This sounds dreadful. I don't understand any of the movie or the reviews. I think I'm just too old and despite a lot of sorrow I've had too happy a life. I like men. I love my three sons. I love John Wayne and westerns. I've done just about everything I wanted to do, worked at a whole variety of jobs from crappy to happy. Basically I've lived. I've lived in the best country in the world, had the great, good fortune to meet amazing people; Barry Goldwater and Governor Raul Castro, (remember I'm old). I've met frauds like John McCain and Jim Kolbe. I've met wonderful women who had no interest in fame or politics but did equally important things like raise happy families or teach children (actually teach not indoctrinate).

I wouldn't be able to sit thru a movie like this. (Thank you Peachy for your courage and tenacity) I like movies that inspire, like Sound of Freedom or Gladiator or Patriot. The condition and course of our culture now is heartbreaking because it's destroying hope and decency and true joy. Disney and their creeping propaganda lost me long ago, most of Hollyweird lost me. We are fighting an uphill battle to save the real USA and I'm not sure we're going to win.

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Fourth Turnings are like this (look it up for context). You just gotta survive it then it’s back to the 1st Turning, everyone crappy is mostly dead from their own stupidity (or unfortunately, someone else’s), and you get to party like it’s 09-‘45. Don’t lose hope!

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My middle son keeps telling me that but I'm a worrier so my faith gets shaken.

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Obviously an Arizona gal👍🏻

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That's me. Three generations and my boys are fourth. It's been a great state but the Dems are dragging us down to hell.

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Mostly cheating. AZ is not a blue state. Nobidt voted for the imposters in the present administration. Katie Hobbs, gimme a break.

Rail Castro was a Democrat, but he was from another era.

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You are so right! My grandmother was depression era Dem and she helped Governor Castro get his citizenship. Such a good and decent man. And very smart. I spent a day when I was 13 stuffing envelopes for his campaign for governor. He was so kind to me. Dennis Deconcini was a good man. Barry Goldwater was flat out amazing. I worked a political dinner for him when I was 11. He had gone to Patagonia, AZ for a small parade. They put him in a buggy and hooked it to a horse that had never been driven. The horse bolted, running about a quarter mile before the buggy flipped. Senator Goldwater turned up about two hours later for the dinner in Nogales with a broken arm. In a splint. He spoke eloquently for 20 minutes or so and finished by holding his arm up for all to see and said, "well, they warned me it was a Democrat county!" Made everyone laugh. I was enchanted.

Then there was Mo Udall not so enchanting. And Katie Hobbs is an alien life form!

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Barry Goldwater was a good man, a stand up guy, a mensch. I met him once later in his life. He did a lot of stuff that you don’t expect from a politician- he bulldozed some of the land for Sky Harbor himself. He used to fly servicemen from L.A. to Phoenix when they had Christmas leave as he was an Air Force reserve officer and a pilot. He did a lot of hands on community stuff. He was a ham radio

Operator. Different time in our nation, and we haven’t changed for the better.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Sigh. If this is the best Hollywood has to offer, for my part, they can go on strike forever. Typical. Humorless humor, frills instead of chills, and facile pseudo-philosophy. The sheeple will love it.

Le déclin de l'empire américain (filmically, anyway) is complete.

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07-22-23: Darn it, you beat me to it ("if this is... strike forever"). Seriously, something happens tonight that indicates this: Assuming that this film is going to be a big financial hit will be a big mistake. I refer you to the radio shock-jock Howard Stern's movie of about 20 years ago. HUGE box office first weekend. 48 hours later, the film disappeared; everybody who would want to see the film had seen it already. I recommend, instead, Craig Ferguson's two memoirs, both of which are literate, engrossing and as fresh as the day the ink hit the pages.

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08/01/23: Well, it turned out to be exactly the opposite of what I had predicted: "After two weeks on the big screen, 'Barbie'” has generated $351.4 million in North America to stand as the fourth-biggest domestic release of the year. Globally, the Warner Bros. film has grossed $774 million and ranks as the third-largest film of 2023." Apparently, it IS possible to underestimate the stupidity of movie audiences!

