, polite disagreement.

PS: I see you like Naomi Wolfe and Meryl Nass. I am inclined already to like you.

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I agree completely Graham!! What I am referring to in The Rules are subtle nuances that I consider games. I also know that the marriages of the Greatest and Silent generations were not without God and steadfast trust in principled living. And boy do I get your diligance and vigilance against woke decline- glad you have a daughter.

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Good to see you writing a book. This exchange has my mind going.

You did not pick up on my notion of duality. Let me expand that. Human beings are placental mammals. However, it is you ladies who have the placentas and the mammaries. We men are not rigged out too differently from turtles and snakes.

As you are reminded on a monthly basis, we have not risen beyond our animal heritage. Female human beings are subject to the same constraints as female mammals. Pretending otherwise will lead to the extinction of the species.

You can and do participate in the realms of endeavor in which men engage. However, you cannot abandon, and we men cannot replace you in those areas that are uniquely female. You give birth. You are biologically equipped to nurture the young. You are emotionally, temperamentally, genetically better suited to dealing with young children than are we men.

We have our roles. We traditionally taught boys how to be hunters and warriors. I am homeschooling my 11-year-old son. Typically, though not at all universally, I know more about Greek history, mathematics and biology than my wife. I take the lead in teaching those subjects.

Grandma and I have very different approaches to feeding the two-year-old. Grandma regards it as her female obligation. She prepares the food – and reproaches me if I don't do it exactly right – and make sure that Marianna eats it all. I, on the other hand, don't get bothered if Marianna is not hungry. I casually note that no child ever starves to death. I joke, laugh and tickle as I am feeding her. Daddies are different than mommies.

I want my daughters to have Grandma's sense of obligation to have children and to take care of them. If they treat the task of motherhood with a bit more humor it may be advantageous, but I want them to feel that it is an intrinsic part of being a woman. I want them to recognize that they will do the best job of it if they are married to a man who will take care of them. They need to accept a dependent role. The kids are dependent on them, and they in turn are dependent on their husbands. There's nothing wrong or disgraceful about that.

There are a vast number of books on the subject. I am in the current process of reviewing the third edition of Geary's "Male – Female: the Evolution of Human Sexual Differences," which I consider to be one of the best.

I hope we continue this exchange. It would be more beneficial to you if I post it on your Substack. I await your suggestion.

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I appreciate all of this very much, thank you. Yes I am in agreement on the biological realities as fixed determinants in many areas, and I also expand into the spiritual, as there is a spiritual and energetic component to the biological, and I believe that is where advances are necessary, without losing touch with these basics you just described. Please feel free to comment anywhere on my Substack! It’s a big field with a few dandelions poking through LOL.

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Good Luck Peachy! Wishing you all the best. You'll blow them away!🙏❤️🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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You're gonna do great! Just be you. That's what we love. Go get em!!

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Love the how to format ;) Can’t wait to read this wise tome with my wife! We must liberate the longhouses like the brave D day soldiers liberated Europe. https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-save-private-ryan

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I look forward to watching you with Megyn Kelly. I'm betting you two really hit it off. Best of luck on the tour!

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I can’t wait!!! This is great! You’ll crush it plus Megyn is absolutely the greatest interviewer! Have fun Peachy!!!

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“ How did this happen to a trad housewife in Southern California?”

Because your insights are, well, keen, and your writing is entertaining and tongue-in-cheek culturaly hip, with phrases like “my live unboxing.” IMHO.

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May the Force be with you.

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Darn, I coulda offered to be your sensitivity reader. Then again, I guess you would've blushed at all my cuss words.

Best of luck, hope it sells like hotcakes (might want to use that idiom in your next book, it's cutting edge).

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This child of the 80s is getting a reboot of the sensational experience of taping a radio hit off the boom box, not seeing a headshot on the album, and being allowed to stay up late enough to see the singer on Letterman because it’s summer. I’m super stoked for you!!!!! Can’t wait for your reveal! This piece is so cool and honestly incredibly informative in terms of perspective and persistence for any writer.

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The process of bringing your book to market (“Copyediting, proofreading, cover design, and collecting of the blurbs”). Thankfully, your publisher did not require the “voluntary” use of a “sensitivity reader”, as all major mainstream publishers now do! Hurray for allowing the AUTHOR to decide content, rather than some random woke purity tester.

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Just subscribed... you’re my first! And I don’t care how gorgeous you are but if you ever stop making me grin ear to ear... we’ll that’s another matter! Best wishes in all you do Peachy!

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"(For the record, I spelled Tawny’s last name without having to Google it. I don’t know if that’s sad or funny.)"

Off the record, I hadt'a ̶G̶o̶o̶g̶l̶e̶ ̶ duck duck to find out who Tawny was.

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I already know who you are, but of course, will keep it a secret until you reveal it on national media. You get to practice on my small podcast first. I'll give you a few tips. :)

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Cannot wait to receive your book!!

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