Praying for you, your family, and your neighbors.

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Peachy, thanks for this heartbreaking report, but I'm so glad that you and yours escaped the worst of the carnage. I'm a lifetime Angeleno, fortunately out of the danger zone(s), but I lived proximate to both Palisades and Altadena in a past life, and mourn all that has been lost. We who live in LA accept the risks (fires, mudslides, earthquakes, etc.), but the line has to be drawn when our own appallingly stupid public officials prioritize wokeness and personal aggrandizement over the boring - but essential - tasks of providing competent government.

Sadly, I think that the Progressive religion is so firmly entrenched in this state that the very people who voted these idiots into office AND lost their homes will nonetheless vote these fools in again... because, you know, Republicans are racists/misogonists/transphobes who hate trees and animals. And abortion, abortion, abortion. People get the government that they deserve.

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You last sentence is an excellent one. Joseph De Maistre, a contemporary of Lafayette, said, viewing the catastrophe of the French Revolution, "People in democracies get the governments they deserve". I have experienced both fires and floods which have greatly damaged me and mine, so I understand what those poor people are going through. But I'm afraid your observation that many will continue to vote the same way they have for decades will send all, or most of these type people into power. I'm just surprised the death toll is so low so far, viewing the breadth and depth of the destruction. A blessing.

I pray for the survivors, and for those in the W North Carolina/TN/GA mountains, 4 months after Helene who are still living in cars and tents, if they're lucky to have them, in 6 degree weather.

Danny Huckabee

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Thanks Danny! I was familiar with the phrase, but not the origin. It certainly applies here.

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We all get the government we vote for.

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I think everyone saying "you get the government you vote for" should read Mencius Moldbug and consider that, perhaps, it's not possible to have "good" government in a democracy. Not for the long term anyway.

The entire premise of democracy, esp with widespread suffrage, seems to be that 1) people know what is good for them, and 2) know how to vote for the person that will do what is good for them. Both of these assumptions are preposterous.

As example, is "abortion" good for society? Or for women? Or for families? Clearly not. Yet every blue state votes overwhelmingly in support of it.

No king would let his nation be overrun by aliens, culturally balkanized, etc. This kind of degeneracy is only possible in a democracy.

Or to say it more succinctly: how is it possible to get "the government you vote for," when literally everyone in politics is a consummate, inveterate liar?

Answer: It isn't. You do not know what you're voting for. You can't. It is not possible to know, and there are no "good" politicians that can fix this. Democracy is unworkable.

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I grew up in the San Fernando Valley, and every Fall, I’d volunteer and fight the inevitable fires. It was hard and scary work - if you haven’t seen how fast the fire moves when the wind comes up, the immense heat, the choking smoke, the you can’t comprehend the real danger.

I don’t understand how California wasn’t ready: every single year, year after year the hills burn and good fire crews, water bombers, water tankers, and volunteers with flappers and shovels are needed. A lot of people dropped the ball.

I’m deeply sorry that neighborhood is gone. It’s terrible and wrong. I will keep you in my prayers.

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It was deliberate.

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The governments of California and Los Angeles or the arsonists or both?

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The government’s neglect was deliberate. They didn’t actually ignite the fires.

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Not having enough water. 1.3 million gallons of water in the Palisades Reservoir was drained last year and no, the repair was never on a maintenance schedule. A politicians in Altadena was on X was heard saying that maybe it’s an opportunity to build apt buildings to allow more people to live there. This is the beginning of Smart Cities where one’s right are removed for the “ good of the larger community”.

Condolences to all of those who lost homes, pets, memorabilia and the joy of living in a tight knit community❤️

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It was actually 117 million gallons... that's right, One Hundred and Seventeen million gallons. Drained Feb 2024 for a one-month repair, but still empty when the fires hit in Jan 2025. Thanks California!

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Correct. I meant to say 13 million but even that was incorrect.

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117,000,000 gallon reservoir, Santa Ynez

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I'm always open to a conspiracy hypothesis provided the hypothesizer is capable of making a good if necessarily brief argument for his case. Please, in three or four sentences, tell me why you think the government would have wanted this catastrophe.