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

I believe that all women should have to go to schools for many hours of history training - covering the beginning of time to now, where the history accurately depicts all of the hard work men have done to make life easier for women. All of it.

Then the women should all be forced to work at men's jobs for a week or two. Say, let them farm for a month or so using only animals to work the land. Then let them build some dwellings, skin a few buffalo, hunt for food using ancient or old weapons for the next month or so. Then off to the engine rooms of trains/ships shoveling in coal; make a few skyscrapers for them to work on with their lunch pails like men did in building NYC; send them off in replicas of the old wooden ships to find a country here and there; then they can lay a few roads here and there; fire up some old manufacturing plants where they can make cars, make some steel, make dishwashers and air conditioners; dig up some ditches to lay some plumbing pipe; and on and on.

Maybe if women had to work hard, like men do and did, they might appreciate all of that hard work instead of scorning it. Men have made life way too easy for women, and now women think they should rule everything.

I'm a woman who supported the feminist movement; now women whining about patriarchy make me want to throw up. Women would have never been able to survive to nowadays had not men protected and provided for them.

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I agree with you bbox. Also, note that feminists haven’t pushed for or gotten done having women be 50% of military combat units. They haven’t pushed for 1% representation there. Pretty hypocritical. They want the benefits but not the risks. Even today, virtually no women in combat unit. It’s hypocritical of them to say they want equality but then be silent on the truly tough work like combat units.

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Women should register for selective service at 18

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And serve in combat units and make up 50% of the combat forces. Equal recognition = equal risk.

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Additionally, not only hand them the tool to build, but have them come up with the plans and architecture to say make a railway, fabricate an engine or the pyramids for the assembly line upon which to build a model t.

There is more than Braun that men contribute which women could most likely not. I actually love women that depend upon men has providers and protectors, because men love to do that stuff. It's what they do it's their job. Additionally the job of a man is to make sure they're coming so harm to the female and that she has all the accuderman she needs to be beautiful and a great homemaker and a person that can raise a family of children who will go in the ways of the holy bible. That is a tall order for any person. And men are really unfit for that job. Men have no clue how to do that stuff well. Some men are forced to try, but generally overall they suck at it.

I am very thankful for women's talents, even just decorating the home amazes me with the nack most women have to do it.

I love real women. They are awesome individuals. And the way they dress and wear their hair is just fascinating for those that do it well.

So, a big thank you to all real women. Men would be lost without you.

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Misogyny alert. ^^^ Yes, women can be misogynists too and many are.

Women have worked PLENTY hard in this world since forever and have rarely been given adequate credit for it. Because guess who wrote the history books? You should be promoting that *everyone* learn more about the valuable and unacknowledged contributions of women in world history.

It is also long past time for everyone to acknowledge to epidemic and ongoing VIOLENCE perpetrated substantially by males against all people but, mostly women and children. Every single day, in the "evolved" 21st century, there are more reports of physical assaults, rapes, torture, murders, etc. Yet it is just looked past as if normal. Why doesn't that bother you more, bbox?

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Bbox has a total point. Sorry it’s not misogyny to point out some very obvious facts at how far off the rails this has all gone. Point out the violence? It’s all I hear about. Rare to hear about masculine virtues but they are all around us everyday and we shit on it constantly.

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Many women in Europe support the very immigration that had led to gang rapes and sexual assaults right in the streets of Germany, as well as increased rapes overall.

And in the US, they're just fine with letting criminals off easy.

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I hate to admit this but what we are witnessing is the consequences of female power and the drive to capture more of it when, clearly, things are not going well. I can’t think of a modern female leader I admire and worse they are failing on many fronts and when they do fail it’s always the patriarchy. Things are trending in the wrong direction and yet our response is to double down and keep trying harder in the same direction. Cancel culture IS quintessentially female in nature...it is the embodiment of toxic femininity to outcast and destroy reputation and livelihood. It is psychological warfare that women evolved to compete with each other for mates and resources Somewhere along the way we sailed passed the sweet spot of removing barriers that were harmful to women to punishing half the planet into perpetuity. We need to find a way back to a place where the best virtues of masculine and the best virtues of feminine are interconnected into a construct that benefits us all. What we have now is utterly dystopian.

