Beijing baizuo Tim. I’m sure the CCP has all kinds of unsavory kompromat on him. Let the leaks begin. The DNC is so compromised at this point they’d probably protect a pedo.

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They already have, Joe Biden.

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And his degenerate junkie son who not only seduced his brother's wife but also the woman's daughter. That's why she kicked him to the curb.

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I’m starting to see a pattern emerge.

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The CCP knows everything that goes on in China. There’s no way that somebody made 30 trips there and wasn’t extensively vetted. If Tim wasn’t saying good things about the government, they would not let him come back. I went to China twice for work, and it was very easy to know who was an apparatchik and who was a worker bee, and I’m sure there were additional apparatchiks ensconced with the worker bees. If they let you do your thing for thirty years, you’re either making them money or making them look good or both.

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Walz is the 2024 "Manchurian Candidate" - much to my chagrin, isn't it funny and tragic how life imitates art. Who would have thought when the "Manchurian Candidate" premiers decades ago that it's narrative would be reality today.

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Don’t you think Obama was the first Manchurian candidate, in terms of his mysterious history?

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Absolutely! His autobiography is mostly fictional. We still don't know who he is.

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absolutely! The MOST unvetted candidate in history.....and still retains that unique placement...we have no clue who he "is".

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Seemed apparent that Biden was completely in the CCP pocket, but maybe they need someone less demented for the next part of their plan.

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To them it is not kompromat—it is skin in the game, proof of loyalty, a pedo Ranger Tab. What would shame most normies into a self-imposed exile is worn with pride by these cultists.


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What a crock! All of it!

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They've been protecting one for decades named Joe Biden. He's one among many. Satan demands child sacrifice.

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I think the DNC would protect someone who barbecues fetuses in his backyard on Sunday.

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According to legal documents disclosed Tuesday, Sharon Bush's lawyers questioned Neil Bush closely about the deals, especially a contract with Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., a firm backed by Jiang Mianheng, the son of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, that would pay him $2 million in stock over five years.

Marshall Davis Brown, lawyer for Sharon Bush, expressed bewilderment at why Grace would want Bush and at such a high price since he knew little about the semiconductor business.

"You have absolutely no educational background in semiconductors do you?" asked Brown.

"That's correct," Bush, 48, responded in the March 4 deposition, a transcript of which was read by Reuters after the Houston Chronicle first reported on the documents.

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Probably? LOL

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Really great synopsis of this POS. And yes, the KamalaKarens will cheer him on, without knowing what's going to hit them. Really a sorry state of affairs. Thank you Peachy for this exposé. Will be sharing.

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Bush sr was the UN ambassador in 1971 when China was given a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. Bush did not recall Ambassador Lilly after Tiananmen Square! And then he sent Scowcroft to grovel in secret to Deng!! And you care about a teacher staying in China?!? And then Bush’s lackey in Congress was the Republican sponsor for PNTR with China. And then Bush jr finished negotiating China into the WTO in the aftermath of 9/11. And then Bush’s final foreign trip was to Beijing for the 2008 Olympics. The Bush family’s goal over multiple generations and multiple decades was to make China great again…MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

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All those strong, independent, free-thinking feminists, and all those totally rebellious members of The Resistance ™ will vote for whoever the Deep State power elite tell them to. Without question.

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And they’ll claim conservative women only vote as their husbands and brothers tell them to.

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I'm unclear regarding the timeline laid out in this article. If "Tim Walz personally led tour groups of kids in Communist China every year for thirty years", and if "[t]heir last trip with kids to China was in 2003", then, given that he was born in 1964, he would have had to have been nine years old when he first "led" groups of students to China. As a citizen of Minnesota, and one of those disgusted with everything about Walz's disastrous "leadership" of our state, it gives me no pleasure to point out such inconsistencies. But we do need to be very scrupulous with respect to our facts... no need to give the MSM more excuses to dismiss your reporting or to paint us as irresponsible purveyors of disinformation!

I hope (but do not expect) that these and other revelations about the maniac Harris chose to serve on her ticket, break through and impact voters in a significant way. Keep up the great work, Peachy.

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30 trips total. Official involvement with China was from 1989-2003. After that, who knows?

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I think he may have led 30 trips, but that may not meant one per year. Doesn't make his bio any better.

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He could have led the trips later, not done 30, or did 2 a year. Still inaccurate.

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The point remains, whether he did those trips one or multiple times per year, it doesn't alter who and what he is. His total record of behavior show's he is not someone who should be a governor of anything, much less a vice president of the country. We mustn't get hung up in the weed son this. The facts are coming out quickly. The demonrats need to remove him from the role he has been so anointed to ahead of their convention along with the presidential candidate who was likewise "un-democratically" anointed via coup d' etat by a party insider cabal.

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No question he is a hard-left progressive and totally unfit for the office he currently occupies (let alone anything higher).

