Mar 29, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

I have become a quick study of this trans phenomena since my biological daughter and 84 other young women lost to a biological male who placed first and third in slalom and GS respectively in state high school ski championships earlier this month in tahoe. More alarming than this fact was the general resignation of most of the girls to this injustice. They’ve been brainwashed, and though it took some doing I have demonstrated to my daughter that having a kind heart and feeling that this is complete and utter bullshit are not mutually exclusive.

Cannot recommend highly enough Megan Phelps-Ropers 7 part (so far) interview with JK Rowling called the Salem Witch Trials over at Bari Weiss Substack, Free Press. And Phelps-Ropers background is fascinating in its own right.

I just finished Douglas Murray’s book, The Madness of Crowds, which takes a deep dive into the entire woke movement history. 10 out of 5 stars.

Push back people. Don’t be afraid. I’m making as much noise as I can; lobbying my local, state and federal representatives, presenting to my school board, signatory to an amicus brief. This needs to end.

On school shootings, I am of the opinion that these killers names and identities should never be known. Burn their bodies and dump the ashes down the memory hole the same day. Zero recognition.

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Amazing, I did not hear about that race in Tahoe. Nothing will change in sports until girls themselves are able to stop it.

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Yes, the silence is deafening.


It's clear nobody is in charge of website upkeep. May be a feature, not a bug.

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I am so sorry about your daughter's experience. This insidious attack on women's sports is simply appalling. These cowardly men/boys go after women's sports because they just can't handle the competition.

I think that the women need to protest. Simply if there is biological male entered in the event, they don't start. The promoter has to figure out that they have no race. Simply teach the women, they can protest without a word. I know it sounds easy, I realize it is not. But in reality, all the women lose anyway.

Lastly, we don't see any biological women in the start gate at the FIS men's downhill at Beaver Creek now do we. Only little boys that cannot compete with the real men.

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...Yes having been in high school sports this would be devastating....

However...we MEN have been warning feminists and their female

followers they ideology would destroy them for YEARS... Feminists

has NO problem with double standards that ended various school

sports over the decade or so but now that THEY are getting crushed

you hear little comment from many men....TOUGH LUCK is the usual

response in my male circles....

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Our hearts are broken and we’re walking on eggs here in Nashville. Also, we have hero cops.

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Praying for all of you. Unimaginable horror.

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Here is a fitting quote from C.S. Lewis book 'The Abolition of Man.'

“We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” “In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise."

The Nashville police were 'Men With Chests' on Monday.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Thank you for so brilliantly summarizing the thoughts so many of us share. Like you, I’m a mom of 3 in CA and can’t believe the Trans ideology being forced down the mouths of our school-aged kids. Each night I feel it is my duty to de-program my kids. It seems I’ve succeeded in that they know it’s BS and they can’t wait to escape CA and attend college at a Conservative school in the South. The woke ideology is rotting away the brains of so many youth in this country. Thank you @Peachy for capturing this moment so well AND with your smart humor sprinkled within to keep the reader engaged! I had zero idea about the “pumped up Vans!”

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Haha, thank you Sarah! Yeah life behind the blue wall is tough for parents. Good work deprogramming them--looks like you've done a good job of that! Even here, there are still some sane people left!

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Follow the money. The billionaire Pritzker family profits from trans drugs. Name, shame, sue, and punish all doctors who do harm to children. Now they are also complicit in the harm their patients do to others, like the angels of Nashville: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

There is no such thing as "transgender".

Only gender dysphoria aka mental illness.

Stop referring to mentally ill people with ths illogical, imagined construct they've devised.

I reject the notion 100%.

I'll still hold the door for them, say "please" and "thank you" to them, give them a hand if they drop something and mention to "have a good weekend" if we speak on a Friday. But, I'll NEVER refer to a dude as "she" or vice versa.

No clothing, drug, surgery, name, pronoun or proclamation is gonna change chromosomes.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

I'd guess giving the shooter doses of testosterone had a lot to do with the outcome.

That really is insane when you think about it. Let's take psychically desperate people, probably with anger issues, add testosterone, and see what happens!