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I completely agree.

And western culture is now focused overwhelmingly on feelings because of the advancement of women.

Well, feelings don't repair the car or the furnace, and they don't keep infrastructure in place and operating, and so on.

Anything to counterbalance the feminization of men is critical for the west's survival, IMO. Hostile countries aren't wasting their time feminizing their men.

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Scroll on down for factual information. Smh...

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Define "Plenty hard." And what "contributions?" Whatever women did was miniscule in leading up to today's ease of life. Miniscule. Men invented and built almost everything surrounding us (assuming you are in a western country).

And "more rapes" compared to when? Rape wasn't even illegal until more recently. And who made rape illegal -oh, the men did, when they passed laws.

Unfortunately, women, who tend to be more liberal than men, are fine with open borders and allowing criminals in. And they feel so sorry for criminals (both citizens and non-citizens), that they are behind the bail "reform" that lets criminals out to commit even more crimes.

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I entirely nailed it. Define 'plenty hard' and 'contributions' of women?? You have a DEEP LACK of knowledge of world history and the historical power structure. But, in some sense it's not surprising that you aren't aware...as I already stated, look who wrote the history books, controlled Govts and business.

All of the comments below the one I made above evidence the sad case with a majority of people today. That they believe the media they consume, which is often *highly* inaccurate, reflects general reality and they don't understand the media business model. Which is to feed the chosen bias the audience of any given outlet prefers and to bait that audience with often overblown and incendiary, fringe "stories". I see it in media EVERY SINGLE DAY across all channels. But, those consuming it are oblivious and they believe it represents the majority of any topic or demographic, etc. Same issue on the political Right as the political Left. We have a nation of people detached from reality and they still tune in every day to be fed more non-reality that they will believe.

The global reset agenda is being devised and directed by males. When the below numbers are REVERSED, we can talk about how women have effed things up. But, they have not been, and still aren't, anywhere close to being the majority power brokers and agenda setters.

U.S. Governors = 12% women

US. Senate = 25% women

U.S. House = 29% women

Fortune 500 CEOs = 8% women

Global Lgst 500 Company CEO's = 4.8% women

The hideous global agenda unfurling now began being designed after WWII, if not earlier. Women filled barely even a single percentage in those powerful positions listed for most of that time. You and many others do not know history nor have a real grasp on what is happening and who is driving it.

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023

What you don't get "realworld" is that regardless of the numbers, women are in control and are the decision makers in the majority of households and families. This has held true since at least 20 years ago, when polling started on "who makes the decisions in your household, the male or female?"("husband or wife" was used in the earliest polling) and the answer was that in 75% of households the women "ran things" in those first polls and I know that women have continued to be the majority decision makers in households since then. And that spills over into the work world, social and cultural world and beyond. That's why feelings are seen (and have been for a long time) as more important than logic and reason in American society now. Of course feelings are important, but they must be tempered with logic and reason, morality and virtue.

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Feminist malcontents must pretend, or lie to themselves and everyone, that "the power behind the throne" isn't real. And it's not happening. And if it is, it's not real power. And if it's real power, it's not enough, because it doesn't come with the title Senator.

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There are quite a few female malcontents and self-loathers on here; agreed. It is sad to see that as it is their easily-led thinking down paths that aren't factual. We've come a long way but, not far enough yet.

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A lack of understanding of the long ago-devised agenda being deployed prevents you from seeing the macro picture. You are looking at trees instead of seeing the forest.

Feelings? Like the unhinged feelings of the assaulters, rapists and murderers we read stories about every single day. How about the pedophiles and human traffickers? Someone needs to help temper the feelings of those dudes with "logic and reason, morality and virtue." Are you the man for the job?

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Ghislaine Maxwell

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Have you heard of Europe and powerful women there who fully support the global stuff?

Have you heard of Canada and that weirdo finance minister, Chrystia Freeland, who fully supports Trudeau and his global stuff.

Getting back to the states, have you paid any attention to dem female governors and dem female judges who are more than happy to support the global agenda?

