Spot on! At this point if people won't see where the ACTUAL extremism lies, then they have to be willfully blind or on totally on board with said extremism. (With the exception being some nice old church ladies I know, but they are just hopeless cases of loyal party members who don't realize how out of synch the party they've been voting for, for over 60 years, is with their actual values. Bless their hearts!) I just saw a post by a First Things contributor, and he was lamenting the choices we have again this upcoming election. He contrasted the "devout Catholic" who seems to spit on everything people of faith hold dear with the "huckster" just using Evangelical language to sell Patriotic Bibles and himself. He lamented the "difficult decision" people of faith will have in November. Except, it's not difficult. One may offend your sensibilities from time to time but won't actively persecute you or your sincerely held beliefs, and the other will gladly do so with the full backing of all the government agencies at his disposal, and probably start WWIII in the meantime. (And if that happens, I say his voters' kids get drafted first! It's only fair.)

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Every Catholic “moderate” needs to read this piece stat. Well done!

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Uhh…pretty good one, PK. Enjoyed it. You might be well advised to check for a nondescript gray van sporting a dented fender and an unusual antenna array, parked just down the block. If you look close you’ll notice that the driver changes every eight hours or so. You are in my prayers.

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The Devil takes many forms: Obama, Biden, Democrats, RINOs for example. God will sort them out. He does not favor countries, but individuals. He has given us free thought and the ability to choose right from wrong, faith and grace or promiscuity. As a country we have faced worse times than now. We will be ok. Not because God has America’s back, but rather because he has mine, yours and that of America’s faithful. Great read. Thank You

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No truer words…I find myself every single day still trying to reconcile the amount of evil that exists in the world. This election choice seems to be as obvious as the nose on your face! Vote like your life depends on it people because it does!!!

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Donald, the lesser of the evils, is still... evil.

We are being played. Problem, reaction, solution, whereas the solution is more jabs and more Israeli control. Either one wins, we still get that control. And that jab.

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I doubt God will show them mercy as well(a big part of me hopes not as the carnage they've unleashed is unforgivable). This is a fantastic, sobering piece that all should read.

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Uh...Mrs. K... maybe he really is a classical liberal... https://lnc2024.com/president-donald-trump-at-the-libertarian-national-convention/

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The majority of the bad things we face now is the result of the covid op. Your man was ostensibly in charge when it was launched and didn’t try to stop it, turning his office over to the criminals fauci, birx etc. Before then his administration was controlled by his creepy son in law. Don’t forget all the swamp creatures he had in his administration; seriously, Rex Tilletson as sec of state? Neocon chicken hawk john Bolton? Nicky Haley? Warped speed kill shot? When the election was stolen he took the advice of fools like Rudy instead of people who actually understood what happened. Do we just want to elect the human middle finger again because he’s “against “ with no real idea how he will be different this time? Me, I’m voting for the guy who states in no uncertain terms that he’s against the shots. PK makes good points about the state of things and on most points she is spot on.

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Brava! Sadly, I think that we've all allowed the madness to go too far for too long and that only Civil War can straighten things out. The enemy, the federal government and everywhere that little tinpot democrat dictators are in office, are the enemy of the American people. While their media lickspittles call the MAGA crowd a cult, all of their thugs and henchmen and murderers (Hillary Clinton, Michael Leroy Byrd who is the personal plantation pet of Pelosi et alia) are all mindless zealots, vicious loons who will not allow the re-election of President Trump. They know that Biden is a lifelong buffoon (known for 40 years as "the dumbest guy in the senate" on both sides), a liar, hypocrite, plagiarist and now we know he's an international thief and a traitor, but they don't care. They'll vote for him despite his 5 years long obvious dementia.

Biden is far worse than just a pathological liar. The traits of a psychopath are these: Complete lack of conscience, total lack of empathy, lifelong pathological lying, smarmy superficial charm, a completely overblown delusional sense of self worth and achievements (extreme malignant narcissism), manipulation of others, shallow affect, being a con artist and living a parasitic lifestyle (lifelong politician) poor behavioral control (screaming at others, demeaning them and threatening violence), complete irresponsibility, refusing to accept or admit failures/mistakes, a history of committing many diverse crimes and delusional falsehoods about what they have done (pseudologia fantastica).

Every one of those serious character defects describe the traitor Biden, along with advanced degenerative cognitive ability. If we want our rights, our freedoms and our country back, we must be prepared to fight for it. The mindless zealots on the left are, so we had better be.

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