My 6-year-old frequently declares himself to be a dinosaur…are there any clinics that can help me with that? I’m running out of raw meat to feed him. 😂

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Tell him about the vegetarian dinosaurs and insist he eat only vegetables!

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“I mean, we still insist on proof for literally every other childhood medical condition. For every other disease, your child must endure a battery of tests in order to get diagnosed.”

If only…

As nightmarish as the sex changers are, the medical practice of fabricating childhood illnesses and treating them with highly profitable, unstudied, dangerous drugs has been going on for decades. There remains no objective test for ADHD, anxiety, or depression, it’s these absurd questionnaires that read like a Cosmo quiz, and *millions* of children end up on mind altering drugs because of them. Don’t get me started ; )

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Any parent, doctor or therapist who allows, recommends or willingly participates in 'gender-affirming' surgery for any child under 16 should be arrested, tried and sentenced to jail for child abuse. This is some sick shit - and those enabling it belong behind bars. FULL STOP.

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Merrick Garland's DOJ will send a couple of nice men to your home flashing their badges if you're a medical professional and you dare to question the Kiddie Butchers.

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IF were a law student, o someone just starting i would be spending A Lot of time studying Medical Malpractice & Transgenderism. Because very soon three is going to be A Lot of lawsuits filed.

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What about growth hormones? Isn’t that a parent’s discretion? Being short is not a disease. There’s a lot of art in science.

Follow the science makes no sense because there are cultural values embedded in it that people ought to have the right to refuse.

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I have a bit of an outsiders perspective on western decline because my country seems to be 3-4 years behind the madness that occupies the zeitgeist of North America and Western Europe, if I told people of my country(which is still following the progression of western decline as the rot bleeds into these lands is just a bit delayed) about how North American hospitals are having sex therapy wards for toddlers I think it would be seen as a joke or insanity, and then when I proved it to them by showing people articles like these they would sink their eyes in horror, I know this because I showed some of my countrymen public footage of modern day California and it had a similar effect(most people here imagine 90s California because of American cinema influence in the image of the place).

I think what I’m trying to say here is, people in my country which is heavily influenced by western culture, would think these sorts of headlines would be in layman terms “batshit insanity and a clear absence of mental asylums” imagine how the more mentally and culturally grounded peoples and their states see the western world? Yeah.

Also on the issue of medical malpractice and profiteering from corruption within the medical field: doctors used to swear an oath over the religious scriptures of their faith and the flag of their nation, in my country it is still mandatory to perform the Hippocratic oath in my country and in many others it’s still common for doctors to take this oath, however in a materialistic society and culture such as the liberalism and hedonism oriented current western world and civilization oaths and other sacred promises mean very little for most people, because of the desacralization of professions and the open contempt for religion displayed by liberal democratic states, it turns out that an oath is only taken seriously if the person swearing the oath believes in the sanctity of what they are promising, and in the west nothing seems to be sacred anymore at a societal level, abortion is a clear example of this as a sort of ultimate inversion of nature: a mother who should prize and defend her child over her own life is the one who orders the killing of the infant, a doctor who’s a healer and defender of life performs the unholy act of murdering a innocent and defenseless life and it is all sanctioned by a state which should defend its people but in this act sacrifices and “eats” the youngest of its citizens for the sake of something as cheap as hedonism and material wealth, it is deeply disgusting and the same can be applied to the toddler transgender clinic we can see exemplified in this article: defenders of life and health sanctioning mental illness and mutilation, it’s all upside down.

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Mic drop.

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If there's a good God, and I believe there is, these despicable people deserve the Reckoning they will receive. History will judge them as the barbarians they are.

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Thank you - so good!

The medical specialists and associations that foster (or even don’t come out against) this crap medicine need to be identified and shamed. . . and then put in jail. Has the internet destroyed our common sense?

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Any adult that thinks a child under the age of majority knows enough to make life altering changes should be locked in a cage forever. Any adult person that makes life altering changes to a child below the age of majority should be put in prison for life. I have no mercy or sympathy for these class's of people. Any politician that votes for legislation that allows life changing alterations to children should be locked in a cage forever. I'm sorry, my bid red button gets pushed anytime I read about this stuff. There is a special place in Hell for for these people.

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100% agree with you Jimmy. The reckoning can’t come soon enough.

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This story makes me so angry. These poor children are, like you stated, doomed. The lawsuits need to start coming in droves. Money is why these insane doctors began hormone treatments and surgeries, and money is the only thing that will stop it.

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But, look what happens when a courageous medical professional dares to challenge the Gender Machine: https://x.com/realchrisrufo/status/1803144650984714361

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Unfortunately the legal establishment is mostly in cahoots with the medical establishment. There was a lot of white coat murder of the mostly "undesirables" during "covid". Check out the substack of Rebecca Charles and one called Our Amazing Grace.

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Here’s a little rule-of-thumb I like to use when dealing with those that have no ability to concrete or abstract reason:

You don’t tell children they could be born in the wrong body, because they are children, and they will believe you.

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That's from Graham Linehan I believe

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I cannot decide where to begin. My first job out of university was as the science writer for medical researchers at a famous med school. It is unimaginable how unscientific research truly is. How tainted by who funds it. Medicine was once an honorable profession but not anymore. It's all about the cash,..... from forcing covid shots to gender fraud. There is outright ignorance in this once great profession. I wouldn't trust a family doctor to be honest about prescriptions. We are basically on our own.

I would like to temper my comment by saying that emergency docs and nurses still are great and still rise to that once esteemed position of being kind and brilliant. But after that it's a;ll downhill.

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Brilliant and tragic comparison.

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OMG...I literally can't even with all this! People have lost their freaking minds!

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Excellent, pitch-perfect essay on so many levels. Should be required reading for every medical professional and child psycologist. I just subscribed.

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This is child abuse. Assault and battery. A crime. The medical system is broken and sick.

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20-30 years ago I would ask 4 yo girls if they would grow up to be a boy (my wife always told me I was cruel). Without exception, those 4 yo would look at me as if I were crazy and say "NO!"

My granddaughter is 4 now and she just reacted the same way, so I guess she's just going to be herself!

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Parents and DE-Transitioners are pushing back!


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Mental illness is essentially defined as deviance, dysfunction and distress. For weird or just perverted to get promoted to an illness one must have all three.

Remove the idea of deviance, that being that one falls outside the norm for whatever reason (hearing voices, starving oneself, entertaining the thought of pineapple on pizza, etc.), and it cannot be a mental illness. Ergo, assigned at birth - every baby is "of" alphabet soup "gender" to begin with, what we call the crazy gender nonsense is normal. Denying it is deviant.

The concept of mental illness as some sort of actual disease is itself more than a bit of a scam.

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