Sure, the men like Gates, Tedros, and Hariri are much more visible, but there are plenty of women implementing what they can at all levels of government and private industry to support the global stuff. Actually, some of these women are very visible, too, so I wonder why you aren't aware of them.

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This is the second time this week I’ve read this “global agenda” BS by males. While I agree in the bifurcation of media and polarization of life, extrapolating this as a male/female phenomenon is super reductive and doesn’t begin to understand the complexities at play. You site percentages as if they are directly representative of all the power and decision making structures in society. They are not. Women do not occupy those roles at 50% for many reasons not directly associated with the patriarchy. Historical knowledge is important but also essential is a firm grasp on geopolitics and not just travelling but living outside your native country and really challenging the beliefs and silos you grew up in. Your posts read like a syllabus from a middling college’s feminism and gender studies 101 course. If the gender balance was exactly 50/50 we would be no better off. We are aiming at the wrong goals in a world devoid of meaning now. Layering gender parity over that as an end goal is foolish.

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Your post is all over the map with no linear commentary. And none of it refutes the essential point I made. Women haven't been the ones devising and forcing the macro agenda.

If you don't know what The Great Reset is, you're way behind. (Btw, it's not great, it's hideous, but that's what they call it.....the globalist creeps.)

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Why this laser-like focus on the very top 1,535 people in the country? In practical terms nobody has a shot at any of those positions whether you are a man or a woman. To get one of those jobs you need to have both family connections to the elite and a lust for power that borders on psychopathy. On the other hand, the bottom quintile of society is overwhelmingly male.

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Good God The Great Reset is so normie and mainstream........I’m hopping off here. What a waste of time.

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The marketing campaign was genius. Clean, bright colors and happy white people are a huge draw. Then the masses will go to the film and get mentally screwed over with globohomo sludge - and hey, they fell for it and they deserve it.

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very gay(happy)

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Jul 22, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

I hated the movie. It’s about woke adults destroying over 60 years of Barbie history, a doll that was from the outset represented as a girl who could be anything she wanted, and was, no matter what the herd tells you. This movie is a psychotic dip into adults taking over the domain of children for their own tarnished sexual fetishes and power fantasies…yes, to satisfy their own lusts, with no regard to the needs of children. The movie is a polished turd.

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Thanks for spoiling a rotten movie to save us from spending $20 and a few hours to see it. Barbie and Oppenheimer could go down in history as Hollywood's last summer blockbusters. I hope the strike lasts forever and that independent studies can take over. Angel, Daily Wire, and Genesius are the new Warner Bros.

Sound of Freedom and all of Mel Gibson's movie are much better alternatives to Pedowood: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-watch-the-sound-of-freedom

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PEDOsteria: Best Sound of Freedom Memes (Pissing Off the Groomers!)

- Cuties vs. Sound of Freedom, everything is QAnon, can't even agree on child trafficking being bad and more Sound of Freedom memes plus why [pedo...] members of the media hate the movie!


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Who's idea was it to make a movie about Oppenheimer, anyway? There are a couple of dozen other nuclear scientists who are far more interesting. I liked the movie about Feynman, for instance. Why not Lise Meitner, who was a woman? There was a German Jewish woman, too, though I can't recall her name right now.

Oh! I know! Oppenheimer's paramour was a communist. That's gotta be it.

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The Jewish physicist was Lise Meitner. I actually didn't forget.

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Well written and compelling essay, Peachy; even if does make me neurotic for my children’s future. The messaging condemning white males for everything and no credit for anything is overwhelming to many of them. They are not allowed to state basic facts like; biological men are far stronger and faster than biological women, that it’s sexist not to have women make up 50% of the military combat units; that Affirmative Action is racist and sexist against straight white men, etc. When these guys finally either drop out or rebel against that racism and sexism of straight white men, it’s going to be very impactful to the standard of living and security of the US.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Thank you for not poking out your eyeballs and reviewing this propaganda film. Yes white males are bad except when you need civilization, culture, cars, airplanes. Clean water, phones, air conditioning, food production, and to win wars to just name a few. Another show that features progressive madness is the Sex and the City reboot: And just like that.... if there are any historians in the future it showcases in episodic form the destruction of America (as seen through the eyes of many “Karens.”