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PG&E owns the patents for DEW (look up DEW) all the utilities are globalist corporations heavily invested in by the Rothschilds and other s like BlackRock. As in the Maui fires and NC flooding, massive land grabs will result. Newsome and Bass have alluded ‘building back better,’ and that was on day 2. The WEF has an immense if full of salad speak, blueprint for ‘smart cities.’ I will pledge you that housing/event space for ‘28 Okympics will be built before one single family residence.

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Just saying Rothschild or Black Rock doesn’t mean anything. Just saying globalist corporations doesn’t mean anything. Besides, Trump and the Republican government are coming in days. Why would you do it now? Timing doesn’t make sense. It’s still against the law to burn down cities and kill people, even in California. It may have been arson. It may have been a conspiracy, but I doubt the Democrats are stupid enough to be involved. You don’t burn down the neighborhoods of your richest donors. It’s absurd. In any event, some proof is needed.

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And you don't think this country, especially, is filled with young journalists who ache for the chance to expose that sort of thing?

I advise you to read the most recent Substack installment by Chris Bray. It's specifically about the Los Angeles area fire catastrophe journalism. Bray is a solid guy, an Angelino, a MAGAite, as I gather almost all of us here are. He says the quality of area journalism about the fire has been "astounding."

No doubt you've read about the "vibe shift," and almost certainly, you've experienced it. The vibe shift is here to stay for quite some time. Several million people are enraged, and if the truth is admitted, eager to start lynching the people who let a bigger pain in the ass than usual turn into an apocalypse.

Your scenario depends on a level of public corruption which if true would dwarf anything in the history of the United States. And they could never get away with it.

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In four words:

"Stalin and the chicken."

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It sounds awful, but I don't get the reference. Please explain. ( "The death of a single chicken is a tragedy. The death of a million chickens keeps Chick - Fil - A going for a day." Is that it? Somehow, I doubt it. )

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But they may have recruited arsonists to do it. I no longer put ANYTHING past our corrupt (Dem-Marxist) leadership, both state and local.

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It’s their land. There may be no house left on it, but it’s theirs. Screw the government, they CAUSED this catastrophe, the people should kick them out.

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Exactly. Why are they blocking people from going back to their property? When it comes to handling disasters, government has proven to be corrupt and incompetent. When it comes to hassling people, government is ruthlessly efficient.

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They can’t tell who the looters are.

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Yes, the typical response from the safety is everything crowd. One shouldn’t need to show there papers to government agents to enter ones own property, ever. Period, end of story. And even if they show valid papers(a license with there address say) they are denied. These jackboots are only good at 1 thing, putting the foot on the neck of the law abiding citizen.

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They really can.

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Glad you’re safe. Sadly, all this means if LA will vote for a different democrat, not someone who will make a change. God bless.

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Important- FYI just a few days ago “Go Fund Me” charged my sister $38 to donate $200. (Go Fund Me is making a killing out of this disaster.). I suggest people who wish to donate use Zelle or some other form of money transfer. Perhaps see if “Go Send Go” is cheaper. This is the conservative fundraising company that formed when Go Fund Me held back funds donated by people to the Truckers in Canada protesting the Covid vaccine mandate and they refused to provide their service to many causes they decided were right wing. So UGH!!

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You have to make sure you turn off the “tip” it charges you. Many people don’t notice that they add it on, but you can put the tip at $0

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Thanks for the clarification. However, I understand they still assess a transaction fee paid by recipient. The fee -which may or may not be reasonable. Do you know how much they charge? My cousin (who lost her house in the Altadena wildfire) inferred a fee would be subtracted from what she recieved. She suggested I use Zelle because we use the same bank. But honestly, as I mentioned I still avoid Go Fund Me. As you can tell, I'm still soured on this group for their refusal to fund individuals, projects or causes they deem 'right wing" including the Canadian Truckers. They took this self righteous position even before Trudeau decided to make it illegal to support the Trucker protest. [Of course Trudeau went on to seize/freeze the bank accounts of Truckers and of anyone who donated to them even if they did so before it was made "illegal". It's such a relief that petty tyrant Trudeau resigned.] Go Send Go was developed as a conservative (Christian?) option who managed crowdfunding but I'm not sure of their fees. Hopefully no one is gouging these folks who have already lost about everything else.

