Beautiful photos. Really. As sad as it to see.

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Heartbreaking. Wonderful pictures. The burnt sign about Area Patrolled By Arson Watch and the scrap of paper were poignant.

As I watch the Senate bullshit artists grilling Cash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard, and Bobby Kennedy this morning. Spewing false and fake outrage at them while trying to sound all righteously indignant after the damage that was done to this country over the last 4 years Makes me wonder how they can even face such people like those three. In my mind I can see your pictures running as background to the hearings.

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The Bullshit artists are Newsom, Bass and the like.

They are already planning a new kind of neighborhood for that area, and are still not allowing the people to rebuild their own homes.

And they ruined the insurance these folks had by refusing to allow rate hikes caused by the risky practices they espoused.

Expensive insurance is much better than no insurance.

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Yes, them too. May they get the future they deserve.

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Bernie and the pretend Native American have both taken millions from Pharma

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Bernie Three Mansions and Fauxahontas show the world who they are.

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I cannot imagine the heartache.

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It pains my soul and breaks my heart.

We lost practically everything in Katrina and again in Ida, exactly 16 years later. We were able to go back and find a few things to rescue. By some miracle, they didn't get washed away, or buried in the mud. Katrina was 3 ft of canal/lake water, while Ida was 5 ft of swamp mud.

Although not fire, it still pretty much is the same. Lost stuff in Ida that was rescued from Katrina. Material possessions can be replaced. It's always the most sentimental items that are priceless, even if only an object.

Thank you for posting. You've taken some very beautiful photographs. But ptsd is real. Now I've got to excuse myself to go touch some grass and play in my garden.

Sending only positive healing energy, vibrations, frequencies, and prayers, along with truck loads of love, big but gentle hugs, and monolithic tons of PERSEVERANCE yall!!!

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Native plant life has evolved to find advantage in fire. Some seeds won't germinate unless heated. Grasses dry to propagate future fires, clearing competing vegetation not so well adapted.

Humans have had a long time to adapt, too. Those winds are so regular they have a name. Chaparral has been around for millions of years. Someone who makes these decisions decided to roll the dice, allocating resources elsewhere, perhaps with the best intentions but with an awful result.

The message is that being well meaning doesn't mean you are wise. This applies in many quarters of earthly life.

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The same type of mistakes were made in Lahaina.

Perhaps they want more 15 minute cities? Bass has already said they are going to rebuild with consultancy on equity and virtue signaling.

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sagely (not crankily) said. 💕 I mean what Cranky Frankie said.

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Thank you for taking and sharing those photos. I grew up in Altadena and it is so sad to see what happened to a beautiful little community.

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Very sad. I've been burned out and flooded out and it's always the same. But the loss of life was very low when you look at the devastation. So, many will be able to rebuild. Maybe not there, because of the CA government, but somewhere. Nature will grow back, more quickly than you think. Mush not depends on what the state allows and that will depend on the politicians.

Danny Huckabee

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So many tears captured there. Such an immense loss.

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This is heartbreaking.

Thank you!

I can't help but ask because I hope it is not true and this kind of thing gives me nightmares: Did your friends leave their cats behind in evacuation?

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The tree fell on the house when everyone, including their kids, were in it!

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Oh no! I'm sorry. My heart goes out to them.

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This is the government in action. Too inept to prevent or mitigate what it knows could happen at any time.

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These places were the places people had as HOME, the place they were relieved to be at after a long day, the place they slept peacefully at night; the yards children and kittens and puppies played in...


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Mrs. P, your photography skills are very good, but your writing is the best! Very sad story, though. I'm sorry you and your family (and friends/neighbors) have had to go through this.

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When will the cowards that populate Los Angeles finally RISE UP?

Gavin and Nanci and the entire army of psychotic Democrats in CA government - HAVE BEEN ATTACKING CA WITH DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS since 2016.

Politicians deserve to be strung up - not recalled.

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Definitely they should be strung up. There are a lot of commies all over America to string up.

But they don't have energy weapons and if they did they would have set Newscum's hair on fire in a fuckup. They aren't energy weapon compatible - or smart.

Nor do they need one.

The NORMAL climate is all it takes.

Don't forget the history.

WHY is everything here named in Spanish?

Because the Spanish settled the area.

WHERE are the Spanish?

Mostly they left.

WHY? Climate. Drought. They could no longer farm or support cattle.

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I notice that the street signs seem unscathed in most of the photos - except for the Arson Watch sign. Unbelieveable destruction. Looks like photos from Dresden at end of WWII. Glad your home survived and sorry for all your neighbors whose didn't.

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Heart breaking

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Many of the trees look like they'll survive. Has there been any expert commentary on that?

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Watch Peggy Hall’s video with Forensic Arborist Robert Brame. Homes turned to ash while all the plants still stand, full of leaves, is unheard of.

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Do you have a link. I looked and couldn't find anything on the fire.

As a former science teacher, I can see where plants, being almost entirely water, might survive, while buildings with dried wood might burn. There's a huge difference between the moisture content of the wood in a tree (100%) compared to the moisture content of wood in a building (about 10%).

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That’s what’s crazy, is that apparently the wetter trees burn from the inside out, as though the water is on fire. None of it makes sense from within our paradigm.

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