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Women with brains value and appreciate men and all they have done for our world. Hang in there, maybe more of us will wise up!

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You are a wise man dealing with a world full of people unwilling to open their eyes.

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Or roughnecks, lumberjacks, coal miners, or a couple of dozen other filthy, physically demanding jobs. Or being the pointy end of the spear when the barbarians storm the gates.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Thanks for the review. I have zero interest in going to see the movie or any movie for that matter. I did see the Sound of Feedom and that'll probably be the last one I see while I'm alive. I just can't fathom the thought of supporting these Hollywood fascists financially.

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That's the way we don't let them win. Don't participate.

Good for you

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Yeah, I think that is the way. After the 2020 stolen election I canceled cable and stopped patronizing everyone that contributes to the problem. Of course there's the occasional Amazon order, but you do the best you can. It's hard when you live in such a woke culture because nearly everything's been infected.

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

I remember what it was like to receive my first Barbie in 1959 and what it meant to me, as well as other little girls I knew, all those years ago.

I thought the movie was a creepy, disturbing appropriation of a child’s toy for ideological purposes that has nothing to do with the doll as it was first made, or continued to be produced as toy in subsequent years.

Barbie was a doll that gave us a strong, capable, interesting, beautiful, kind accomplished and talented young woman, and continued to do so for over 60 years…until now.

Going back to 1959, Barbie was the representation of youthful beauty (and youth is beauty) and womanhood. Ken was handsome, gentlemanly, accomplished, kind, and manly, and he loved Barbie, and Barbie loved Ken in that world that was the domain of girls. That was the character of these dolls most of us grew up with. Both men and women love these dolls for those reasons. No one thought of Barbie as less, or unworthy, or believed Ken was an abusive toxic male. That took revisionist history to set us all straight!

With this movie, you are told what to think, and to forget what you cherished about these dolls. You are told that all of the history we have loved about them is wrong, dirty, toxic, and should be denied, and anyone who does not agree is falsely accused of being uniformed, stupid or a racist. That we are ignorant of what they represented. We are told this of course by people who believe that the things we loved about them should now be deconstructed and banished for even worse abuses. Especially involving children.

It’s true, These dolls, as many toys, represented an ideal, not the actual reality of the human condition, but thats what makes play important for kids, it makes goals and standards important and longed for. Not that one can become perfect, but that there is hope of an ideal, and that was what Barbie taught us in our childhood, at least that’s what I saw, and I know from talking to many, many others, that that’s what they thought as well. Plus, no one I ever knew who played with these dolls, thought they had to look like Barbie. But that she represented the feminine in a pleasing and endearing way.

Also, this movie bashes men with a hate I just can’t wrap my head around. Ken, and all the other Kens are presented as worthless, week, empty headed, and even villainous (like all men according to the mixed up creeps who made this film). The Kens are labeled toxic, and evil for just being men, and therefore must be cut down. Barbie is presented as not being able to be a real woman unless she lowers her standards to fit in with the currant trends of hedonism, and she can’t be worth anything unless she complies to some bankrupt concept of acceptance in-order to become just one of the herd in the new reality. This is followed by an even worse idea that destroys women completely, that men, after all, make better women, than women do, if they can just get the costume and makeup right.

It’s not a movie I would take a kid to. The film makers deceitfully presented it as one for the whole family in their trailers. Of course see the movie if you want to…who is going to stop you? But at least, consider leaving the kids at home.

The only good things about this movie, as far as I could tell, are the outfits, and some of the special effects, a few songs and a dance number. Otherwise it’s a sick pink nightmare made by privileged adults honking on that old ‘patriarchy’ BS while (I’ll say it again) destroying over 60 years of Barbie history…a doll that was made for little girls from the outset, who represented a girl who could be anything she wanted, and was, no matter what they say you must believe.

This movie is a psychotic dip into victimhood created by adults who are as divorced as it gets from victimhood, while they perform a hostile takeover of the domain of children for their own tarnished sexual fetishes and power fantasies…yes, to satisfy their own lusts, and fake grievances.