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Brilliant piece! The fact msm concentrated on pronouns of the terrorist rather than the horror of the act and victims proves we are living in a South Parkian era for sure. This is a mental health issue not a gun issue. And the fact the FBI is more concerned about parents at school board meetings versus trans terrorists for a day of vengeance is beyond terrifying.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Some of your writing is more urgent than other posts, Peachy. This one falls in the righteous anger category and I Thank You for saying it so well. Please keep them coming. You’re making a difference. I sense a change is coming, a gradual return to common sense and decency as we knew it. Gradual but gaining momentum. Substack itself is proof and those like you are driving it. I’m grateful.

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That is very generous, thank you. I like to keep things light and fun except when you can't, and shouldn't. Appreciate the kind words.

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I have to respectfully disagree with what I believe is your message here. There is no possibility of a “truce” with a group that has taken the position that your kids are fair game for extensive surgery and drugs before they can even buy a cigarette legally. And you have no say in the matter, because the group says you don’t. And if you don’t like it, they will kill you.That’s the gist of it. These are violent psychopaths who are advocating killing innocent people because they may or may not disagree with a particular policy issue. No. Not how it works. If you don’t like trans people, or Christians or left handed people for that matter, that’s your prerogative. But you don’t get to advocate for and commit murder. Nobody murdered in Nashville did anything to anybody, except show up to go to school. The Democrats are encouraging this kind of violence by funding and promoting these movements. It’s the modern day brownshirts. Silence us not murder. Disagreement is not murder. Killing people - that’s murder.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Another (very well-written IMHO) post by Peachy. I do enjoy the way you write. This might show my age, but in some ways your writing reminds me of JP O'Rourke and Erma Bombeck, mixed in with bits of, well, I'm drawing a blank right now. But it's so good, I think even my mother - from whom I inherited my love of reading - would have enjoyed it! (God rest her soul.) I think she would have loved it, even though she was a lifelong Democrat and liberal, that's how good your writing is. It transcends politics and such. Good writing is good writing, something not everyone understands or appreciates.

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Thank you! My mother got me into PJ ORourke when I was a kid, maybe that's how I got this way lol

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023

Haha, I love your style and PJ ORourke was EXACTLY who it reminded me of. He was one of my favs (may he rip) to read in Rolling Stone before they went over a cliff.

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Some girls. >sad air guitar<

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

"To stop medically castrting them, sterizing them...."


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Oops thanks! It was late sorry!

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

MD here:

So if she started identifying as transgender 2-3 months earlier, she probably started on testosterone about that time. (Autopsy blood levels, please?) All I’ve read says they start these girls on the full adult dose of testosterone from day one with no monitoring of blood levels, etc. Aggression is the main behavioral change caused by testosterone, it is massive. There is a good reason that puberty takes 5-7 years: The slow and steady progression of testosterone avoids the tipping point of uncontrolled aggression.

Secondly, over 10% of our population is on SSRIs (anti-depressants like Prozac, Paxil, Effexor). They monitor sewage runoff to measure the amount, as it is excreted unchanged in the urine, and extrapolate data to get the population statistic (the correct method). The Black-Box Warning of SSRIs is uncontrolled outbursts of violence, particularly if the dose is increased or decreased. (Autopsy drug tests, hair and blood, please?)

This combination surely is a powderkeg.

The SSRI link is perhaps the reason why the US has mass shootings (non-gang or druglord related) compared to Mexico, two countries with high gun ownership. Note when SSRIs first hit the market and when this specific type of mass shooting first started increasing. Late 1970s. Same.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Excellent essay. Something in your writing caught my attention.

We are called Far Right, but why. The original Christian America as established by our colony Charters, set forth what would be this country's accepted cultural norn or baseline. If anything, present society is FAR more to the left of our original baseline then right of it. Enter the cultural marxists who have pulled each succeeding generation further AWAY from the baseline by conditioning the children to reject the cultural norms of there Christian roots. Our mistake is that we are chasing them further to THEIR LEFT in order to accommodate THEIR rejection our beliefs. Accommodation can only lead to OUR Christian way of life.

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The last part should say: lead to the END of our Christian way of life.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Good Read. super sad. Is clear that this trans LQB movement is evil / possessed.

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