Merry Christmas, Peachy! You are a master chef of spicy tweets.

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Merry Christmas! Get well soon!

Non-Christmas recent release recommendation: Golda. About as timely as it gets.

I'm sure you've seen all these but they don't get as much play around this time as the Christmas in Connecticut/Miracle on 34th Street standards, so you may have missed them, they are top notch Christmas movies, hope you enjoy them:

Shop Around the Corner (my favorite)

Holiday Affair

Remember the Night

It Happened on Fifth Avenue

For after Christmas, though, here's one you need to check out for your Michelangelo fix:


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Shop Around the Corner with Jimmy Stewart in his prime, is a fine movie...also, You've Got Mail more or less 'covers' that movie.

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Home Alone still makes me laugh. And in 1990, before helicopter parenting was a thing, was totally plausible. When I was around 11-12 my neighbors, 4 siblings, oldest like 12, youngest probably 6-7 stayed home alone for a week while there parents went somewhere. The 80’s where glorious.

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Tweets are brutal. Love them! But I would suggest you buy 12 Rules and leave it lying around or something like that. Or maybe tell him he's not allowed to read it and see if that does the trick. Also loved the comment under top pic with whatshisname. It was almost - almost (too long!) - worth the wait for your usual high quality writing Mrs. P!

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Merry Christmas. Loved the Crown. The writers must hate Harry as they made him look like a redheaded Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and dumber without the cracked tooth.

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What is this "Netflix" of which you speak?

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I hope you ended up liking the Wonka movie... it was a rather delightful family watch. A few of us saw it more than once. Plus, Hugh Grant as the Oompa Loompa was a bit of casting genius!

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I'm hearing "The Holdovers" is a very good movie. Also, I listen to a podcast called "Just FYI Pod" in which two Catholic authors discuss their top 20 spiritually significant films. They did a Christmas episode and "It's a Wonderful Life" was named by one and the other person discussed "The Apartment." I watch IAWL every Christmas Eve (and have tortured my children with it for years :)) but have not seen The Apartment.

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Some Christmas humor from Dr. Robert Malone's substack:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U2XdkBkTTk

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The Chosen.

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Merry Christmas & blessed New Year to you and your family!

It's a Wonderful Life is must-see viewing for Christmas! B&W, but the color version is good too.

Something you might like to check out: https://watch.actsxxix.org/therescueproject

Created, Captured, Rescued, Response.

Peace be with you!

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Merry Christmas, Peachy. The trailer for "American Fiction" makes the film look good. Maybe you should write a "black book"!

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You're very blessed.

Danny Huckabee

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Catholic movie blast from the past: Come To the Stable, written by convert and THE socialite of the 50s, Clare Boothe Luce. It dramatizes her vision for a Catholicism in America. Sadly, it didn't come true, but its immensely entertaining...and hopeful. Get well soon and Merry Christmas to you, family (and Tucker:)

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Get well and God bless!

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If you're traditionalist and Catholic, this is the site to check out: http://www.FishEaters.com -- especially the "Being Catholic" sub-section (https://www.fisheaters.com/beingcatholic.html). It's the antidote to the doings of the old guys who are still trying to make the Church groovy. You're welcome!

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