The "30-trips he personally led" part was unclear to me. Any number of possibilities that would explain this fact exist; I just wish the article was more clear on that point.

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30 trips roughly, total, in his official involvement in China from 1989-2003. Impossible to know exactly how many trips involved kids!

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Saw that too. Facts matter.

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I’d add that he set up a “snitch line” during and after the pandemic so people could get their neighbors in trouble for the horrid crimes of mowing their lawns or driving alone w/out a mask. Not very “Minnesota Nice!”

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Peachy, great stuff as usual. All of these Tim Walz stories are REALLY getting me in the mood to watch the movie "Fargo" again, which as I'm sure you know is ALSO about creepy and questionable acts (of evil) hiding behind "Minnesota Nice."

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Hey, I grew up near Fargo and we're not all like that! But I have to say, Minnesota Nice is a myth. But the Fargo accent sure isn't!

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I know. Although I love the movie Fargo I also know it's fiction.

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Great Counternarrative précis, Peachy! Next one on Que Mala?

The woodchipper deal came from CT - one Richard Crafts.

Hey Tim! They got tampons in boys’ bathrooms in China?

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Trump thinks it’s real just like “the late, great Hannibal Lector” —- he’s batshit crazy. Trumps connection to USSR is ass kissin to Putin so he won’t release the videos of the ‘golden showers’ he received by visiting — Comrade Drumph is losing !!!!

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Remember Walz isn’t from Minnesota. He’s from western Nebraska.

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Stay tuned. I suspect Team Obama already knew what a dirtbag Walz is. I can’t help thinking that the following plan might be unfolding before our vet eyes:

1. Let Harris ascend to the candidacy

2. Give her a chance (and a push if necessary) to fuck some things up before the DNC. (Like having your ‘vetted’ VP candidate implode)

3. At the convention, replace Harris with the Obama hand picked ticket.

Call me crazy - but this idea isnt nearly as crazy as some of the shit coming out every day for the last two months. I suspect both Harris and Walz might end up in the Obama woodchipper.

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Why would Obama need to replace Harris-Walz when they are going to implement all of Obama's policies, and if they fail, Obama will deny he was responsible - it's a "Mission Impossible" cover for him.

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To have the corporate media dutifully and, dare I say, joyfully, push all of this out to the public without even blinking indicates how thorough and complete the brainwashing operation is.

Manchurian Candidate, indeed!

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Peachy, I adore you but how can you write this post and not mention that Bernie Sanders (who looks like Tim's cousin) honeymooned in the USSR? Among the libs, it is a Thing


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Looking forward to seeing the disqualifying information

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Let's hope it's not just to disqualify him.....the whole party should be disqualified.

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I taught high school for 13 years. I loved the kids. I could barely tolerate the teachers. This isn't to say there aren't good and dedicated teachers but it is wise to remember there are literally thousands of complaints and charges file annually against teachers for inappropriate sexual behavior with children. There are alot of predatory teachers. Back in the 80s I volunteered for a man running for congress. His first run as a single, middle aged white American man failed. Two years later he ran as a married man with a 22 year old adopted son. He won. A few years later it came out that the woman he married was a lesbian university professor and he was a gay man. His adopted son who I had become friends with was devastated by the political con job. This man was Congressman Jim Kolbe, his pretend wife was Sarah Dinham of the U of A. He was very close friends with the fake Vietnam hero John McCain. To my knowledge his adopted son never spoke to him again. Everyone needs to pay close attention to candidates for public office. Donald Trump has been in the public eye for decades and no one has ever made credible accusations against him. Donald Trump is Donald Trumo. Tim Walz and Kamala Harris have spent most of their careers under the radar and rewriting their personal and political histories. These people are frauds. Donald Trump is a strong, outspoken patriot, devoted to his family and this nation. America desperately needs to make the right decision this fall. The demoncraps and many Republicans have spent their careers lying to you. Donald Trump doesn't need to. He wants to save this nation for the same reason many of us do, for our children.

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Interesting. I knew Kolbe around the time he retired from Congress up until he moved away from D.C. I even went on a vacation with him and some Log Cabin guys to Lake Powell on a houseboat. He seemed like a really decent person -- by D.C. standards. I did not know any of the earlier family stuff.

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I worked in his campaign and went to his swearing in and party at the Trunk and Tusk club. Kolbe was all charm and very smooth. It was such a disappoint to find out what he did to his foster/adopted son. Sarah Dinham was a wild eyed liberal dyke who wanted access to DC. Kolbe now has a younger, Hispanic 'husband'. He's popular on local PBS which is always a warning sign. He fit right in with the establishment Republicans in DC. Fortunately he will never get elected to anything again.

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I saw the much younger husband at DC events, I think he was acquired after 2004. Kolbe definitely won't be elected again https://www.legacy.com/news/celebrity-deaths/jim-kolbe-1942-2022-longtime-u-s-representative-from-arizona/

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You could have made your point without disparaging John McCain. He was a POW.