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thanks for supporting Canadian truckers! when Castro de-banked trucker supporters I knew the game was on. Coming to a town near you if you dare question zee authorities. Do Not Comply

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"GIVE Send Go" is the name of the other fundraising company...

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Also the receivers of funds through GoFundMe and perhaps Give send go, have to pay income tax on these donated funds.

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Have been praying and will continue. Sorry for everyone affected.

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Im praying for you and your family and praying your home is spared from this. Praying for all the people that have lost everything. Im in agreement, I hope this wakes people up and they get these horrible people out of office. However this is a time for prayer and compassion, not smugness, and I hope we can all be likeminded to continue praying and doing anything we can to help the people affected by this fire.

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A new poll just came out that 40-45% of people in LA still support Bass and Newsome. Some things are beyond human comprehension.

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Who did the poll? Sometimes "interested parties," those who "have a stake" in continuing chaos in California and from its "leaders," just make these numbers up just so it LOOKS as though these reprobates have decent public support. The PPIC poll, for instance is famous for that. They hope to create public opinion, not reflect it.

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Only surprise is that the numbers are so low. It IS a disease.

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For families with school aged kids … here’s a school solution from the Covid era. Get together with others you know & create a "pod" … hire a favorite teacher (now out of work of course) & hold classes at a house where you can. I lived near one in Carmel & had the pleasure of teaching 12 year olds to make a boat "Wood Shop". I think it might have been one of the best years of their lives.

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Good grief,peachy. Hard for outsiders to comprehend, but even worse for locals I’m praying for you and yours. I Certainly hope that reality will smack the dyed in the wool SoCal leftists upside the head, but I’m not holding my breath. Were it me who had my home destroyed. I’d take whatever insurance recovery available, and move out of California. It will simply never be what it was except wildfires and Santa Ana winds will come every year. I’ve heard that some formerly residential areas will be rezoned and rebuilt commercial. Even if not, rebuilding what was lost will be costly and will take years. I would take the insurance money, move to Texas, hold onto the land & sell it to speculators later. I say this as a Floridian who repaired a condo after hurricane Ian but was spared by Helena and Milton.I like it here too much to relocate, plus the political climate is satisfactory

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So glad your home was spared.

I've been praying for all affected. I probably should leave at that. I know many voted for this, but they didn't know they were voting for THIS.

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Hey, I am sorry all of this is happening, but I hope you will finally galvanize against the Gaia-worshipping government FAILURE that is Cali. Your states management hates you like mine does here in Minny. Get to it.

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I’m heart sick for you, your family, friends and community.

Will this be enough to finally wake people up? Some, perhaps. But I suspect not most. I live in a different deep blue city and state, and the massive destruction here caused by wildfires, riots, massive subsidy of drug addiction and societal dysfunction, failure to prosecute violent criminals, runaway taxation casing flight of the productive class, failing schools…the entire dog’s breakfast of Regressive leftist death spiraling, has produced tut tutting, head shaking, and even some exits. But did any of them change their voting habits. Do any of them make the slightest connection between those habits and the resultant catastrophes? Do any of them see beyond the specific “leaders” on whom they just perhaps may place some blame to the core reasons their “liberalism” led us there? No. Not in my experience. Not one of them has Iearned a thing. At least nothing of consequence.

They’re upset if it affected them personally. Derelict motor homes parked on their street. Burned out forests on the way to their vacation home. A no go downtown that was a globallly celebrated wonder of “livability,” but now resembles Detroit. Hundreds of treasured businesses, restaurants shuttered by insane COVID tyrants. Their kids set back years by shuttered schools. Gee, such a shame. But they have no ability to understand how it came to be.

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Thank God you, your family, and your house survived. Sorry about your neighborhood and community. Sad.

Dumb, incompetent, people should not be allowed to make important, critical, decisions or manage complex urban systems.

I can’t imagine how it must feel to be retired, and see your uninsurable house burn down. So sad.

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I will pray for you and your family and your city, Peachy.

However, I will also pray that the cultural, economic and environmental devastation of this nation continues until it humbles itself, turns from its wicked ways and seeks the face of God.

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