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I really like your thoughtful and nostalgic reply. I was a tomboy , growing up on a ranch with horses and 2000 acres to explore. My poor Barbies ended up naked headless and abandoned in the yard except for when my brother would grab one, pull the leg downward and pretend it was a machine gun. But you are so right about it being a wonderfully detailed toy that inspired all kinds of fun imagination. Barbie and her dream car, she had a horse too, could take girls on wonderful trips of imagination. This movie, like virtually everything out of Holly weird seeks to destroy real imagination and pursuing the American dream. I hope you share your memories of the fun you had with a really unique doll with the little girls in your family and help them to know that being a feminine woman is a wonderful thing and that meeting masculine, good young men is a terrific experience that can have a very happy ending.

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What a barbie doll meant to me was that it was 'mine'...all 'mine'....the only thing I could call 'mine' - being # 10 in a large family of 11. It was any doll actually....be it a tall dancing one or a small one that my sister made clothes for it...(I was about 5 when I recognized the fabric on a Christmas Eve...). I even questioned this in my confusion and the answer was: "Santa received the fabric and his elves made the clothes"....but my mean brothers did not approve of the fascination I had with 'my dolls'....they destroyed them. My four mean brothers also destroyed my beloved can-cans I used to twirl around in....found my dancing doll half buried in the grove, and the can-cans were burnt.

This is why my younger sister probably pursued sports and the mean brothers approved.

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My mean twin brother threw my Mrs. Beasley doll up into the above-ground electrical wires (as all were back in the 70s). I had to walk by her every day and just see her hanging there. Brothers could be awful.

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We should make a movie NAB about mean brothers....but I can't really talk about how mean they were in other ways...it's too terrorizing. Many movies depict how nice and protective big brothers can be....I CALL BULLSHEET......

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023

Having Barbies in the mid 60's to early 70's, when miniskirts and bikinis were all the rage, I was intimidated by Barbie's body because it was nothing like mine as I went through puberty (and I'm not talking about being overweight due to overeating). Also, I'm generally not into "pink for girls and blue for boys" narrow definitions of toys for children.

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Who gets intimidated by a doll?

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Absolutely love your writing! Guess that makes me a domestic terrorist enabler.

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Yes! Welcome!

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The left really wants to badly perpetuate this idea that there is still some "white male patriarchy" in control of things. That is so 1960. Go to any ivy league university campus and its 50%+ women and 50%+ minority. The richest big tech companies in America are run by minorities, and 50%+ of the rich priveledged workers are minorities. Medical schools, judges, wall street, etc... all 50%+ minorities and women these days. What levers of power in America are controlled by this so called "white male patriarchy" anymore??? Absolutely none. They have been beaten down out of existence.

This "white male patriarchy" is total fiction that is continued to be pushed by the woke far left because they need a "boogeyman". They need a enemy to focus on. Because what would they do everyday with themselves if they couldn't focus their energy and hate on this imaginary "white male patriarchy" that does not exist anymore?

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We're still in charge of waste management, and films like the above keep us in business.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

These days it's a bad assumption that going to a gynecologist means she has a vagina.

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Thanks for the recap. I’m the wrong demographic for this brain damage. I’d rather have my toenails pulled out with pliers by Ho Chi Minh than watch a Barbie movie. There are a few problems with the whole doll movie concept above and beyond the super sized serving of racial-sexual- critical- Neo-Commie half- baked -BS -destroy -the -West -theory regurgitation. How interesting could any movie be about a doll, any doll? I don’t care if it’s GIJoe. I doubt there’s entertainment material for any movie that is essentially two hours of toy product placement. Yeah I know - Toy Story.

But trying to turn a plastic doll into an adult solving adult problems, kinda tough. How could it be anything but cliche in whatever direction it goes? The directress and her BF look like a psychiatrist’s retirement fund all by themselves.

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Thank you for watching it for us! Great review. Looks like I was right, it is the movie Havisham would make. Maybe ruining Dickens will be Gerwig’s next project after Snow White..


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We’re so f’d.

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No, they're f'd.

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