What is wrong with you?

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John McCain was scum. Just because he was a POW doesn't make him a hero. He dumped his first wife who was in a wheel chair to chase after the much younger and extremely wealthy Cindy. I'm from Arizona and a lifelong Republican. I had the misfortune to meet nasty little creep John McCain. My grandfather, my father and my uncle all served. WW1, WW2 and Korea. I know what a hero looks like and it wasn't the unfaithful, unpleasant, lying John McCain.

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Let's see how you do after being held as a POW.

I'm voting for Trump, but come on - you're mentioning extramarital affairs and don't realize Trump's guilty of that, too? It's between him and his wife, and whatever happened in McCain's marriages was a personal issue.

Let he who has no sins cast the first stone.

Shame on you.

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The idea that someone is beyond reproach simply for serving in the military or being held as a POW is some BoomerCon nonsense. 🙄

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Shame me all you want it doesn't alter the fact that McCain was a useless RINO and a man who deserted his crippled wife. Trump doesn't pretend to be an angel but he is a patriot. I know nothing about you and you know nothing about me. All I can say is that the Republicans in Arizona who I respected had little or no use for McCain and McCain was a pathetic presidential candidate. Why do you think he is above reproach? What makes him your hero?

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At first, I was impressed that he refused to be released until his fellow POW's were also released. Later, we learned that all of his "fellow" POW's referred to him as "Songbird". THEY despised him.

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A real ‘songbird’ —- he got his teeth knocked out by the butt of a gun for not talking and could have used his father’s military position to come home. He stayed 5 years as a POW — pretty sure that constitutes a hero. Not like Drumph who had his dad lie and say he had “bone spurs” —- pathetic

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I wasn't there. That's what the other POW's said. Complain to them.

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McCain was solely responsible for Obamacare passing. He could have prevented it. What a disaster that’s been!

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What a pathetic response.

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You ever serve in the military?? Doesn’t sound like it as you recount what your relatives did. How ‘bout you mind your own damn business unless you served and keep your mouth shut—- you my friend are the punk ass bitch!

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Boy when are you registering demoncrap and voting for Kamela? And no I didn't serve. It was 1978 when I was eligible and I went to college. Had good friends who did ROTC and a brother who was a cop. Not that many served, doesn't make others untouchable. I have respect for many who did serve but not McCain or Kamala's new puppet.

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He was a punk, ask the guys he was a prisoner with in Nam.

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While that is factually true it doesn't mean that he wasn't part of the problem in DC. The establishment neocon establishment that loved sending young men of to die for literally nothing. They had even less problem killing innocent civilians in other countries either. When he had the chance to stop bad law(Obamacare) he did political grandstanding for the establishment just to obstruct Trump after years of bloviating about how bad Obamacare was. He was a fraud-how deep and far did the fraud go? Who knows.

I'm a vet and I know being one doesn't necessarily mean you are honorable or heroic.

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Interesting question is how this underperforming student got to fly jets?? I think Daddy helped him. He was a nasty, corrupt(remember the Keating five?) asshole. RIH

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Maybe drinking Horse semen was the first clue something was off with Tim? Just saying!

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Something more "WOW" than what has come out on Tampon Tim already??

THAT I've got to see!

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It should surprise no one if it turns out that Gov. Walz was selected precisely BECAUSE of these glittering resume enhancers. And this guy has the nerve to call J. D. Vance weird!

The Progressive movement within the Democrat Party thrives on oddities. It's what they do, who they are. And they need someone who will be sympathetic to whatever will be left of "the squad" after the election is over.

I implore any remaining normal Democrats or Independent refugees from that party:


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I think he’s a pedophile. PERIOD. Thank you for your research. God bless.

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Wait; 30 years of school trips ended in 2003? That’s 1973.

And Tiennamen square was 1989.

Now I deployed with that Brigade 2005-2007 and have no regard for this loser, but don’t detract from just detraction with math errors

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30 trips. Will correct.

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Incredible that these two “characters” are even being considered for the highest office in the land of the free and home of the brave; and not by just a few looney lefties.

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I'm an old white guy. I married a lady in China in 2007. (I had to leave her there to return to the U.S. & start the immigration process.) I returned to China in 2008, she was granted an immigrant visa, and we then had a honeymoon in China. Although we have since visited relatives in China several times, my wife is now, proudly, a naturalized U.S. citizen (and definitely no fan of the Democrats).

The point here is that in that period, the Big Boss was Hu Jintao, whose reign was very gentle. He is still remembered quite fondly. In the 90's however, the Big Boss was Jiang Zemin, who was a Mao-like nasty piece of work. His memory is thoroughly despised. (Think of the China depicted in the movie "Red Corner".) So if Timmy was taking batches of kids to China in the 90's, he had to have OFFICIAL approval, and from VERY high up.

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